The dark-bellied girl turned her head to look at Hua Ye, just as a shooting star flew by, the eyes seemed to reflect the starlight in the sky, which was extraordinarily bright.

Seeing Hua Ye turn his head to look over, Raphael slightly raised the corners of his lips, and said silently: "The happiest thing is actually counting the stars with classmate Hua Ye."


Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

The Akita dog dared to bark at the raccoon because of the large number of people.

Alice also dared to use the title of pervert because of you.

You also dare to secretly make troubles because of your large number of people!If you change the place, you will have been slapped right now!

"Indeed." Wei Nai nodded sympathetically, "When I get home every day, I either read a book or watch TV, forgetting that I can also look at the sky and count the stars."

Wei Nai hugged Kang Na in her arms, pointed to the sky and said, "Look, Kang Na-chan, it's the Big Dipper, it looks like a spoon, and I heard that the ancient sailors used it to judge the direction."

Satania looked left and right, and quickly gave up: "I didn't see where the spoon was at all."

"With your IQ, it's not normal to see it."

Gabriel was lazily lying on the air cushion chair, like a big orange cat.

"What." Satania quit, "Don't think that you say I'm stupid, I can't hear it! This is..."

Hua Ye's poker face: "Wisdom is like foolishness, right?"

"Hmph, it's good that you know..." Satania raised her chin, triumphantly, she was not stupid, but wise and stupid, she suddenly remembered something, and said with a jolt, "By the way, let's play a game, shall we? "

Satania sat up from the shark air cushion chair: "I haven't played with the props I bought from the shopping channel."

The idiot ran over quickly, took out the backpack from the tent, and then took out a...

"Ehhh?" Wei Nai's eyes widened, she was shocked, "Satania, what is that?!"

Chapter 882 Story Solitaire

Hua Ye turned his head and saw Satania holding a... black bomb?

The bomb was about the size of a bowling ball, with a funny smiling face on the front, and a line of small words on the edge: "Life needs surprises, and explosions are art—produced with honor by the Demon World 'Bang Bang Bang' company. Any similarity is purely coincidental. The right of interpretation belongs to the company."

your sister!This thing is basically the bomb in the game "Bomber Brothers"!It's just that the 2D pixel style has become a real thing. This is not the same, but exactly the same!

"Eh, bomb?" Machiko opened her eyes wide, leaned back, and subconsciously grabbed the corner of Hua Ye's clothes, "Is it fake?"

"It's not fake!" Satania puffed up her cheeks and walked over with the bomb in her arms. "This is the prop I bought last night, screaming bomb."

The idiot handed the bomb in front of everyone: "Did you see this button? After pressing it, the bomb will explode in the next period of time..."

"So why did you buy such a dangerous item!" Wei Nai complained with black lines all over her face.

"Ann." Satania waved her hand, "There will be no danger, don't worry."

Wei Nai squinted her eyes: "I don't feel at ease at all!"

"Hmm..." Raphael folded his left leg on his right leg, holding a light novel in his hand, and he was quite interested, "This should be a tricky prop similar to a finger-biting crocodile, right?"

Alice nodded in agreement: "I've seen it, it's similar to the trick landmines on the market, but it's bigger and the workmanship seems to be much finer..."

"Of course." Satania pinched her waist with one hand and said proudly, "This is a boutique item that I only bought for [-] yen."

"This is not something to show off at all!" Wei Nai continued to complain.

Raphael pressed the book against his chin: "Does Satania want to play with this?"

"That's right, I heard it's super exciting." Silly Meow gave a thumbs up, the small canine teeth at the corner of his mouth gleamed under the light, "Everyone who has played it says it's good."

Nonsense, holding a landmine in your hand will make you nervous and exciting, right?What kind of trouble is this salesman-like line!

"I don't play." Gabriel was the first to express her attitude, "Just play."

"Forget it..." Wei Nai also shook her head, "What if there is danger?"

"How can you do this!"

Silly Meow showed a discouraged expression on his face.

"The main reason for not playing is to worry about safety." Raphael blinked, stretched out a slender finger, and smiled happily, "Why don't you let Satania try it first, let's see the effect before making a decision?"


Alice was the first to raise her hand in support.

"I want to play too." Liuhua immediately raised her hand.

Girls are naturally curious creatures. Of course they are full of curiosity about this novel toy. They only need to see it once, and they will naturally not be afraid.

"Hmm." Rafael cleared his throat and said solemnly, "Student Satania, please start your performance."

Silly Meow was dissatisfied: "Why did you use me as an experiment?"

"Because you took it out."

"I really can't help you..."

Satania puffed her cheeks and pressed the button on the top of the bomb. With a "ding", the eyes on the front of the black bomb lit up and began to flash alternately.

Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye, and whispered worriedly: "Student Hua Ye, there is no danger, right?"

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