Jing is cute and not short of money. She still drives a limited-edition supercar, so she won't be flaunting her wealth, so she immediately said, "No need."

The man said again: "Hey, give me some face."


Even Hua Ye was speechless now, and let others give you face at every turn. How much face do you have? Could it be that you can't shoot through bows and arrows!

"Yagidazaemon." Hoshino Natsu frowned and said, "Please leave."

This young man has spiritual fluctuations in his body, and he is obviously also an onmyoji, so it is inevitable that he will jump a bit.

"I just wanted to help." Yanagidazaemon shrugged, spread his hands and said, "There is no other meaning."

Jing Keai didn't want to talk any more, picked up her bag, turned around and was about to leave.

"Would you like to chat for a while?" The man actually took a step forward and reached out to stop him.

Jing Keai raised her eyebrows slightly, with a murderous look on her face, she was about to go mad on the spot.

"Why should I give you face?"

Hua Ye spoke calmly, his voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by several people.

People give you face at every turn, must have eaten the fruit of face to have such a big face, right?

It's a pity that it's neither your father nor your mother, so there's no need to give you face.

"What did you say?" Yanagidazaemon turned his head to look at Hua Ye, the smile on his face disappeared, "I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

Chapter 917

"Can you say that again?"

Hearing these majestic words, Hoshino Xia suddenly had the urge to slap this guy to death.

Didn't you see that I was acting cute respectfully? You don't have eyes or brains?

To scold you with the words of that loser and poor breast, you are a lowly paramecium!

"Student Hua Ye..."

Hoshino Xia looked at Hua Ye pitifully.

She knew Hua Ye's methods. When they met for the first time, they had already caught Igarashi in the factory, but when Hua Ye appeared, he defeated everyone with just one hand.

How strong is Hua Ye?

do not know.

Anyway, if you start a surge, it is estimated that you can kill this idiot with one punch.

She didn't care about Yanagidazaemon's life or death. The problem was that this guy had an unusual status. If he was punched to death by Hua Ye, there would be a lot of trouble.

There was no other way, Hoshino Xia could only plead with Hua Ye with his eyes: "Speak up if you have something to say...at least don't fight here."

Hua Ye didn't intend to do anything, but just looked at the man indifferently.

Although Jing Keai has a black belt in karate and can beat four or five ordinary people by herself, she will definitely suffer if she is entangled by an onmyoji.


The air suddenly fell silent.

Jing Keai wanted to talk, but saw Yanagidazaemon, who was still arrogant just now, froze in place, his face paled quickly, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, his eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and even his legs trembled behind him He woke up, as if he was experiencing something extremely terrible.

"Hey, what did you kid do?" Jing Keai asked with a frown.

"It's nothing."

Hua Ye looked away.

Yanagidazaemon's knees went limp, and he fell to his knees directly, gasping for breath, his clothes were already wet with sweat.

"So no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's okay!" Jing Keai couldn't help complaining.

Hua Ye looked down: "What's the matter?"

"No, nothing..." Yanagidazaemon hurriedly shook his head.

"Then go further away."

Yanagidazaemon, as if he had received an amnesty, hurriedly got up and left, not daring to look up at Hua Ye during the whole process, the experience just now was really terrible, it was like standing in front of an abyss, and the abyss was still staring at people, anyone Every move will make you be swallowed by the abyss.

Hua Ye looked at Jing Keai: "You go back, pay attention to safety on the road."

"Understood." Although Jing Keai was a little surprised, she didn't ask a word, just waved her hand, "You should go back early at night."

"That Yanagidazaemon and I just met today."

After Jing Keai left, Hoshino Xia sat next to Hua Ye and explained nervously: "He is a contact person sent by another emerging force 'Hundred Stories'. This force has the ability to summon hundreds of ghosts, although it is not a real Hundred ghosts, but they are also very powerful, otherwise they won't let him bother you."

"Hundred ghosts?"

Hua Ye thought of Jiu Tun-douji, who was so angry that he turned into a black man because he saw each other with the big guy in women's clothing that night, and said casually, "Got it."

Anyway, there is no one who can fight. If anyone is not convinced and wants to make trouble, just crush him to death.

"Student Hua Ye won't be angry with me, right?" The big-breasted loli raised her face and looked over pitifully.

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