"Hmm..." Raphael's cheeks puffed up, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts, "Student Hua Ye knows to bully me, and he has already kissed me."

Hua Ye's poker face: "I didn't say I would leave after one kiss."

"It's too much..."

Raphael puffed her cheeks, stepped forward with aggrievedness, and kissed Hua Ye's lips again.

"Is this all right?"

Hua Ye shook his head again: "It's not enough, kiss again."

"The pervert is too greedy!?"

Chapter 887 H is not allowed!

One kiss was not enough to kiss again, many times back and forth, until the phone rang again, Hua Ye finally let the black-bellied girl go.

"Mr. Pervert went too far today!"

Rafael's pretty face was flushed, and her cheeks were puffed up: "Two or three kisses are not enough, but you let me kiss so many times...I'm not happy, you will lose me like this!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "If you don't want to leave, keep kissing."

"Ah! Bite you!"

Rafael bared his teeth and claws to make a vicious look, and after finishing his mischief, he turned and ran away.

Hua Ye sat for a while, when the phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the call from Dragon Lady Elma.

"Xiao Ye, good evening!" A voice full of anticipation rang in his ears.

"good evening."

Hua Ye used his toes to figure out what this dragon lady was expecting.

There was the sound of swinging high heels on the other end of the phone, as well as the rustling of clothes being undressed. Elma did not shy away from it, and said cheerfully, "I'm so tired. I just finished working overtime, and I can rest tomorrow!"

Take a rest when you rest, whether you sleep late or go shopping, don't think I will take the initiative to ask you to come and have a meal!

As for work issues, you don't have to be so serious at all!

A rookie who can't even start the machine, how did you get into the company through the interview, don't you have any idea in your mind?

So you only need to show up in the company every day, and you can increase the work enthusiasm of all male programmers to [-]%!This is the real intention of recruiting you in the first place!

"Is Xiaoye free tomorrow?"

Elma was not a careless dragon lady, but in front of delicious food, her desire to eat food has overcome her reserve. This dragon lady is full of expectations and said: "I have already paid my salary, it is a full [-] yen, little girl Ye tell me what ingredients you want tomorrow, and all the expenses this time will be covered by me, big man, cute big tits!"

It is common for programmers to work overtime, and the work content is more professional, so the income is naturally higher, with an average monthly salary of more than [-] yen. Otherwise, cousin Kobayashi would not be able to rent a penthouse apartment for Kangna to go to school and raise a Only the dragon maid, but Elma is a newcomer, so the salary is so low.

"Mapo Tofu, Braised Pork Ribs, Shrimp Tempura, Tonkatsu, Teriyaki Chicken, Ginger Pork..."

Hua Ye hadn't spoken yet, but Elma, the dragon lady on the other end of the phone, had already started talking on her own, and she could vaguely hear the sound of swallowing her saliva.

"You wait first." Hua Ye interrupted.

"Yeah, Xiaoye just follow orders."

Hua Ye said, "I'm not free tomorrow."


The air was suddenly silent.

Although the clairvoyance is not turned on, it is completely possible to imagine the sluggish appearance of Elma Petrochemical in place.

"Why, why..."

After a while, there was an aggrieved and disappointed voice: "Isn't it bothering you every day...Could it be that Xiaoye hates me so much?"

"I don't hate it." Hua Ye said honestly, although this dragon lady is a real foodie, she doesn't eat for free and order her around, and she doesn't make people feel uncomfortable when she behaves.

Of course, there are not many good feelings, at most, they are above ordinary passers-by, and they have not yet reached the standard of friends.

Hua Ye explained: "I'm camping outside, and I don't know when I'll be back tomorrow, so I'm not free."

"Hey, are you camping outside?"

Elma on the other end of the phone let out a long sigh of relief, and her voice became cheerful again: "I thought Xiao Ye didn't welcome me anymore!"

Hey, you're a little bit self-aware, okay? I've never welcomed you. It was you who had the cheek to come here to eat and drink!

"I'm not sure when I'll be back tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow, right? After all, you still have to go to school on Monday..." Elma Long Niang thought for a while, "Then I'll go to your house for dinner? It doesn't matter if it's late, I'm not afraid of danger when I go home alone!"

Of course you are not afraid of danger anymore, any gangster with no eyesight who wants to rob you will be poked to death with a finger!

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"You can go to Kobayashi's to eat, Thor's cooking skills are not bad."

"Don't go, don't go."

Who knows that Elma shook her head decisively and refused, and said with some grievances: "When I went to Xiaolin to check the bug yesterday, Thor grinned at me and said that if I disturbed the two-person space between her and Xiaolin, I would kill me." Sending you nude photos of..."


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