Silly Meow hesitated for a moment: "Then what if you feel uncomfortable after eating?"

"It's very simple." Gabriel pointed at the door, "If you feel uncomfortable, go out for a run, the faster you run, the better, as long as you sweat, you can shoot the poison out, this is called' Sweat detoxification' is a scientific therapy recommended by many experts."

Generally speaking, such words that do not have a specific name and begin with a certain expert, a certain scholar, a certain foreign president, etc., are all made up by oneself.

In the end, the idiot actually believed it: "Good idea, why didn't I think of it!"

Your sister, when Gabriel said that, she clearly wanted you to run far away, if you want to hit the streets, go to other places to hit the streets!


Machiko covered her mouth and sneezed.

"Squad leader, don't you have a cold?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

"Probably not?" Machiko also hesitated, "I didn't open the window when I slept last night, and the quilt was well covered."

Liuhua raised her hand, and the hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side: "Maybe someone summoned the squad leader behind his back. When I heard that I was summoned, I couldn't help sneezing."

"It must have been talked about by people from afar!" Wei Nai shook her head, she was clearly a demon, but she always liked to analyze problems from a scientific point of view, "Sneezing is just a stress response of the human body, this kind of statement has no scientific basis at all. "

"Maybe." Machiko rubbed her nose, "Hot ears mean someone is thinking about you behind your back, and the older generation believes it."

Gabriel said weakly: "Maybe it can be explained by quantum entanglement? For example, thoughts that span time and space..."

Hey, don't push all the inexplicable phenomena to quantum mechanics. The power of the mind is so weak that it doesn't have the ability to teleport through space, okay?

Facts have proved that Machiko's sneezing is not a "missing across time and space", but a real cold.

After finishing the physics experiment class, Hua Ye returned to the classroom and found that there were more coughing sounds in the classroom, obviously because of the change of seasons, coupled with the changeable weather, many melon-eating girls who were not in good health caught colds one after another. , even Wei Nai coughed twice.

After Hua Ye saw it, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message: "Going to make brown sugar ginger water for you to drink at night?"

Wei Nai was sitting upright in her seat reading a book. After receiving Hua Ye's news, her pretty face blushed, she bit her lower lip and glared at Hua Ye: "No need at all!"

Cooking brown sugar ginger water is fake, but it is true to take advantage of the opportunity to bully talents!

"you caught a cold."

"No, just an occasional cough."

"Last time you said you wouldn't catch a cold."


Wei Nai bit her lower lip, shy and angry: "I don't want to talk to you, and don't play with your phone during class!"

On Wednesday, the number of people coughing in the class increased again.

Coughing in class is actually an embarrassing thing. Sudden loud coughing in a quiet class will definitely disturb others. It is a country of shame, so some people want to hold their cough. Unfortunately, coughing is also a stressful process. When the throat is itchy, holding a cough is really painful. Friends who have experienced it should have a deep understanding.

That's right, I'm talking about the monitor, Machiko.

Wei Nai just had an occasional cough yesterday and didn't have a cold. Satania is even more of an exercise-related idiot. She has a strong physique that can jump into the river and swim naked in winter.

As for Gabriel... that useless angel never came to school.

After finally getting through the lunch break, Machiko was lying on the table with a pale face, transforming from a literary girl into a sickly girl, looking very pitiful.

"Squad leader, are you okay?" Wei Nai asked concerned.

"It's okay..." Machiko's voice was a little hoarse, and he shook his head and said, "It's just a cold, it will be fine in a few days."

"If you have a cold, you just need to exercise more." Satania pinched her waist with one hand and passed on her experience to Machiko, "Why don't we go to the playground for a couple of laps? As long as you sweat out a sweat, the cold will heal automatically. It's called 'Sweat Detoxification Therapy'..."

"I don't want to run now, I just want to lie quietly for a while." Machiko said weakly on the table with black lines all over her face, "Go to the club activity room, I'll just eat lunch in the classroom..."


Because of the cold, Machiko has no appetite at the moment. She is lying on the table, ready to close her eyes and rest for a while, when she suddenly feels someone walking in front of her, and then her eyes quietly fall on her.

"Is there a problem?"

Machiko opened her eyes with some doubts. After seeing the person in front of her clearly, her pretty face was stained with crimson: "Student Hua Ye, you, why are you here?"

Chapter 923

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" Machiko's eyes lit up, "Why are you here!"

I thought it was some melon-eating girl asking for help, but it turned out to be Hua Ye. After the surprise, the dark, straight girl's face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hua Ye said, "Seeing that your cough is so uncomfortable, come here and help you treat it."

"Cure, cure?"

Machiko looked around in a panic.

Most people have the habit of bringing their own bento to eat. Some girls are too lazy to move, even if it is lunch break, they will not leave the classroom. Turning their heads to look, they saw several girls eating melons looking at them with shining eyes.

So far, because of his physical fitness of "problems and illnesses", Hua Ye has rubbed his feet, stomach and breasts. The most common treatment is to hold hands to treat motion sickness... Although it is true that the cough is uncomfortable, but in these Receive treatment in front of the melon-eating girl, and everyone will know about it before school is over in the afternoon!

"No, no need!"

Machiko's pretty face flushed, thinking about the safety of herself and Hua Ye, she hurriedly shook her head like a rattle.

Once it spreads, maybe the "silver-haired girl with broken eyes, blackened smile, blood-dropping utility knife, and staged a battle royale on campus" in the brain hole theater will become a reality!


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