I don't care about your "first feeding"!This first time is worthless!

"Hurry up." Xiaoqian urged instead. The short-haired girl was a little shy at first, but now she gradually began to let herself go.

Just as Hua Ye was about to speak, he suddenly noticed a look of contempt over him, and his face darkened immediately.

Pit father ah!Why is it always being seen at such a time!

"Hey, that female chef is so tall..." Xiao Qian blinked and asked curiously, "She seemed to be looking at you just now?"


Hua Ye took the cherry from Xiaoqian's hand: "Okay, you can go home."

"I won't go back tonight..." Xiaoqian clapped her hands, shook her head and said, "I want to see if Suguha will be bullied here or something, although Suguha said that this place is very formal, there are no those who don't." It’s a good thing, but I’m still a little worried.”

Xiaoqian stood up: "Thank you today, why don't you go back first?"

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded, "Call me if you need anything."

"I know, I know." Xiao Qian waved his hand and said, "Crow's mouth, nothing will happen."


Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and checked the time. Before he knew it, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

When he turned around and walked near the elevator, he just saw Shihua coming over after changing his clothes. After taking off the chef hat, the iconic dull hair on his head was immediately revealed, which was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

Seeing Hua Ye, Shihua didn't say hello, obviously still contemptuous of what happened just now.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and chose to explain: "The girl just now was a woman, and she was just joking."

"It has nothing to do with me." Shihua walked into the elevator, "Anyway, don't bully Liuhua, otherwise it depends on whether your head is harder than a spoon."


After walking out of the hotel, the night was already dark, there was no moon in the sky, only a few stars dotted it.

The street lights outside the hotel are still bright, but unfortunately there are not many pedestrians at the moment.

A gust of cool evening wind blew by, blowing the hem of the skirt and the corners of the clothes, making people really feel the coolness of the autumn night.

Shihua hugged her arms. She is now wearing a white shirt, a brown short skirt, and black knee socks and flat sneakers. Wait for the next train."


Hua Ye quickened his pace and got on the tram in a hurry.

It is hard to find a tram on weekdays, and during the morning and evening rush hours, passengers rub shoulders against each other, and even the tram attendant has to push hard outside to close the door.At ten o'clock in the evening, the tram looks much deserted, there are few passengers, and there is no need to fight for seats, just pick them casually.

Sitting down at the door, like most of the passengers in the tram, Shihua showed a faint tiredness on his face.

Thinking about it, getting off work at ten o'clock doesn't mean you can rest at ten o'clock. After taking the tram home, you have to take a bath, wash clothes, clean up the housework, and eat if you are hungry. The husky at home may break down and cry when he opens the door and sees the messy home.

Although there is no husky in Shihua's family, there is a Liuhua. Such a younger sister who is in the late stage of the second disease, the older sister should have a headache, right?

Hua Ye asked, "Shoulder hurt?"

Shihua opened her eyes, glanced at Hua Ye, and continued to pat her shoulder lightly: "Well, I feel a little uncomfortable."

It's never been easy in the adult world.

Kobayashi codes codes every day, checks for bugs, and stays up late to work overtime. The salary may be a lot, but he suffers from back pain.

As a chef, Shihua's work is also not easy. Now it seems that the symptoms of shoulder pain are a little serious.

Hua Ye didn't ask if he went to the hospital for an examination, but said:

"Shall I give you a massage?"

After the small park incident last night, Hua Ye raised Shihua's friendliness level by one level, from 'indifferent' to 'occasionally interfering'.

"You know how to massage?" Shi Hua asked curiously.

Hua Ye said, "I massaged Xiao Lin."

Kobayashi has an old problem of low back pain. Thor practiced massage techniques on Hua Ye before. Unfortunately, after one massage, Kobayashi never accepted Thor's "breast massage" anymore. Instead, Hua Ye learned it. How to massage.

Shihua closed her eyes and fell asleep, and after a while, she replied tiredly: "Then you can try it later."


Speechless all the way.

After getting off the tram, the long street became colder and colder. There were hardly any pedestrians, only the ethereal chimes of the wind passing through the night, gently drifting away with the evening wind.

"It's right here?" Shihua looked at Hua Ye.

At this point, there is no need to go to the small park anymore, and it is just a shoulder massage, there is nothing to hide.

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded.

Shihua turned around and sat on the bench, leaning on the back of the chair lightly: "Come and try."

Hua Ye walked behind Shihua, put his hands on Shihua's shoulders, and began to massage her shoulders.

Looking down from above, one can see that the white shirt is tightly attached to Shihua's body, outlining a perfect curve that moves people's hearts.


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