
Wei Nai panted, covering her chest with one hand, and hurriedly wiped her mouth with the other, her pretty face was blushing.

Shyly and angrily glaring at Hua Ye, Wei Nai looked down at Kang Na and said in disbelief, "Kang Na Jiang, what did you just say?"

The blue-eyed baby dragon raised his face and said softly, "I want it too."


Not only Wei Nai, but even Hua Ye were shocked.

You want too?

what would you like?

Don't you want to kiss, hug and hold high?

Stop joking!Not to mention that I am not interested in a young girl like you, if I kiss you, I will be invited to drink tea by the gendarmerie!

Well, there is actually no gendarmerie in this world, but they will be seriously injured by blades falling from the sky!

"What do you want?" Wei Nai bit her lower lip.

Kang Na blinked: "We want to look at the stars together with our arms on our pillows."


Chapter 895 Operation Error

"Hey, do you want to look at the stars?"

Wei Nai quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good..."

It's a good thing that Kang Na didn't say they want to kiss together, otherwise, Hua Ye would have to be beaten into a pig's head, and how thick-skinned he is to do such a thing in front of children!

"Let's go." Wei Nai glared at Hua Ye again, and said with a pretty face, "Go back and look at the stars."

Hua Ye coughed lightly: "You don't need to go back, stay and watch together."

"You think beautiful!"

Wei Nai looked extremely disgusted.

He promised that he would not do bad things, but in the end he took the opportunity to bully others. Sure enough, he couldn't believe a word of what the boy said!

Wei Nai led Kang Na away, and just as he opened the tent, he heard a voice: "Vina? Are you and Kang Na sauce back?"

Wei Nai was taken aback: "Squad, squad leader, why haven't you fallen asleep?"

Wei Nai checked the time on the way back, and found that it was half past ten before she knew it, and after removing the video time of Kang Na and Xiao Lin Tor, they actually kissed for so long... No wonder everyone said, "Don't drink when driving, don't drink when you drink." Driving', because if you don't pay attention, you will have an accident. If you didn't eat alcohol and candy, you wouldn't be bullied for so long.

Machiko pursed her lips and said, "We're waiting for you and Kang Na-chan."

In addition, there is another reason that she is inevitably a little scared sleeping alone in a tent in the wild, but she will never say such a shameful reason.

"By the way, why did you and Kang Nachan come back so late?"

"That..." Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, and she subconsciously bit her lips, only to realize that her lips were slightly swollen. She couldn't help but feel even more ashamed, and looked away erratically, saying, "Kang Na is video chatting with Cousin Xiao Lin, I forgot the time as I was talking..."

Fortunately, he didn't faint. If he stays out overnight in Hua Ye's tent, he will never have the face to see anyone again tomorrow morning, right?

Fortunately, the light in the tent was dim, only the faint fluorescent lighting of the mobile phone screen, and Machiko didn't see any clues.

"Squad leader, it's almost eleven o'clock, let's go to bed quickly." Wei Nai hurriedly changed the subject.

"Yeah." Machiko yawned lightly, "Vina, Kanna-chan, good night."

Kang Na said softly, "Good night."

It was quiet again in the tent.

Wei Nai lay in the sleeping bag, the previous sleepiness dissipated.Predictably, I seem to have insomnia again.

I closed my eyes, and was about to count 'one Gabriel, two Gabriel' for hypnosis, when the phone's screen suddenly lit up.

Wei Nai took out her phone and looked, it was a message from Hua Ye.

"If you can't sleep, why don't you go out and watch the shooting stars?"

"You think beautiful!"

Wei Nai changed to a side-sleeping position, trying not to let the light of the phone disturb Machiko and Kanna, and then gritted her teeth and replied: "I won't do anything too much as promised, but in the end, it doesn't matter what you say, knee pillow exchange coupon there is none left!"

Hua Ye: "I haven't done anything excessive."

"You said no?"

Lips are swollen, who else could it be if it wasn't your fault.

Hua Ye said: "When I kissed you, you didn't refuse, so it's not too much."

You didn't refuse or agree, right?When did no rejection equal a promise?

Wei Nai: "I don't want to talk to you!"

Hua Ye sent another message: "Go shopping for pajamas tomorrow?"

"I still have to go to work in a coffee shop tomorrow night..." Wei Nai didn't realize it until he was halfway through editing. He blushed and deleted the message, and edited it again, "You can just buy it yourself, and you need someone else's help to buy pajamas?"

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