Nadeko held her face in both hands and squatted in front of Hua Ye: "Xiaoqiu was stung by a bee, she looks so wronged."

"Yeah." Rin nodded slightly, talking more, "The dog I raised when I was young was also stung by bees, and it took several days for the mouth to subside... It will be very painful to be stung by bees, bee stings Have you pulled it out? Do you want us to help?"

"I'll help too." Nadeko raised her hand.

Chapter 898

"Let go of that little Qiu, let me do it!"

Nadeko Fenmao is gearing up, ready to show off her skills.

"Need not."

Hua Ye stood up, clapped his hands and said, "It's finished."

"Hey, so fast?" Nadeko folded her hands on her knees, squatting on the ground, her mouth turned into wavy lines, and her expression was extremely disappointed, "I missed such a meaningful thing as plucking bee stings for dogs, and I may not be able to meet them in the future." To the dog whose face was swollen with a bee sting."

What's the point of pulling out bee stings for dogs? Why can't you see it at all!

Hua Ye said disgustedly: "Then do you want me to insert the bee sting back?"

"How dare you." Alice raised her hands to her face, baring her teeth and claws in a vicious manner, "Ah, I'll bite you."

"No, no, no." Nadeko quickly waved his hand, "I'm just talking, as long as Xiaoqiu is fine."

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, is it still hurting?" Alice squatted down, touched the dog's head with her hand, and asked with concern.

Xiao Qiu shook the dog's head.

When Hua Ye helped pull out the bee sting, he would inevitably touch the swollen area. Xiao Qiu didn't dare to bite, but the humming and grievance in his mouth didn't stop. Hua Ye felt noisy, so he gave a simple treatment. Although the son still looks swollen into a bread face, but there is not much pain anymore.

"Eh?" Nadeko opened her eyes wide and squatted beside Alice with a curious expression on her face, "Xiao Qiu shook her head just now, did she mean that it doesn't hurt anymore?"

Rin said beside him: "It should be just a coincidence, even if the bee sting is pulled out, the pain will not go away so quickly."

"I'll try." Nadeko stretched out two fingers, "How much is this?"

your sister!It’s true that a dog can know numbers, but how can it answer your question? If this dog spouts people’s words and says it’s two, you will be frightened into a dumb goose!

"Hee hee, I made a mistake." Nadeko scratched his head, "We should put two or three bones and let it make the choice."

Identification is completed.

Here's another dork.

Only children can make choices. In the world of adults, of course they want everything.

"Xiaoqiu used to be very smart." Alice puffed up her cheeks, "but I feel that I have become stupid recently. Not to mention sneaking away, she still looks like being stung by a bee, so stupid."

"Wang Wang."

Xiao Qiu barked twice and shook the dog's head.

"Eh?" Nadeko opened her eyes wide, "I always feel that Xiaoqiu is saying that she is not stupid?"

In fact, this dog has indeed become smarter than before. Hua Ye gave Alice some biscuits. After the short bean went back, he must have secretly fed the dog with biscuits. Although he couldn't make it into a monster, his IQ There are bonuses.

"Wow, the sun is out." Nadeko cheered, "It's so beautiful!"

Hua Ye looked up, and saw a red sun slowly rising from the horizon, and the faint mist floating in the air hadn't dissipated, and a hazy rainbow appeared in the sky for a while, beautiful and beautiful, like a fairyland.


The pink-haired girl opened her arms, faced the sun, and took a deep breath to expand her chest.


The golden morning sun slanted over, and there were tiny rays of light floating in the ends of Nadeko's hair.

Alice asked curiously, "Nadeko, what are you doing? Do you practice yoga?"

"It's not yoga." The pink-haired girl glanced at Hua Ye, and whispered in Alice's ear, "This is the breathing method my grandma taught me. It can quickly refresh people's spirits, and it even has the effect of breast enlargement."

"Really?" Alice was skeptical. She didn't need to restore her spirits, but if there was a breast enhancement effect, she must not miss it.

Nadeko said, "You can try it first, it's very simple anyway."

"Then, that's fine..."

The little bean hesitated for a moment, blushed slightly and glanced at Hua Ye, then followed Nadeshiko to practice.

"Raise your head, straighten your chest, draw your stomach in, and take a deep breath..." Nadeko turned into a female teacher, preaching and teaching, "Rin-chan, can you do it too?"


Shimo Rin took a step back and shook his head slightly. He always felt that this set of movements was like a simplified version of elementary school gymnastics, which looked so stupid.

"Hey, it seems to be really effective." Alice's eyes lit up.

Nonsense, any normal person taking a deep breath will make the chest and lungs bigger, so as to visually 'enlarge the breast'!There are too many deceptions in this era. Those beauties who look super beautiful on the Internet may have lifted their belly to their chest!The long legs that look more than one meter long may be less than [-] meters tall in reality!If you want breast enhancement, learn about manual breast enhancement!

The phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and looked, it was Rafael calling.

"Hua Ye, is Alice with you?" Lafite's voice was slightly worried.

Hua Ye responded: "She didn't wake up before, so she untied the dog leash in a daze, but Xiao Qiu ran away and lost it, and now she has found it."

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