Kang Na said: "Sata Meow gave it to me before."


Your housekeeper is incompetent. If you had confiscated Satania's shopping bag at that time, this kind of thing would not have happened!

"Wine, liqueur chocolate?"

Wei Nai blinked her eyes, an intoxicating blush had already appeared on her face, obviously under the influence of alcohol, her words became soft and cute, "I, I and Kanna are going back..."

"Wait a minute." Hua Ye said suddenly, "There are shooting stars."


Wei Nai looked up at the transparent top above the tent, with a cute expression on her face: "Where is it? You, you lied..."

Hua Ye said, "Let's watch the shooting stars before leaving."

After speaking, he reached out and hugged Wei Nai to his side.

"No..." Wei Nai struggled a bit, blushing and shook her head, "Kang Na is still here."

Hey, hey, it's just watching shooting stars together, what do you think you are going to do!

Hua Ye said, "It's just watching the shooting stars."

"Then, that's fine..."

It seems that under the influence of alcohol, Wei Nai's IQ will drop off a cliff, otherwise it would not be so easy for Hua Ye to hug and watch shooting stars together.

Kang Na looked up at Hua Ye and Wei Nai with her small face, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but the baby's fat face seemed to swell.

There was silence in the tent.

Only the sound of light breathing is heard from each other.

Hua Ye lay down, put Wei Nai on his arm, and looked at the starry sky above his head in the most comfortable position.

"Hey, there are shooting stars." Wei Nai stretched out her hand and pointed upwards.


Wei Nai turned her head to look, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were cute, and her voice was as soft as cotton candy: "We agreed to watch the meteor, don't look at me."

"it is good."

"Then you still look at me?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Because you are prettier than Meteor?"

"You, you... what nonsense are you talking about!"

Wei Nai's eyes flustered, and she wanted to struggle limply, but unfortunately, she was held in Hua Ye's arms and couldn't break free.

"Bullying, bullying..." Wei Nai panted lightly, "I won't watch shooting stars with you anymore."

The thin and vermilion lips are slightly opened, revealing two rows of white teeth that look like braided shells, and there are sparkling sparkles in the eyes.

Hua Ye said, "Then don't watch it."

Wei Nai became nervous: "What are you doing?"

"kiss you."

Hua Ye bowed his head and kissed her.

Very slow.

Normally, Wei Nai would not let Hua Ye succeed easily, but now she is in a state of "drunkness and dementia", she just opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at Hua Ye approaching, without making the slightest resistance.

Lips are sweet.

The lips are like ice-cold jelly, with the fragrance of liqueur chocolate.

Even though she has kissed her several times already, Wei Nai is still quite unfamiliar, and will just passively wait for Hua Ye's bullying at a loss.

It wasn't until the city gate was breached and the hinterland was invaded that Wei Nai finally reacted.


Wei Nai's pretty face was flushed like fire, her long eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and finally shyly fell down, like a little rabbit being stared at by a falcon, she closed her eyes in panic and resigned herself to fate.

The tip of the tongue hides aggrievedly, but it is a pity that the mouth is so big that it will always be easily caught.

My head was dizzy, and I felt more dizzy than before.

Although I really don't want to admit it, the feeling of kissing is really not disgusting.

Wei Nai suddenly remembered a sentence that she didn't know where to read: Two people who have no love may get married, but when they kiss, they will subconsciously refuse, because lips will not deceive their hearts.

So... you must like it, right?

I don't know how long it has passed, but just when Wei Nai felt that she was about to pass out, a soft and sticky word came into her ears, which made her wake up suddenly: "Vina, I want to—"

"What, what?!"

Hearing Kang Na's words "I want it too", Wei Nai suddenly opened his eyes, met Hua Ye's eyes, and pushed Hua Ye away without knowing where the strength came from.

Because the two kissed for too long, when they separated, there was even a "wave" sound like the cork of a red wine cork being lifted, and there was still a shiny silk thread sticking at the corner of their lips.

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