Walking out of the compartment, the air suddenly became quiet.

The doors of the 'pigeon cages' were closed tightly, and there was hardly any movement, let alone loud noises.

Probably feeling that the environment was a bit oppressive and gloomy, Taplis pinched the hem of his clothes with his fingers, and followed Hua Ye with nervous steps, looking like a young daughter-in-law who had just passed the door.

When he was about to go to the bathroom, Hua Ye's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What happened to the senior?"

"It's nothing." Hua Ye shook his head, "Cover your ears."

"Hey, why do you cover your ears?" The idiot school girl blinked her eyes, and tilted her head curiously, "There seems to be some strange breathing sound in front..."

In a quiet environment, people's hearing will be amplified, and Taplis focused, and soon heard the suppressed panting sound coming from the front.

As soon as the words fell, Taplis suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his pale little face suddenly flushed red.

"Odd, strange sound?"

"Senior asked me to cover my ears again?"

A terrifying thought flooded into my mind: "Could it be that someone is doing that kind of thing in an Internet cafe?!"

Taplisten's whole body was not well.

I thought that the "horrible nightmare" I saw on the computer was far away from me, but I didn't expect it to happen to me!

"How can you do such a terrible thing in this kind of place..."

Taplis muttered to himself, seeing another sign of going berserk.

"Don't make trouble."

Hua Ye reached out and landed on the top of the idiot junior girl, using the skill 'Touch the head to kill'.


"Successful appeasement."

"Senior, let's go back, shall we go back?" The idiot junior woke up, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her ears, her mouth became wavy with grievance.

"You don't wash your hands anymore?"

Taplis looked at his sweaty hands and hesitated a little, but his fear quickly took over: "I won't wash it..."

What's there to be afraid of, if one day you see someone grassing an earthquake in the park, wouldn't you lose consciousness due to the terrible visual impact, and then be taken advantage of by others!

Hua Ye sighed: "Turn around."


The idiot junior raised her face in a daze, then turned around obediently.

Hua Ye stretched out his hands and covered Taplis's ears. Sound is transmitted by media, such as air, water, and the human body, so just covering his ears with his hands can't really isolate the sound, but Hua Ye With Ye's help, there will be no problem.

In order to prevent the school girl from running wild at every turn, Hua Ye decided to carry out a step-by-step attack with poison.

Start by walking down the hallway to the restroom.

"Learn, senior?!"

Taplis shivered like a little rabbit, and asked nervously, shyly and anxiously.

"Didn't you hear the sound just now?"

"It seems to be..."

"Then keep going." Hua Ye instructed.


Taplis tried, but he couldn't hear the strange sound just now, so he breathed a sigh of relief and walked forward slowly.

But before he reached the bathroom, a hand suddenly stretched out from above the door of a cubicle!

The compartments of these Internet cafes are all uncapped, otherwise such a small space will really become a coffin. The hand that suddenly stretched out now is painted with red manicure, the joints are slightly white, and it seems to be convulsing. A few traces were scratched on the door panel... I can figure out with my toes, what is going on inside!

"Ah meow!"

Taprist, who had been calm just now, was terrified immediately: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Hey, don't be like a child who is not used to living in a relative's house and is crying to go home!You are an angel anyway, give me some face!

Hua Ye sighed, and had no choice but to turn around and walk back. It seemed that the actual combat observation was still too far away, so he could only ask Taplis to read more books, and then proceed slowly.

Go back to the compartment.

"Hey, didn't you go to the bathroom to wash your hands, and you came back so soon?"

After being reckless for more than ten minutes, Gabriel was still beaten to death with a frying pan. She had already taken off her earphones, resting her chin with one hand, and flipping through the webpage with the other hand. It seemed that she was not going to open it again. It's a round.

"Wait, why is Taplis crying again?" The crippled angel raised its brows and looked at Hua Ye fiercely, "Are you bullying Taplis again?"

"Senior didn't bully me." Taplis shook his head pitifully, "Yes, yes..."

"What is it?"

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