Compared with the ending of "Huiji must be hurt", this continuation is more full of tenderness and tenderness.

"I haven't finished yet." The useless angel suddenly showed a smug smile like a little fox, "In the end, I still haven't bought a new pet that I want."


"You're too much."

A row of black lines fell from the top of Wei Nai's head, and she was about to complain when the bomb in Gabriel's hand suddenly dinged, and then...

Then another green forgiveness hat appears.

Hua Ye was speechless immediately, the various punishments agreed, why is it a forgiveness hat again!This is the rhythm of playing the Forgive Hat Battle!

The crippled angel gave Hua Ye a look of 'you're dead', then restarted the ticking time bomb, and said hesitantly, "There's a new it is."

"One day, Mr. Wolf found a wounded little rabbit in the wild, and then brought the little rabbit home."

Taplis became the fire transmitter again. The junior girl looked left and then again, hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "Mr. Wolf helped the little rabbit carefully bandage the wound, and prepared a lot of carrots for the little rabbit?"


Satania spoke suddenly, startling the idiot junior.

The idiot pinched his waist with one hand, pointed to Taplis with the other, and said triumphantly: "Rabbits don't like carrots, because they will have diarrhea!"

"But that's what it says in the books..." The idiot school girl felt aggrieved.

"It's okay, I didn't know that little rabbits didn't like carrots at first."

Taplis burst into tears: "Thank you, Senior Vinay."

Wei Nai took the bomb and continued the story: "Under Mr. Wolf's careful care, the little rabbit's injuries are all healed. In order to repay the gratitude, the little rabbit has managed the housework in an orderly manner."

After speaking, she found that the bomb in her hand hadn't exploded, and Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise maybe there would be another forgiveness hat.

Next is Kang Na, this blue-eyed young dragon will naturally not be afraid of a magic toy, holding the bomb in his arms with both hands, gently swinging his legs, and softly said: "Tonight, Mr. Bunny bought a new red turban, little bunny put it on and said happily 'Are you finally going to marry me'?"


Is this the fairy tale version of 'I picked up a wife on the side of the road and came home'!

"By the way, I remember that Kang Na-chan will be nine years old next year, right?" Alice blinked and looked at Hua Ye, "I heard that girls in Iran can get married at the age of nine..."

Your sister, this is fake news, okay?A nine-year-old girl is simply an immature girl, not even a girl, how can she get married!

The ticking time bomb reached Hua Ye again.

A group of girls came together to see how Hua Ye was going to respond to the 'marriage proposal' of an eight-year-old girl.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"Mr. Wolf took out a knife and fork from his pocket, 'It's just a reserve of food, I'll eat you tonight'..."

Chapter 884

"It's too much."

"Aww! Bite you!"

"The facial paralyzed pervert is too cruel."

"Believe it or not, I want to eat up the little rabbit who likes you heartlessly and kick you?"


Hua Ye's continuation of "Dark Fairy Tale" was immediately condemned by the girls unanimously. Even Machiko, who was rarely angry, puffed up her cheeks slightly to express her dissatisfaction.

Hua Ye's poker face: "I demand fair treatment."

It's fine for that useless angel to do things just now, why should I be despised by all kinds of people when it's my turn!Talk about equality between men and women!

"There is no fair treatment in the world of grown-ups." Alice stuck out the tip of her tongue at Hua Ye. This short bean likes to argue with Hua Ye by virtue of the number of people. "It seems that only elementary school students do multiple-choice questions. Adults want it all."

"Are you skinny again?" Hua Ye half-closed his eyes.

"A little bit."

Alice made a grimace, and hurriedly hid behind Raphael.

"Okay, okay, it's my turn."

Rafael put the time bomb on his lap, stretched out a light white jade finger and shook it slightly: "The little rabbit was stunned, and silently lowered his head, tears quickly blurred his eyes, until a gentle voice sounded next to his ear , "Stupid, look up, I'll show you a magic trick. "

"Little White Rabbit raised his head, and was surprised to see that the knife and fork in Mr. Wolf's hand turned into a ring..."

Before she finished speaking, the ticking bomb on the black-bellied girl's leg detonated again.


A cloud of smoke rose up and turned into a steam hammer in mid-air, knocking down with a 'bang' sound.

This black-bellied girl subconsciously raised her hand to touch her head. The pain is naturally not painful, but others are forgiven hats. When it comes to her, she becomes a steam hammer again...

Rafael's eyes turned, and he glanced at Hua Ye: "Mr. Facial Paralysis, what did you do?"


Hua Ye looked away.

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