"Xiao Qiu didn't run to another direction, did she?" Alice asked in a worried voice.

Walking in this misty and exceptionally quiet forest, this little bean subconsciously approached Hua Ye, as if he wanted to grab the corner of Hua Ye's clothes, but he couldn't save face, and the hesitant and tentative appearance was quite interesting.

"That's right, it's right in front." Hua Ye pointed to the ground, "There are Xiaoqiu's paw prints on the ground."

"Hey, Xiaoqiu's paw prints? Why didn't I see it?" Alice opened her eyes wide and looked at the ground, but unfortunately found nothing. "Are you like those special forces in the field, you can get out of broken branches, falling leaves, and irregular lodging?" Grass, etc., to determine the whereabouts of the enemy?"

"You watch too many American dramas." Hua Ye complained, "The footprints are here, there is no need for messy judgment methods, if you don't notice it, it's because you have bad eyesight."

"Hmph, facial paralyzed pervert, my eyes are fine!"

Hua Ye said with a stern face, "Turtle armor tie, let's understand."

"You, how dare you!" Alice snorted subconsciously.


Seeing Hua Ye stop, the little bean hurriedly took a step back. Now that no one is around to rely on, he could only raise his hand to cover his mouth in aggrieved way: "Stop it, stop it!"


The temperature in the morning is a bit low, especially in the mountains and forests, it is even more chilly.

A gust of cold morning wind blew by, Alice couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly hugged her arms.

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "Are you cold?"

"Eh?" Alice blinked, a little surprised, "Why do you ask this?"

(Why did this facial-paralyzed pervert say this all of a sudden?)

(Could it be that you want to take off your clothes and show courteousness like in the TV series?)

(Huh! Such an old routine is useless to me!)

Hua Ye said: "If you feel cold, just run a few laps, and you won't be cold after running."


After a brief silence.

The voice of gnashing teeth sounded: "Don't worry about it!!"

Alice's cheeks bulged high, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts: "Even if I, Alice, die or jump from here, I won't ask you for help!"

As soon as the words fell, a stream appeared in front of the two of them.

The gurgling stream is only one meter wide, about the depth of a person's knee, and it looks extraordinarily clear.

Hua Ye pointed to the dog's paw print on the other side of the creek, "Xiao Qiu jumped over it."

"Then let's go there quickly, and when we find Xiaoqiu, we must make it look good." Alice waved her fist and urged.


Hua Ye responded, stepped across the creek to the other side, and then turned to look at Alice.

When the girl with twin ponytails went out to let the dogs out, she probably planned to go back to the tent to sleep in the cage. The clothes on her body were not changed, and she was still wearing white princess-style pajamas with lotus borders, and her feet were pair of disposable rabbit slippers. ... Then I tried several times to raise my foot, but I put my foot back every time.

So long legs are also an advantage, at least they can easily cross the creek, and those who say they can be carried as "cannon racks" will all be pulled out and killed.

Hua Ye said, "Do you want to help?"

"Need not!"

Alice subconsciously turned her head and hummed.

After she finished speaking, Alice felt a little regretful, and secretly looked at Hua Ye from the corner of her eye. As expected, she saw Hua Ye standing there without moving and took out her mobile phone. She couldn't help feeling anxious.

(What, why are there such excessive boys in the world!)

(Are you really standing there playing with your phone if you don’t want your help?)

(Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!)

Alice puffed up her cheeks angrily, like a puffer fish being poked by someone, but no matter how she looked at it, she didn't think her short legs could jump over it. She had no choice but to bite her lip and ask Hua Ye for help: " Hey, you, stop playing with your phone, find Xiaoqiu and play again..."

(Having already said such an obvious thing, this guy doesn't know what it means, does he?)

"Okay." Hua Ye put away his phone, "Then are you waiting for me here?"

"Wait for your sister!"

Alice was so angry that she almost became a rolling ball beast, so she couldn't take the initiative to come and help me, why do I have to take the initiative to speak out!

"Hmph, I won't tell you if you kill me!"

This little bean clenched its silver teeth, put its heart on hold, picked up the hem of its skirt, and was about to jump.

"Wait a moment."

Hua Ye stepped back to the other side of the creek.

"Why are you here?" Alice had a happy face, folded her hands on her chest, and turned her head again and hummed.

Hua Ye said: "Your legs are so short, you will wet your pajamas, and when you catch a cold, Wei Nai will blame me again."

"Yes, damn it!"

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