Machiko's body trembled slightly. It's fine to lie on her stomach, but she still needs to use her feet. Does Hua Ye have any special hobbies?

"I, let's go to the bedroom?" Machiko covered her chest with one hand and begged softly, "Don't dirty the sofa, or Mom will be angry..."


Hua Ye was confused.

It's just a pedicure, why dirty the sofa?

However, seeing Machiko's pleading expression of 'jump off the building if you don't agree', Hua Ye still nodded and agreed: "Then go to the bedroom."

"Hua Ye, Guo, do you really want to do that kind of thing?"

Machiko's face was stained with red, and she walked into the bedroom in a daze, and sat on the bed in a daze, until the words "give me your feet" sounded in her ears, and she suddenly woke up.

The black, long, straight girl hugged the pillow subconsciously, and was so nervous that she almost held her breath: "Will it take a long time? What if my mother comes back suddenly?"

Hua Ye said, "It won't take long, just a few minutes."

"How many minutes?"

Machiko opened her eyes wide in surprise. If a boy only has a few minutes, he is considered a fast, fast shooter, right?

Do you want to cooperate later?

What if the self-esteem of classmate Hua Ye is hit?

Hua Ye reached out and held Machiko's right foot, "Take off the stockings first?"


Machiko responded nervously.

With his right hand, Hua Ye held the calf wrapped in the black stockings, and with a slight force with his right hand, he pulled off the stockings, even making a soft 'pop' sound in the air.On the snow-white and delicate skin, light blue blood vessels can be seen faintly, and several slender toes curled up nervously, waiting helplessly for the next terrible fate.

Hua Ye said: "It may be a little uncomfortable at first, just bear with it."

"I-I know..."

Machiko hugged the pillow with both hands, like a drowning person hugging the last survival plank, her face was redder than a ripe red apple, as if she would burn her fingers if she touched it, she said not very confidently: "I, I will hold back of……"

As Hua Ye put Machiko's right foot on his lap, the black long straight girl couldn't help but tremble, subconsciously held her breath, and even closed her eyes tightly.

However, the terrible touch did not appear from the beginning to the end, only a numb feeling spread on the soles of the feet.

Machiko quietly opened her eyes and looked out of the corner of her eyes. She didn't see anything indescribable. Hua Ye just massaged her feet calmly.

"Student Hua Ye... what are you doing?"


Hua Ye said calmly: "Food therapy can effectively improve your physical condition and relieve your cough symptoms."

Foot is known as the "second heart" of the human body. Foot therapy has a history of more than [-] years. Hua Ye has nothing to do. When he was reading news on the Internet, he saw the introduction of foot therapy and found that there are indeed many advantages. , after all, everything that exists must have its rationality of existence, "..."

Machiko felt that the whole person was not well.

(It turned out that Hua Ye never had that kind of thought from the beginning to the end...)

(Let me get down, it should be for back massage, right?)

(In the end, I said so many strange things, Hua Ye must be disgusted with me now, right?)

(I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die...)

While thinking wildly, the phone suddenly vibrated.

Machiko picked up the phone and blinked blankly: "Hey, Dad?"

Right now, because of the explosion of shame, her IQ dropped to the level of a primary school student, and she subconsciously opened a call request, and then a dark face appeared on the screen of the phone.

Hashimoto Ryosuke, a field photographer by profession, usually likes to wear a pair of flat-frame glasses. At first glance, he looks gentle and scholarly, but after taking off the glasses, he will reveal a ferocity that makes children dare not cry at night. In terms of eyes, a big boss once commented that 'not mixing the organization is simply a pearl covered in dust'.

The last time Hua Ye met Ryosuke Hashimoto was at the Fireworks Festival. Later, he heard from Machiko that Ryosuke Hashimoto had gone back to Australia to shoot kangaroos. He didn't expect to contact him now.

"Machiko, have you already finished school?" Hashimoto Ryosuke's hearty laughter came, "Hurry up and take a look at this platypus, this is a unique animal in Australia, and I only encountered it with great difficulty..."

Machiko looked at her father who had been tanned a lot, annoyed and funny, and was about to ask a few questions about what's going on, when she suddenly realized that it was not time for video chat, because Hua Ye was still giving her a pedicure!

Of course, pedicures are nothing, the problem is that the two of them are now on the bed in the bedroom!If it is discovered, it will not be cleared by jumping into the Yellow River!

Thinking of this, Machiko hurriedly went to close the chat window, but Hua Ye just pushed hard, and the strange feeling from the bottom of his feet made Machiko hum involuntarily, and dropped the phone beside the pillow.

Then Hua Ye and the astonished Hashimoto Ryosuke looked at each other.

After a brief silence, a deafening roar of resentment suddenly sounded: "Bastard! My daughter is actually in front of me!?"


Chapter 928 Communication Between Men

"Good boy! My daughter is actually in front of me!"

When Hua Ye heard these words, he immediately became ill.

Shut up!Who fucked your daughter in front of you!Obviously, she is helping her with a pedicure to relieve colds and coughs, okay?

I don't want to have any connection with the bad words related to "mother and daughter", nor do I want to have any connection with the phrase "father before"!

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