"That's good." Rafael breathed a sigh of relief, "When are you coming back?"

Hua Ye said, "I'll be back right away."

"My boyfriend is too much!"

Knowing that Alice was not in danger, the black-bellied girl began to do things in daily life: "Leave secretly with Alice, without calling me... You two are so proficient, how many times have you practiced behind my back? ah."

Shut up!Do you think that everyone likes to be immoral like you!

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Come to the grove if you have the guts."

"I don't want it." Rafael said in a charming voice, "The pervert must have some bad idea again, just like last night, he almost turned into a big monster, no, adjust the level of danger to medium... Dududu, Now it is at the SSS level, and it will transform into a zombie tyrannosaurus anytime, anywhere, and it will bully girls."


Hua Ye was about to complain, when he suddenly saw Xiao Qiu running over shaking his head and tail, still biting...a pink piece of fat?

"Wang Wang."

Xiao Qiu ran in front of Hua Ye, vomited the fat time to Hua Ye's feet, and wagged her tail triumphantly.


What kind of trouble is that expression on your face asking for credit!You just healed your mouth, so are you going to reciprocate and express your gratitude with fat times?

Don't think that all male creatures like fat times!

"Hey, that's my fat time!" Nadeko, who was doing radio gymnastics for primary school students, caught a glimpse of the fat time in front of Hua Ye, couldn't help but exclaimed, and hurried over, blushing and picked up the fat time on the ground Hiding behind his back, he puffed out his cheeks and looked at Hua Ye.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye, what happened to you?" Raphael asked curiously on the other end of the phone, "I seem to have heard Fat Times? You don't want Alice's Fat Times as a reward for looking for Xiaoqiu, right? It can't be like this, Alice is still a child, just come to me if something happens."

With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he hung up the phone directly, and said:

"none of my business."

No matter what, I will never take the blame for a dog!And it's still a scapegoat like the 'Fat Time Thief', if it spreads, it will lose face!

Chapter 899 Hand Pendant (Third Change)

"If there is no master to teach, the dog will not do this kind of thing, right?"

Nadeko said that she was not in a daze, so she would not be fooled easily.

Hua Ye said, "Alice is the master."

"It's true that I am the master." Alice stood on the front of Nadeshiko, righteously destroying relatives, "But I have never taught Xiao Qiu to steal girls' underwear. It is said that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. You said it badly."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "The night at the seaside villa..."

"Don't, don't say it!"

Alice hurriedly grabbed Hua Ye's hand to prevent him from telling about the 'dog collar' incident: "Nadeko, let's go back first, Xiaoqiu likes to bite things, I will teach him when I go back, and when I get to school tomorrow, I will I will pay you a new fat one."


The little bean fled with Hua Ye.

"Really." Alice pursed her lips and said like a sharp-mouthed little beast, "Don't mention what happened that night in front of others, I don't want to lose face."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Only state officials are allowed to set fires, but ordinary people are not allowed to light lamps?"

"I never taught Xiao Qiu to steal underwear. Who knows how it has such a strange hobby."

"However, if a dog makes a mistake, the owner is generally held accountable."

"You, you, you... Aww! Bite you!"


The two quickly walked to the side of the creek before, and Xiaoqiu stepped on the water and walked over in the first place swaggeringly.

Hua Ye looked down at Alice, and before he could speak, the short bean yelled loudly: "Don't carry me like a cat this time, or I'll fight you!"

Hua Ye said, "Then how are you doing?"

"How?" Alice hesitated.

It is impossible to jump by yourself. If you fail to jump over and fall into the creek with a "plop", you will be ashamed and wet your clothes.

Detours and don't know how far to go, it feels so troublesome.

After hesitating for a while, the little bean whispered, "You... stretch out your arms."


"Let you stretch it out."

Hua Ye stretched out his right arm.

This little dwarf had a red face, and hugged Hua Ye's arm with both hands like a koala: "Okay, okay, let's go like this!"

Hey, when you were on vacation in the villa, you used to be a leg pendant, but now you don't even want to let go of the hand pendant!

Hua Ye raised his arms and stepped across the creek. After Alice stood firmly on her feet, she quickly let go of her hands, and the twin ponytails on her back shook left and right: "Okay, keep going."


Walking back to the camping point, it was not yet six o'clock in the morning.

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