Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

It has been confirmed just now that this is just a very ordinary magic toy, and the danger is infinitely close to zero.

Everyone looked nervously, and Machiko even held her breath. On the contrary, Satania, who was holding the bomb in her hand, was not afraid, and she proudly puffed out her chest, holding her white shirt against two particularly obvious lines The raised arc reminded Hua Ye of the soft touch when this idiot dribbled the ball into someone when he was riding a bicycle in the afternoon...

"I am His Royal Highness Satania who is destined to become the future ruler of hell. In my heart, I am fearless!"

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead.

After about ten seconds, the light in the funny smiling face's eyes suddenly froze, and it exploded with a muffled "bang".


Then I saw a small dark cloud floating out of the mine, coming over Satania's head, it turned into an air hammer, knocked down with a 'bang', and then the air hammer dissipated.

Alice asked curiously, "Satania, do you have a headache?"

"It doesn't hurt." Silly Meow shook his head, "It feels like I haven't been hurt by an attendant yet."

"There is such a black technology?" Machiko opened his eyes wide.

"It's not important." Satania waved her hand, looking forward to it, "Are you all relieved now? Let's play games quickly, shall we?"

"How should I play?"

"Hey, why don't you play like this." Raphael stretched out a finger and suggested, "Let's sit in a circle and then play story solitaire, that is, everyone says a word to continue the story. Unexpected, reasonable, how?"


The black-bellied girl's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

"You play, I'll go to the lake to see the scenery..." Gabriel wanted to save herself for a second.

"Senior Gabriel!" Taplis ran over with the banana air cushion chair in his arms, his face full of expectations for praise, "I've already moved the chair! (*^▽^*)

Gabriel sighed, covering her face with her hands.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye, don't you want to move the chair?" Rafael asked with his head tilted.

Hua Ye put away his phone, "I want to play too?"

"Of course." The black-bellied girl smiled happily and closed one eye, "The whole family must be neat and tidy."


Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

What if someone always likes to make trouble?

It's natural to be honest after a snap.

"Hey, let me start first? Tell a story that everyone knows to get familiar with." After everyone sat down, Raphael reached out to take the mine, pressed the button on the top, and raised a slender finger, " A boy sent a message to a girl, saying that he was going to confess to the person he liked, and the girl said 'Come on', and her eyes were red..."

Raphael handed the black bomb to Alice: "Okay, Alice, it's up to you to talk."

Sitting next to Raphael is naturally Alice, this little bean Ding already understood what kind of joke it was, and immediately said: "Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and a boy appeared outside the door with flowers in his hand, sending a message to the girl." I'm here, come out and open the door'."

Machiko was next to Alice, and the class monitor had obviously seen the joke, took the bomb a little nervously, pursed her lips and said, "The girl opened the door in disbelief, and she couldn't help crying with joy when she saw the boy holding flowers outside the door, 'You Did you come to see me?'"

Chapter 883

Next to Machiko is Satania, this idiot holds the prop bomb, looks up at the sky and says, "The boy smiled and said, 'I'm not looking for you, but actually looking for your brother'."

"The story suddenly became strange!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining.

Behind Silly Meow is Liuhua, and Liuhua said solemnly: "Actually, your brother and I are partners to save the world, and we are destined to be together."

Next is Gabriel.

The useless angel took the time bomb, thought for a while and said:

"The girl opened her eyes wide in surprise, raised her hand to wipe her tears, took off the wig on her head, and resumed her rough male voice, 'I knew it, you won't leave me alone.'"


Damn, the story is getting worse and worse!Not only is the foundation full, but there is also a big boss in women's clothing!

"Tap-chan, it's your turn." Gabriel passed the bomb over.

"Eh eh?"

Taplis, who was listening to the story with relish, looked blankly: "What should I say?"

Compared to Gabriel and Raphael, who are already able to race in the autumn mountains, the idiot junior is undoubtedly more pure than Xiao Baihua, and she doesn't know how to continue.

"What, what should I do?"

Taplis looked pitifully at Vinai for help.

Wei Nai was the most helpful, hesitated for a moment, and bit his ears with Taplis.

The idiot school girl nodded again and again: "Behind the two of them is a group of people carrying cameras, and a director nodded in satisfaction: 'This scene was shot well'."

Behind Taplis is Vinay.

Wei Nai had just received the bomb, and before she could speak, the bomb in her hand suddenly made a "ding" sound and exploded with a "bang", and then a cloud of mist gushed out and slowly floated over Wei Nai's head.


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