"What are you doing mad at?"

It's been a long, long time since I felt the emotion of anger.

"Student Hua Ye is the best!"

Hoshino Xia cheered, clenched two white and tender fists, and tapped lightly on Hua Ye's thigh: "Student Hua Ye, may I give you a massage?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "No need."

As the chosen one with the ultra-rare 'children's face and big breasts', many people wait and see his every move. Now he raises his small fist to hit Hua Ye's leg, which immediately makes Hua Ye gain a lot of envy and jealousy Hate, the key is that the technique of tapping the leg is still very jerky, not uncomfortable at all.

"OK then."

Hoshino Xia turned around and brought back a fruit platter: "Student Hua Ye eats fruit, eating more fruit is good for your health."


Hua Ye responded, and was about to get a bamboo stick. The big-breasted loli suddenly remembered the scene of visiting Hua Ye's house for the first time, then reached out to pick up the bamboo stick, forked a piece of pineapple, and it was as soft as cotton candy. Luo Liyin said: "The juice is sticky on your hands, how about I feed you?"


Make trouble, right?

Believe it or not, go to your room to do homework, and every time you do a tutoring session, I will write a stroke on your thigh, and finally write the orthographic characters on your thigh!

At this time, Xiaoqian walked over bouncingly: "Hey, ordinary friends..."

Seeing the two people in the feeding posture, Xiaoqian stopped immediately.


"It was Suguha Oyuki who called you over, not to pick up girls!"

"Why can you coax a girl to feed you fruit in such a short time!"

"Believe it or not, I'll tell Wei Nai that you love her again?"


Although Xiaoqian didn't speak, she could understand what was going on in her heart just by looking at her puffy cheeks.

"Come here." Hua Ye beckoned, and then said, "Teacher from the school."

"Teacher?" Xiaoqian opened her eyes wide and blurted out, "Such a young teacher?"

Hoshino Xia smiled, showing two cute dimples on her cheeks: "Actually, I'm an adult, not young."


Xiaoqian faltered, with erratic eyes, obviously a student who would be awkward and uneasy when getting along with the teacher.

"I asked Hua Ye to taste the sourness of the pineapple just now." The big-breasted loli was understanding, and quickly stood up: "I still have things to deal with, you can talk."

Xiaoqian blinked her eyes. Although she felt that this explanation was a bit wrong, she quickly accepted it. After all, teachers like students and so on. Just read it in novels, and it should not happen in reality.

The short-haired girl sat next to Hua Ye, rested her chin on one hand, sighed and said, "I've already asked you clearly, Suguha was introduced by her classmate, and the reason why she came here to work is to save money to study for a famous voice actress outside." School……"

"Eat melon."

Hua Ye handed over a piece of watermelon.

"My sister, my sister, and my mother live together." Xiaoqian took the bamboo stick and said while eating melons, "It is very hard for my mother to work alone, and it takes a lot of money to be a voice actor. It’s a lot of burden, that’s why I came here to work.”

"Crack clap."

Xiaoqian was thirsty before and never had a chance to drink water. Now she took the fruit platter in front of Hua Ye and forked another piece of pineapple, "Kacha Kacha".

"Well, it tastes very sweet, not sour at all."

"Suguha secretly came here to work, if mom finds out, mom will be very angry, right?"

"It's so troublesome, what should I do..."

Hua Ye didn't speak, but just listened silently.

What Xiaoqian needs now is not someone who advises, but someone who is responsible for listening.

There are many things that I have never personally experienced, so I don’t understand the bitterness and hardships involved. It is really a difficult requirement to "empathize". If you can "do not understand, but you will not easily deny other people's dreams", you are already It is a rare quality.

Chapter 918 Shoulder Massage

Xiaoqian chattered a lot, and suddenly saw that there was only one cherry left in the fruit plate, and blushed slightly: "There is one left, you can eat it?"

"Don't eat." Hua Ye shook his head, "If it's not enough, you can get some more."

"No, no, I'm full."

Hearing what Hua Ye said, Xiaoqian felt even more embarrassed. There were a lot of fruits in the fruit plate, and he liked to eat when he was talking, but he actually ate all of them with a 'click'. It really is embarrassing.

The short-haired girl hesitated, poked the last cherry with a toothpick, handed it to Hua Ye and said, "How about I feed you?"


You are enough, don't imitate that big-breasted loli and think about making troubles, even if you feed her, you won't gain more appetite!

"No." Hua Ye made a disgusted face.

Xiaoqian puffed up her cheeks, feeling unhappy: "Hey, this is the first time I've fed a boy, don't overdo it."

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