The air suddenly became quiet.

Wei Nai raised her head and saw that everyone was struggling with suffocation, and asked curiously, "Hey, what's the matter with you? Is there something on my head?"

"Senior Wei Nai, you are green." Taplis replied innocently.

"Green, green?"

Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, quickly took out her phone, turned on the mirror function, and then saw a hat floating on top of her head, and it was a green forgiveness hat.

"This, what is this thing?!" Wei Nai was stunned, she couldn't help being ashamed and angry, she bit her lower lip tightly, raised her hand and waved her head, "Why is there such a thing, shouldn't there be stinginess? Hammer?"

"It's said that the effect of the bomb reset is random."

It's a pity that waving is useless, the forgiveness hat floating on top of the head is like air, it has only shape, no substance, and it will quickly return to its original shape after waving, Wei Nai can only look at Satania: "When will this thing be able to dissipate? "

If given a choice, I would rather be hit a few more times with a small jackhammer than wear a forgiveness hat!

"I don't know." Silly Meow shook his head, "I forgot the instruction manual at home."

Hua Ye coughed lightly and said, "Don't worry, it will be gone in a few minutes."

This forgiveness hat is just a simple application of magic, and when the magic power inside is exhausted, it will naturally disappear.


Wei Nai didn't say anything, but gave Hua Ye a hard look with a pretty face.

Hey, the forgiveness cap came out of the bomb, so if you stare at it, you must stare at it, why are you staring at me again!

"Vinette, hurry up." Satania urged, "It's your turn to continue."

Wei Nai had no choice but to wear the forgiveness hat, restart the prop bomb, and start the next story again.

"It was a very cold night. A taxi driver who drove late at night pulled a woman in a white dress near the funeral home. After the woman reported her destination, she never spoke again. The taxi was extremely quiet. , It wasn't until the driver glanced at the rearview mirror that he realized that there was no woman in the rearview mirror."

Next is Kangna's turn. Although this blue-eyed young dragon is pitiful, weak and helpless, she is very curious. I didn't plan to take her to play with her at first, but under the "stare of the evil dragon", Wei Nai has no power to resist defeated.

Just listen to the blue-eyed baby dragon say softly, "The driver was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped, thinking he had encountered a female ghost?"

"Yes." Wei Nai took the opportunity to pinch her face.

"Don't pinch your face."

So the bomb passed to Hua Ye.

Holding the ticking time bomb in his hand, Hua Ye casually said:

"The driver was very nervous. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and was about to get out of the car to check. Suddenly, he saw in the rearview mirror that the woman reappeared in the back seat, but her face was covered with blood."

"Well, it's my turn again." Raphael took the bomb with a happy smile, "The driver was so scared that he almost jumped out of the car and ran away, but the door was locked and he couldn't open it. At this time, a pale hand Stretching over from behind, the woman whispered, 'Master, next time don't make a sudden stop when I'm tying my shoelaces'."

Alice blinked her eyes, the story can only be played freely at this point, but the girl with twin ponytails is a little quick-witted: "'Scared me to death, since you are not a female ghost, then...' The driver heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. With a sinister smile, he took out a dagger from his pocket, ' rob'."

Hey, a horror story has turned into a crime movie in an instant!

Machiko took the bomb nervously, hesitated for a moment, and then stammered: "Female, female took out the handcuffs from her pocket, 'I really caught you today'..."

Are emotional women still plainclothes policemen?It's dangerous to ride the night train alone, okay?

Machiko was about to continue spreading the fire, but the indeterminate bomb in his hand suddenly made a "ding--" sound, and then exploded again.


The black long straight girl was so frightened that she almost threw the bomb.


Another forgiveness hat appeared on top of Machiko's head.

"Wow, another green hat!" Taplis said without restraint.

"Eh eh?"

Machiko glanced at Hua Ye, blushed and lowered her head.

A group of girls looked at the forgiveness hat, and then looked at Hua Ye.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help but said, "It should be the problem with the bomb!"

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, "It's not your fault, why are you so anxious to explain?"


"Okay, we'll talk about this later." Rafael changed the subject with a smile, ""Squad leader, let's start a new story. "

Machiko responded aggrievedly, thought for a while and said:

"One day, Garfield got lost while going out to play, and was sent to a pet store."

"It's so slow, it's finally my turn again." Satania reached out to take the time bomb, and said very positively, "One morning after a long time, Garfield found the owner walked into the pet shop. The owner saw Garfield, I am very happy to buy Garfield back."

Holding the bomb, Liuhua swayed the fur on her head, and said solemnly: "Garfield is actually a talking cat, but he never asked the owner why he went to the pet store that morning."

Deep love does not last long, and wisdom will hurt. It is good to know many things in your heart, but don't say them out.

Behind Liuhua is Gabriel, this useless angel resting his chin in one hand and holding the phone in the other, and said weakly: "Garfield doesn't ask, so I will never know, the owner has searched for pets in most of the city. shop……"

Wei Nai's eyes lit up: "Xiao Jia is so powerful?"

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