Fortunately, this useless angel has a thick skin, and he has played games like "Slave Girl Sylvie" and "Cat Cafe". damage, then the damage to Gabriel is only a thousand points, and it won't be too frightened to deform.

Gabriel quickly reached out to turn off the video of the goblins fighting: "Taplis, are you alright?"


Taplis didn't speak, but just hugged his knees with his hands, staring blankly ahead, his pupils lost focus.

"Don't worry, it's just an accident." Gabriel comforted.

It's a pity that such consolation has no effect, the idiot school girl still has a dazed look in her eyes, looking like she might break down at any moment.

"How to do?"

Gabriel raised her small face and asked Hua Ye for help with her eyes.

Hua Ye walked into the Internet cafe cubicle, closed the door casually, and said, "How about fighting poison with poison?"

"Get lost!" Gabriel gritted her teeth angrily, "I'm telling you something serious!"

So what's wrong with this approach?

As the saying goes, "If you don't have a code in your heart, you will naturally be high-definition." You only need to watch a few more movies, and after successfully becoming a female driver, there will be no problems at all!

Hua Ye handed a strawberry ice cream to Taplis: "Eat the ice cream."

The sweet aroma of the cream awakened Taplis, the girl sniffled, raised her head with tears in her eyes, and muttered to herself, "I, I don't want to eat..."



"You should eat more when you are unhappy." Hua Ye stuffed the ice cream into Taplis's hand, "Sweets can prompt the brain to produce pleasant substances, so that you can forget the unhappy things."

"But, but I have become depraved after watching such obscene things..."

If this is considered depraved, then there are no pure people in the world anymore!

Hua Ye pointed at Jia Baili: "Xiao Jia also read it, isn't there nothing wrong?"

"Who said it's okay? It's disgusting and hot eyes, okay!"

Gabriel glared at Hua Ye ferociously, and then comforted Taplis and said, "Yes, I read it just now, and it's not as serious as you imagined... the sex industry in the world is legalized, bookstores Li is still selling li/fan openly, and when you come to school next year, you will naturally get used to it."


After some relief, although Taplis couldn't calm down for a while, at least he didn't look like he was about to break down.

"Senior, you can play computer, I won't play."

Taplis held the ice cream in both hands, and moved his butt out of the way a little. Obviously, the psychological shadow will not dissipate in a short while.


Hua Ye responded and sat beside Taplis.

The cubicle of the Internet cafe was small, and after Hua Ye sat down, the space suddenly became crowded, and he could clearly smell the aroma of the lime shampoo on Taplis.

Hua Ye looked at the remaining time, and instead of choosing to play the game, he found a collection of interesting short videos and watched them with Taplis.

The idiot junior was still listless at first, but after a while, she finally stopped evasive and opened her eyes wide to watch the video.

"Wow, this ball player is amazing! ⊙▽⊙" Taplis showed a shocked expression, "Could it be magic?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "It's not magic, it's magic."

Two bowls and three balls can be said to be one of the most classic magic tricks. The stick is just a prop to divert people's attention. The real mystery is that when he touches the bowl with his hand, he will always hold the ball in his palm.

"Will the senior do it too?"


I always feel that I can learn a few magic tricks, and then trick this school girl into signing a series of unequal treaties!

"The senior is amazing!"


These short videos were specially edited by others, and most of them were quite interesting, which opened Taplis's eyes and almost turned them into [-] whys.

Seeing a hippopotamus open its mouth, revealing its pink mouth and taking a bite of a watermelon, Taplis exclaimed: "The hippopotamus' mouth is so big, it looks so docile."

Hippopotamus is not a docile animal, it is a well-known sufferer of road rage and rage, the animal that kills the most on the African continent, okay?

While speaking, the idiot junior girl's arm accidentally touched Hua Ye's arm, and she screamed "Ah", she hurriedly dodged like an electric shock, her body was tilted to the side like a tumbler, for fear of being caught by Hua Ye. Torture astride.

Hey, what's wrong with your timid expression of being snatched into the bridal chamber by bullies!It's just a touch of the arm, what's there to be shy about!Do you know that during the rush hours of commuting on the Tokyo Tramway, the crew even needs to push people in from the outside, and the inside is basically all-round "intimate contact"? If everyone is as shy as you, wouldn't you be ashamed to death? A car full of people!

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Tapless quickly apologized, "Accidentally got the ice cream in the hands of the senior."

Hua Ye glanced at the ice cream in his hand, shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Although the Internet cafe provided free ice cream and soft drinks, it did not provide toilet paper. Hua Ye got up to wash his hands, but Taplis hurriedly followed.


"I'm going to wash my hands too." The idiot school girl felt aggrieved, "The palms of my hands are sweaty, so uncomfortable..."

Chapter 891 The world is too scary

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