
Then you will never see it!Because the roof has already been contracted by Igarashi's legal loli, ordinary people can't go up at all, okay!

and many more……

Wei Nai and the others are not ordinary people. If they want to go to the rooftop, they can actually go up easily?

But Hua Ye didn't hesitate at all.

Because the hatchet or something can't break the defense at all.

Hua Ye reached out and took the electronic cigarette from Jing Keai's hand: "Don't smoke."

"Eh?" Jing Keai looked over in surprise, "What are you going to say? Smoking is harmful to your health? Teacher, I have been smoking since high school, and I have no plans to quit in this life."

Hua Ye said: "If you smoke here, you will smoke me."

Jing Keai clenched her fists tightly, and there were cross tendons throbbing on her forehead: "Is your head hard? Come on, let me test how strong your head is!"


After saying a few more words, suddenly there were footsteps approaching.

Hua Ye looked up and found another acquaintance.

Shihua used to work here, but now she is wearing a white chef's uniform, covering her breasts that far exceed her sister's, and wearing a tall chef's hat on her head, which even covers her hair. The clothes are bad reviews.

"Ten Flowers." Jing Keai beckoned.

Shihua came closer, her eyes turned and fell on Hua Ye: "Why are you here?"

Hua Ye explained again: "Come here to help a friend."

Then Jing Keai added: "Help the girl."

You are enough, and there is no need for you to supplement it.

Shi Hua crossed her arms and cast a disgusted glance at Hua Ye, but didn't say much, and turned to Jing Keai: "Your blind date is gone?"

"Let's go." Jing Keai rubbed her ankle, "It's not suitable."

Ten Flowers responded, and didn't ask any more details about the blind date. It's normal to fail. When the blind date succeeds, it's time to ask more: "Have you been drinking? Be careful when you go back at night."

"It's okay, I took a taxi back home, and I met someone who didn't have long eyes and just used it to practice fists." Jing Keai waved her hand, "On the contrary, it's you who need to pay attention to safety because you go back so late every night... Hurry up and find a boyfriend chant."

Shihua glanced at Hua Ye, shook her head and said, "No need."

After saying a few more words, Shihua went back to work.

Jing Keai bent down to put on the high heels, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her red lips were slightly upturned, and she deliberately invited in a seductive tone, "Do you want to do something interesting with me, teacher?"

"No." Hua Ye said with a disgusted face.

Don't think that you don't know that you want to go to the gym to practice boxing. There is no point in practicing boxing with you!

"Life lies in exercise." Jing Keai said, "Young people should exercise more."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "When you lost to me, you said you wanted to go on a date, but you haven't fulfilled your promise yet."

"Then let's go now?" Jing Keai twirled her fingers around a strand of hair on her chest, probably because she had been drinking and was in a bad mood, and snorted softly, "Teacher, I will go out on a date with you today, do you want to go?" ?”

Hey, are you serious? Now the news about a male teacher molesting a female student, causing her to commit suicide by jumping off a building, is particularly eye-catching. Do you want to be the next front page headline!

After a moment of silence, Hua Ye shook his head and said, "No."

"Tch." Jing Keai curled her lips, "Then I'll go back first, and you should go home early too."

As a result, she just got up when someone came over.

"Mr. Hiratsuka, good evening." A soft loli voice sounded like cotton candy.

Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

Obviously, I was following my sister with Xiao Qian, but in the end I met Jing Keai, and then I met Shi Hua, and now there is another monster with big breasts, so many acquaintances I met today!

This time it was Hoshino Xia who had super S-level rare attributes. This big-breasted loli was wearing a pink and white long dress. She moved her hands and gestures like a little angel descended. She looked at Hua Ye and smiled, with a smile on her face. Two sweet little dimples: "Student Hua Ye, good evening, I didn't expect to meet you here, so happy."

Hua Ye nodded: "Good evening."

"I just live in this hotel." The surprise on the big-breasted loli's face was not fake, it was indeed the happiness after meeting by chance, "Have you had dinner yet? Why don't we go have something to eat together? "

As soon as the words fell, a young man wearing a suit but no tie came over, his expression was a little arrogant, his eyes fell on Jing Keai, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "Beauty, do you want to have a drink together?"

Jing Keai looked each other up and down, quickly shook her head and said, "No, I've already had it."

Although he looks like a dog, but his footsteps are sloppy, his eyes are darkened, and he doesn't have the energy and spirit that young people should have. He looks like a person who is overindulgent.

It's a pity that this young man has no self-consciousness at all: "Don't do this, save face."


Jing Keai blinked her eyes, did you save face just after we met?Do you think you are a big star or a big president.

"You go to someone else for a drink, I'm going back."

"Then I will send you?"

The young man took out a car key with the Seagod Trident logo from his pocket, and shook it in his hand: "It's not safe for a girl to walk alone at night, I'll drive you back."

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