There was a snickering sound from a melon-eating girl behind her.

Machiko's face turned even redder, and there was steam coming out of the top of her head. She didn't dare to make large body movements, and begged pitifully with her eyes: "Student Hua Ye, why don't you go to lunch first?"


When Hua Ye left, a melon-eating girl soon approached Machiko and asked curiously with wide-eyed eyes: "Squad leader, what did you and classmate Hua Ye say just now?"

"I didn't say anything." Machiko was a little guilty, and it was rare to lie, "It's just some club issues..."

"Huh?" A girl reached out and poked her chin lightly, "Why do I feel like you two are dating?"

"Sneaky underground romance."

"Squad leader, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist."

"No, no!" Machiko lay down on the table, trying not to show her flaws, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm just an ordinary friend in a club..."

"I'm not talking nonsense." A girl with ponytails pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose, and assumed the reasoning posture of famous detective Conan, "According to my observation, classmate Hua Ye is the kind of person who doesn't fit in, and has never taken the initiative to participate Class activities, did not answer the teacher's questions, even if they met on the road, they never greeted us..."

"That's right, that's right." Another girl nodded, "One time when we were in school, Hua Ye and I met at the school gate, let alone say hello, he didn't even nod his head."

"It feels very cold and difficult to get along with."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, is it?" Machiko couldn't help but said, "It's just that the words are less, so it's not very cold..."


A group of melon-eating girls looked over one after another.

Machiko pretended to be calm, and said nonchalantly, "You'll know after spending more time with him."

"So, the monitor and classmate Hua Ye have already gotten along?"



After finally reaching the last class, Machiko looked at the history teacher on the podium, hesitated for a moment, quietly took out her mobile phone, and edited the message: "Student Hua Ye, shall we meet at the tram stop after school?"

Before Hua Ye could reply, Machiko sent another message, carefully explaining: "They have been arguing for a long time during their lunch break, if they see us leave together again, they will definitely talk nonsense again, that's not good."

Hua Ye replied: "Okay."


Machiko breathed a sigh of relief and put down the phone. Seeing that Hua Ye agreed so simply and neatly, she became a little worried for a while.

After school, Hua Ye stepped out of the classroom first. When he went out, he glanced at Machiko, who happened to be looking at the door, and looked at each other. Earlobes to hide flushed cheeks.

So what's there to be shy about!

With such a thin skin, you will be at a disadvantage in everything you do in the future!

It seems that the training cannot be stopped, and the shame therapy must continue!

Hua Ye walked to the tram station alone, but instead of waiting for Machiko, he found a bad girl.

"Hey, Oni-chan?" Tian Zhongnai, who was carrying a small schoolbag, couldn't help but see Hua Ye, his eyes lit up, and he ran over happily like a deer, "Why is Oni-chan here?"

Hua Ye said, "Wait for someone."

Tian Zhongnai leaned over and hugged Hua Ye's arm, blinking and blinking: "Is Oni-chan waiting for me?"

"Let go." Hua Ye said disgustedly.

As soon as the words fell, the unscrupulous girl changed her face in a second, and soon a hazy mist surged in her eyes, and her mouth became wavy lines, as if she was trying to hold back tears: "Does Oni-chan want Wen Nai?"

Hey, your acting skills don't have to be so superb!If you change your face, you can change your face, be a bad girl, change your career to become a star, it's super suitable for you!

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Are you going to bleed or not cry?"

"Because I didn't meet the right person at that time." Tian Zhongnai puffed up his cheeks, "Oni-chan is really, it took me a long time to make the love bento, why do you always give it to my cousin?"

If you hadn't come here to stuff the bento and run away, I wouldn't have accepted your bento at all!

Hua Ye said: "Your cousin is already so poor, who will eat if you don't give her food?"

Not only is he poor, but even the sports drink in his backpack is filled with tap water!

"My cousin didn't look like this before." Tian Zhongnan sighed like a little adult, "She used to say it with a smile."

"Love to laugh?" Hua Ye was a little surprised.

That vulnerable girl with glasses who looks super easy to bully used to like to laugh?

Thinking about it now, Hua Ye suddenly realized that he had never seen the girl with glasses smiling.

Tian Zhongnai hesitated, and whispered: "Uncle passed away when my cousin was in elementary school, and my aunt did not remarry, but lived with my cousin. As a result, when my cousin was in the third grade of middle school, my aunt accidentally fell from the stairs in the hotel where my cousin was working. She rolled down and fell into a vegetable state. She could only lie in the hospital and be monitored every day, and she didn’t know if she would wake up again...Since then, my cousin has become the dull look she is now.”

No wonder Machiko couldn’t find the phone number of the glasses girl’s parents when she went to visit her home. No wonder she never participated in club activities. After school every day, she went to work everywhere... Probably because she had suffered too much pain, that’s why she lost her smile Bar.

"So, Oni-chan, don't play with my cousin." Tian Zhongnai raised her face and said seriously, "If she is abandoned again, my cousin will die."

Hua Ye was speechless immediately: "I'm not interested in your cousin at all."

Do whatever you want, point east and dare not go west, your cousin is the kind of person who only exists in the news, even if she is pushed into the fire pit by her boyfriend, she will still use the money earned from her body to support her useless boyfriend!Such a docile and submissive girl with glasses, who would want it!

"Tch." Tian Zhongnai curled his lips, "Boys are all playboys, don't think I don't know."

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