Hua Ye immediately vomited blood.

Hey, what the hell is a nude photo?

How on earth did you get such a charge into Thor's hands!Fortunately, Thor is a dragon lady. If he was a man, he might ask you to open a room once a week, and then you pay for the room fee, and you also pay for the small umbrella. After finishing, he would reach out and ask you for pocket money !

The other end of the phone hesitated for a moment before Elma's tangled voice sounded again: "Actually, I don't need to go back at night..."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

What the hell is not going back?

That's all for nothing, don't you still want to occupy the magpie's nest!

"I read the manga "The Story of a Big Sister Who Wants to Raise a High School Boy" twice this week, and I found that it is very similar to our current situation..." Elma said solemnly, "Now that I have money, I can I will take care of you."

Don't feel ashamed, but proudly say that you are supporting a male high school student, your skin is not bad!

"It's just the kind of support in the comics!"

Speaking of this, Elma spoke faster, seeming a little shy: "It's not the kind of nurturing in reality... Anyway, anyway, H is not allowed!"

I didn't plan to do H things to you, I'm not interested in your breast volume that can make buttons fall off when you stretch, and your slender legs, fleshy figure, and bathtub washing back Grandma, I'm not interested in any of these!

Elma continued: "Then you can't force me to play for you!"

Your sister, do you know that the memory of netizens is only three days old, and the rich woman's fun is already out of date, so don't bring it up and continue talking!

"Well, if Xiaoye can't help it, I can lend you the stockings..."

When Elma said this, her voice was obviously a little tangled. Obviously, after a difficult inner struggle, the foodie's desire for delicious food finally defeated her shame, "..."

The promised Dragon Clan is full of majesty!For the sake of food, even the original stockings that you have worn can be borrowed!You don't know what terrible things a male high school student with high hormones will do to the stockings of the neighbor's big sister!

Well, not necessarily.

The silk stockings I stole and the stockings offered by others, I always feel that the latter will be boring.

"No need at all." Hua Ye sighed, "I'll let you know when I go back tomorrow."

"Yeah, let's make an appointment like this!" Alma cheered, "I will wait at the door until Xiaoye returns!"

"You are enough."

You are neither a little daughter-in-law who guards the empty boudoir alone, nor a husband-wife stone by the river. With this enthusiasm, you should go to work hard and recharge yourself!

Chapter 888 Threesome

After making the phone call, Hua Ye put away his phone, bought a bottle of green tea, and walked back to the bathtub.

Not long after, the curtain of the female soup was suddenly lifted, and a petite girl with wet hair came out. It turned out to be Gabriel, the crippled angel.

"Give me a sip of the drink." Seeing Hua Ye, the useless angel stretched out his little hand, "I'm going to die of thirst."

Hua Ye handed over the green tea: "Why are you the first to come out?"

Gabriel took the drink, and didn't dislike Hua Ye for drinking it. "Ton Ton Ton" drank a couple of sips, then wiped his mouth: "It's too hot inside, why don't I come out and blow some wind?"

You are enough, usually you don't leave the gate without leaving the second door, and you have to be urged repeatedly to do anything, but now you are the first to come out, it must not be the reason for the wind!

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Manual breast augmentation, do you understand?"

Although this useless angel does not regard "poor breasts" as an obsession like Igarashi, it is an indisputable fact that her breasts are small. When she took a bath, she found that she had the smallest breasts among all the people. It is inevitable that you will care, right?

In this era when good looks dominate, there is no celebrity with poor breasts who doesn't care about the size of their breasts.

"If you miss, just say it!"

Gabriel raised her eyebrows, her murderous aura surged, and she pinched her fingers crackling.

"Why don't you dry your hair before you come out?" Hua Ye reached out and touched Gabriel's hair, "The temperature is a little low now, you might catch a cold like this."

"Hundan! Don't touch me!"

Hearing what Hua Ye said, Gabriel, who had just walked out of the female soup, realized that the temperature at night was a little low. A gust of cold wind blew by, and she couldn't help but hugged her arms and shivered.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your hand, and I'll warm you up."

"Tch, I haven't had a cold for so long." Gabriel replied with curled lips.

"I heard that girls who go to bed without drying their hair can easily develop facial paralysis." Hua Ye said solemnly, "It's not an adjective, it's the kind of facial paralysis with crooked mouth, eyes slanting, and drooling..."

"Hey, you are too much!"

The crippled angel swung its fist, and Hua Ye grabbed the small fist in his hand, struggled for a while, and then let Hua Ye lead him.

"When taking a bath before, everyone took it separately, so it will take a while for Lafite and the others to come out..." Gabriel thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go to the Internet cafe to play a game of chicken?"

You, a rookie who often lands in boxes, why not play stand-alone plumber, if you don’t take you to play, you are still swimming in the fish egg game now!

It just so happened that there was an Internet cafe not far from the bathing pool. Gabriel pulled Hua Ye and was about to go there when the curtain of the female soup was lifted again, and another blond girl came out.

"Senior Gabriel, senior!"

The idiot junior greeted her energetically, and suddenly saw the two holding hands, she couldn't help opening her eyes, and asked cutely, "Hey, senior sister Gabriel, what are you and senior doing? "

Gabriel, who was caught by someone, blushed for a moment, let go of Hua Ye's hand pretending to be casual, and then said in a serious manner: "It's nothing, I was a little dizzy just now, just ask him to help treat it, just like coming in the morning At that time, this guy treated the squad leader like Liuhua."


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