The lakeside is very quiet, only a silver-haired girl is sitting on the air cushion chair, reading quietly.

The bright morning sun slanted down on Rafael's body, her silver hair poured down one shoulder like a waterfall, and a red marriage rope was attached to her wrist. Her quiet profile was especially beautiful under the morning sun.

"Master White Feather!"

Alice cheered and ran over.

"You guys are back?" Rafael closed the book in his hand, got up and greeted him, "Hey, what's wrong with Xiaoqiu's mouth?"

"I was stung by a bee." Alice chirped, "Xiaoqiu is just running around, but she was stung by a bee and turned into a bread-faced face. She is so stupid."

Rafael reached out and touched Xiao Qiu's dog's head: "It doesn't matter if you look like this?"

Alice stretched out a slender finger and pointed at Hua Ye: "The pervert with paralyzed face said it's okay."


Seeing Hua Ye looking over, this little bean quickly hid behind Rafael, showing half of his small face and sticking out his tongue: "Slightly slightly~~"

"Why is your pajamas wet?" Rafael stretched out his hand and patted his head, "Go back to the tent and change clothes first, and be careful of catching a cold."

"Because, for some reason, I accidentally got wet with dew."

Alice blushed and explained, and hurried back to the tent to change.

The lake was quiet again.

"Student Hua Ye, come here." La Feier waved to Hua Ye.

"doing what?"

"Of course we read comics together."

Hua Ye glanced at it, and was shocked when he saw the cover of the manga, because the name on the cover was "I Squeeze Milk Every Day, Reincarnated as a Succubus".

your sister!What's wrong with such a bad name, milk that is associated with succubus, no matter how you think about it, it's really bad!

But having said that, compared to humans, succubi are the real juicers.

"Student Hua Ye, what kind of eyes are there?" Rafael puffed up her cheeks, "I don't know how to read weird cartoons."

You who often tell dirty jokes are not qualified to say this!

If it wasn't Taplis but you who saw the goblins fighting in the Internet cafe last night, you would definitely not be shocked and scream, and maybe you would comment with interest!

Rafael pulled Hua Ye to sit down, his eyes flashed, and he said softly: "I used to imagine that in the morning or afternoon, making a cup of barley tea, and then reading the same book with Hua Ye, that kind of life must be very beautiful." ?”

If the book we read together is a manga, it will get worse in an instant! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ Manga reading speed is very fast, Hua Ye quickly finished reading the previous content, roughly saying that someone reincarnated as a succubus, and then possessed an extraordinary mind comparable to Thor , As for squeezing/juicing... what was squeezed was actually the milk of a cow called 'Minuozi'!

Go to your uncle!Succubus's racial talent is not for milking cows!Moreover, there are many pathogenic bacteria in the freshly squeezed raw milk, so it can't be drunk directly, and it also has a milky smell, even Kang Na can't drink it.

Why does Hua Ye know the taste of raw milk?

Because Thor said so.

One of Kang Na's social practice classes was milking cows. The blue-eyed young dragon couldn't suppress his curiosity, and secretly drank raw milk, expressing that it tasted fishy and not tasty.

"It's decided." Raphael said suddenly, "I'm going to give this comic as a gift to Tapu."

"doing what?"

The black-bellied girl stretched out a finger, and said solemnly: "Get vaccinated early to prevent the satyr from tricking Tapu into drinking milk."

Hua Ye was expressionless: "Don't run away, I'll feed you milk now."


After a while, a blue tent was gently opened, and Wei Nai in pajamas came out.

"Vina sauce, good morning." Raphael waved his hand in greeting.

"Well, good morning..."

Wei Nai rubbed her eyes, and when she saw Hua Ye sitting by the lake, she couldn't help but startled: "Hey, why do you two get up so early?"

Wei Nai thought that she would suffer from insomnia last night, but she didn't. Instead, she slept quite soundly, but because she chatted with Hua Ye very late, she naturally got up later.

Hua Ye said, "I'm looking for a dog."

"Huh? Looking for a dog?"

Rafael pointed at Xiaoqiu who was lying beside her: "Vina sauce, you can see for yourself."

Wei Nai looked over, and soon saw Xiao Qiu whose dog's face was swollen into fat bread, and couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong with Xiao Qiu's mouth?"

"Well." Raphael stretched out a finger, and tapped his chin lightly, "Probably the punishment for running out and flirting with women?"


Chapter 900 Rolling the Tent (Fourth Change)

"Hey, flirting with women?"

Wei Nai subconsciously looked at Hua Ye.

You are enough, why would you look this way the first time when you mentioned flirting? You should look at the dog, right?

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "When it ran out to play in the morning, it was stung by a bee."

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