Hua Ye turned his head and looked at the man. His hair was black and shiny, and it was well-groomed. At first glance, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it, but after a few more glances, something seemed wrong. "Did you find it?" Jing Keai sent a message again, "This person is thirty-five years old this year, and he is the sales manager of a company. He also said that he is very busy at work on weekdays... a middle-aged man who is busy with work, and his hairline is not smooth. It could be that low!"



It's like becoming a doctor after a long illness. You have been on too many blind dates, and you have developed a blind date version of piercing eyes, and you can see each other's flaws at a glance!

But having said that, there is indeed a problem with this man's hairline. If you look closely, you can see traces of wearing a wig.

When Do Men Wear Wigs?

Time to go bald, of course.

So middle-aged men are the most vulnerable group in the world, right? You can’t say the fourth voice on the phone, you can’t play with the car, once you go to the gym, it will definitely mean cheating, and drinking wolfberry health tea will be complained by a lot of people. Now If you wear a wig, you will be disgusted by others... Life is already so difficult, who is the middle-aged man pissing off?

Hua Ye silently picked up the phone and dialed Jing Keai's number.

Jing Keai's failed blind dates many times proved that she was not willing to find someone casually, so this blind date partner who was bald in middle age and had to wear a wig was eliminated from the beginning.

"Sorry, I have something else to do." Jing Keai picked up her bag and stood up.

The middle-aged man wearing a wig was startled, and quickly understood Jing’s lovely subtext. After all, most of the blind dates are introduced by relatives and acquaintances. If you want to know your value in the eyes of your parents or parents and friends, look at the blind dates they introduce to you Object will do.

It's not clear where Jing Keai lives, but she often travels in a supercar. Obviously, her family conditions are very good, and the blind dates she introduces are not too bad, like the strange man Hua Ye met last time. On the contrary, it is a minority.

"I just finished eating too." The man picked up the tablecloth and wiped his mouth, then pressed the bell on the table, "Let's go after AA."

Jing Keai nodded: "OK."

The Japanese custom is the AA system, even the boyfriend and girlfriend who are dating will also AA when they go out to eat, such as Wei Nai.

After paying the bill, the man turned around and left without hesitation. Jing Keai walked to Hua Ye's side, sat down, and rubbed his forehead helplessly: "The man just now is not bad. One wants to put a fist in his face...but why a bald head?"

Hua Ye said: "Baldness is a social midlife crisis. In the future, the blind date you meet will only have more baldness, not less."

"Hey!" Jing Keai turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and raised her foot as if to kick, "If you say such excessive words, I will kick you."

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Because they are too smart, are they bald?"

"'Extremely smart', right?" Jing Keai stretched out her hand and rubbed her ankle. It seemed that wearing high heels was a little painful, and she rarely complained, "I don't want to be with a man who is 'extremely intelligent', otherwise I would see a round With a bald head, you can't help but clenched your fists, knocking like a wooden fish, maybe there will be a 'dong dong' sound."

Jing Keai folded her right leg on her sitting leg and leaned back on the sofa. She is wearing a pair of black knee socks today, and her red high heels are dangling on her toes. The arc from knee to ankle is beautiful and slender. The blurred luster reflected under the bright lights will definitely make many people "lick it up".

"Obviously I met so many blind dates, why didn't I succeed?"

Jing Keai leaned on the sofa, tilted her head back, revealing a swan-like slender and graceful neck, and exhaled a little helplessly: "Is it because I'm not attractive anymore, teacher?"

Hua Ye turned his head and looked, Jing Keai put on special makeup for a blind date today, but I don't know exactly where it was painted, anyway, her lips were painted red, and there seemed to be a circle of reddish eye shadow on her double eyelids, which raised her appearance again.The long black dress wrapped around her body, outlining her heart-stopping and graceful curves. It wasn't a low-cut evening dress, but her slender neck, slender collarbone, and a faintly visible snow-white ravine all exuded enough charm.

"Very beautiful." After examining it, Hua Ye commented.

"You, what did you say?" Jing Keai opened her eyes and looked at Hua Ye in surprise, a faint blush appeared on her face, and she twisted slightly like a little girl, "Teacher, I just sighed, no I hope you will praise me, okay?"

It's just telling the truth, who praised you.

Hua Ye's poker face: "Is that normal?"

"I really kicked you!"

Jing Keai made a gesture to kick, but the movement was too big, and she accidentally threw the red high-heeled shoes flying, but was caught by Hua Ye.


After a brief silence, Jing Keai said as if nothing had happened: "Return the shoes to me, when are you going to get them?"

Hua Ye put the high heels on the ground and asked casually:

"With such a thin heel, will your feet hurt?"

"Nonsense, of course it hurts. Go ask those girls who wear short skirts in winter, will their legs be cold?" Jing Keai curled her lips, "It's not for looking good, who would come out in high heels?"


"I remember that you seem to have massaged someone's sprained ankle, and the effect was not bad." Jing Kei leaned lazily on the sofa, but she was not in a hurry to put on her high heels, and her right foot was gently in the air. Shaking, "How about giving the teacher a massage?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "No."

"Tch." Jing Keai curled her lips, "Duplicity."

"Who is cheating?"

Jing Keai said with a half-smile, "I heard that you bought the stockings of a female classmate before. If the massage is effective, I may consider giving you the stockings."

You are enough!Even if the blind date fails, it's not a reason for you to molest your students, okay?And it was that bitch who bought the stockings back then, believe it or not, let you take ten months of maternity leave!

Jing Keai drank some red wine before, not much, but it obviously had some influence, otherwise, if Hua Ye was asked to help with the massage, she would say that she would never joke about giving stockings.

"By the way, why did you come here?" Jing Keai leaned on the sofa, closed her eyes, and fell asleep lightly, "I was going to ask Shihua to call to help me out, but I didn't expect to meet you again... definitely Which girl did you come with again?"


So why did you guess right when you guessed it casually!Is a girl's sixth sense so powerful?

Chapter 916

"Someone called me over to help." Hua Ye explained.

"Don't tell me that." Jing Keai curled her lips, reached out and took out a box of e-cigarettes from her bag, and took out one to hold on to her fingertips, "Anyway, you have to know it well, teacher, I don't want to see it, what? There was a news on the news that a certain male high school student was dismembered by girls on the rooftop."

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