
"Dad, what are you talking about!"

Machiko came back to her senses, quickly picked up the phone, and explained in a shy, angry and urgent way: "I have a cold, and I have been coughing and feeling very uncomfortable. Classmate Hua Ye just came to help with the massage!"

"Take cold medicine when you catch a cold. What's the use of massage?" Ryosuke Hashimoto gritted his teeth, wishing he could become Sadako and crawl out of the phone screen.

"I really didn't lie to you..."

Hashimoto Ryosuke said that he had already seen through everything: "Then tell me, the massage is not in the living room, why is it in the bedroom?"


Machiko wanted to cry but had no tears, and really realized what it means to "lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot".

Why is it in the bedroom?

Because I misunderstood the meaning of classmate Hua Ye, and then suggested to come in!

"Wow! My daughter, who has been raised for sixteen years, is actually being raped like this!" The fierce light in Ryosuke Hashimoto's eyes could hardly be blocked by his glasses, "I'll buy a plane ticket and go back, interrupt That kid's one hundred and eight bones!"

Sitting at the end of the bed, Hua Ye reminded: "An adult has a total of [-] bones."

"I know." Hashimoto Ryosuke stared angrily, "I'll save some of your bones for Qingyin to beat."


Your sister, you still plan to play mixed doubles in love!The problem is that the combination of the strength of the two of you can't break the defense, okay?

"Dad, don't do this!"

Machiko suddenly became anxious.

Although Hashimoto Ryosuke can fight a kangaroo, but if he fights with Hua Ye, he will definitely lose miserably, right?

In any case, Hua Ye and Ryosuke Hashimoto would not be allowed to do anything, because they were her two most important men.

"Hmph, I'll buy the nearest flight right now, I'll be home tomorrow, and then teach that kid to be a man with my fist!"

There was no other way, Machiko could only gritted her teeth and shouted:

"Father, if you come back to bully classmate Hua Ye, I will never talk to you again!"


Hashimoto Ryosuke was taken aback, and couldn't help but sighed, with a desolate expression of "the daughter is getting older and can't help it" on his face: "You actually murdered me because of a boy..."

"No, I didn't mean to murder you..."

Machiko shook his head hurriedly. You can't say that classmate Hua Ye is an onmyoji. You must be unable to beat him, right?

Hashimoto Ryosuke said: "Give the phone to that kid, and I'll have a few words with him."


"Hurry up, I want to have a man-to-man communication with him."

Machiko had no choice but to hand the phone to Hua Ye, begging pitifully with her eyes: "Student Hua Ye, don't quarrel with Dad..."

"Yes." Hua Ye took the phone.

Quarreling is not allowed. If you meet someone who is unreasonable, just punch him. If you don't agree with the three views, wasting your tongue is meaningless except for embarrassing yourself.

"Boy, you heard me clearly!"

Hashimoto Ryosuke had already taken off his black-rimmed glasses at this moment, showing a ferocious look in his eyes that made a child stop crying, and glared fiercely at Hua Ye: "If you are a man, take responsibility for me! Don't ignore me just for your own pleasure. Daughter, you give me [beep--], no [beep--], let alone [beep--], if Machiko gives birth to a grandson, I will never bring Qingjie to you!"

Go to your uncle!

What the hell did you say to cause so many silence words!

What happened to Kiyosuke?

Even if you do have a child, it's not your turn to choose a name, right?

"Father, what nonsense are you talking about!" Machiko was so ashamed and angrily said, "It's really just a foot massage!"

"Do you believe what boys say?" Hashimoto Ryosuke was heartbroken, "I played this kind of routine with your mother a lot. Every time I massaged her, I would end up massaging her on the bed..."

Hey, don't tell your wife and your boudoir interesting things in front of your daughter and outsiders!I don't want to hear it at all!

"I, I won't tell you anymore!"

Embarrassed and angry, Machiko quickly turned off the video call.

"Student Hua Ye, I'm sorry..." Machiko said tearfully, "Dad has a weird temper."

Not weird, but very weird!How can anyone seriously tell me not to play that kind of thing with my daughter!

Hua Ye shook his head: "It's okay."

After a while, the phone rang again.

Machiko picked up the phone, thinking it was Ryosuke Hashimoto's call, but was startled: "Hey, is it Mom's call?"

"Machiko, are you finished?" Hashimoto Qingyin's light voice echoed in the room.

"Hua Ye and I didn't do anything!"

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