Alice was so angry that her lungs exploded, and she was about to walk across the stream, but Hua Ye picked her up like a cat.

"let me go!"

Alice stomped her short legs, "Even if you have a cold and a fever, you are not responsible!"

Hua Ye didn't say anything, and directly lifted the short bean to the other side of the stream.

"What are you doing..." Alice was startled, and she said no, but subconsciously hugged Hua Ye's waist with her hands, for fear of falling into the water.

"Okay." Hua Ye let go of his hand.

After standing firmly on both feet, Alice immediately let go of Hua Ye, a faint blush appeared on her little face: "I told you not to pick me up! I don't want face!"

You don't want face, but you want face to suffer!

After crossing the creek, the two continued to walk forward. After a while, a blue tent appeared in front of them. There were barbecue grills, campfire tools, and a folding chair outside the tent. It was obvious that someone was camping here.

Alice stood on tiptoe and looked, "We saw that bag yesterday afternoon, it seems to belong to Nadeko and the others?"

Hua Ye responded and stopped.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked curiously.

Hua Ye whistled: "I found Xiaoqiu."


Alice quickly withdrew her gaze and looked around.

Not long after, I saw Xiaoqiu running back from the forest, and ran to the two of them at a fast speed.

"The idiot Xiaoqiu, actually ran to such a far place, it was too much ... eh eh?!" Alice opened his eyes in surprise, "What's wrong with your mouth?"

Hua Ye looked down and was also speechless.

This Akita dog doesn't know what's going on, but its mouth is swollen all over!At first glance, it looks like a bread dog!

Xiao Qiu lay on the ground, looked up at Hua Ye and Alice, and hummed aggrievedly.

Akita dogs are quite beautiful when they 'smile'. Some netizens even set up a special website to share the healing smiles of Akita dogs. Although Xiaoqiu's 'bread face' has no healing effect, it has a comic effect. Nothing less than that!

Alice suddenly became nervous: "Why did Xiao Qiu's mouth become so swollen in a blink of an eye? Could it be that he was bitten by a poisonous snake?"

"It's not a poisonous snake." Hua Ye checked briefly, "It's a bee, and there are bee stings on its mouth."

"It's fine if it's not a poisonous snake..." Alice quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

Dogs are very curious, and sometimes they will eat some flowers and plants to help the stomach and intestines digest. The accidents of being stung by bees are not uncommon, but Xiaoqiu is stung by bees for the first time.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, have you suffered a lot now?"

Alice snorted, and the more she looked at Xiao Qiu, the more she felt happy, especially Xiao Qiu was a little fat, and now her dog face was swollen, and the sad look on her face was really very happy.

"Hahaha, I must take pictures and show them to my mother." Alice couldn't help laughing, took out her phone from her pocket, and began to take pictures with a "click click".

Xiaoqiu lay on the ground with a sad face, moaning, raising her front paws to scratch her mouth from time to time, looking very uncomfortable.

"Is Xiaoqiu going to be okay?" After taking the photo, Alice began to worry again.

"It'll be fine." Hua Ye shook his head. The poison of bees is not strong. It might be dangerous for a small dog to be stung, but such a big dog is basically fine. "It will be fine after a day of pain."

Alice opened her eyes wide: "It still hurts all day? It's too long."

Hua Ye said casually: "Then you can take out the bee sting on its mouth, and it will only hurt for half a day. If there is toothpaste, apply it or wash it with soapy water, and the pain time will be shortened again."

That's right, toothpaste is not only white, but also a universal artifact. It can be used to wipe scratches on mobile phones, chewing gum on clothes, stubborn stains on walls and so on.

Alice squatted down and reached out to stroke the dog's head, "Hey, where is the bee sting? Why can't I see it?"

Hua Ye pointed to the swollen bumps on Xiaoqiu's face: "See those swollen bumps? The bee sting is inside."

The bee stings are very thin and small, and they sting on the face of a hairy dog, so it is naturally difficult to find them.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, do you still dare to run around in the future?" Alice squatted down and carefully found the location of the bee sting, "This time I was only stung by a bee, and being taken away by bad guys in the future will be even scarier than now!"

"Wang Wang..."

Xiaoqiu moaned and groaned, lying on the ground and letting Alice do whatever she wanted.

Fortunately, the bee sting was not deep. Alice opened her eyes wide, quickly picked up one with the tweezers on the key chain, and said, "This is a bee sting? I heard that bees will die when they sting people. It seems It looks so ordinary..."

There happened to be a wind blowing.

The already small bee stings disappeared from the small tweezers.

Alice didn't take it seriously, she just felt a slight itch on her feet, she subconsciously moved her toes, and then...


Chapter 897 Aww, Bite You

"It hurts..."

Alice stretched out her hands to cover her feet, and let out a pitiful cry like a wounded little animal, "It hurts to death!"

Hua Ye put away his phone, looked down, and was speechless immediately.

This little bean didn't change her shoes before, and she was wearing disposable slippers, similar to open-toed sandals. The bee sting just happened to fall on her toe!

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