"No need to explain." Hashimoto Qingyin's voice was soft, as if she didn't care that her daughter was playing indescribable things with boys in the bedroom, "Machiko has grown up after all, it doesn't matter if she does that kind of thing..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, always feeling that the lethality of this sentence surpassed the sum of all the nonsense of Hashimoto Ryosuke.

Hashimoto Qingyin continued: "I'll be home in about half an hour, please don't dirty the sofa, or it will be very troublesome."

your sister!Don't worry about the sofa for me at this time, your daughter's safety is the key!

"I wouldn't do that kind of thing!"

"Hey, I thought young people would always change a few more places for excitement, such as the sofa cover I changed last time..."

Machiko shouted shyly, "That's the sofa you and Dad got dirty!"

"Oh, did Machiko see it? It's a shame..."

It's a shame to say it, but Hua Ye didn't hear the slightest sense of shame at all.

"Obviously Ryosuke and I will wait for you to go to school before playing..."

Machiko couldn't help shouting:

"Mom, stop talking about weird things!"

"Okay." Hashimoto Qingyin said lightly, "I've already told Ryosuke, but with his character, he will definitely come back sneakily. Be careful next time, don't get caught... ..."

"That's why I didn't do that kind of thing!" Machiko was so ashamed and angry, "If it's okay, I'm going to hang up!"

"If you really can't bear it, you can go to the drawer in my room and get it..."

Machiko couldn't take it anymore: "I'm dead!"


Machiko hung up the phone, hugged the pillow with both hands, and looked at Hua Ye pitifully: "Father and mother are very nice, but they have a weird personality and often say some strange things... Hua Ye won't mind, right?"

Hua Ye said, "No."

A life that is too peaceful will make people bored, so life needs surprises. It is for this reason that Lafite often harvests pleasure points from others to ensure that he will not lose the freshness of life.

Although Machiko's parents are unreliable, there should be many interesting surprises in life, right?

"That's good……"

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that Hua Ye hadn't stopped doing pedicures on her hands when she was on the phone. At this moment, the pleasure accumulated before hit her head, and she couldn't help but groaned.


Chapter 929 Mother and Daughter...


An exceptionally soft crooning sound blurted out, instantly filling the room with pink ambiguous bubbles.

Machiko hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, but her eyes became obviously moist, like a lake of spring water, and her complexion looked like a ripe apple, making one wonder if it would burn her fingers if she touched it with her fingers.

This kind of look Hua Ye often sees recently.

That's right, when Igarashi manually enlarged her breasts on the roof of the school, whenever the poor-breasted star was about to fail, her eyes would change into what she is now, with misty eyes, as if the next moment It will overflow.

At times like this, Hua Ye would silently withdraw his hand. After all, the request he received was for manual breast enlargement, not for generating electricity for love.

Having said that, what if you don't stop at this time?

Hua Ye paused for a moment, then continued to massage, intending to use 'shame therapy' to make Machiko get rid of the habit of blushing and shy at every turn.

Unfortunately, the result was not as expected.

Although Machiko's face was flushed, she didn't mean to refuse at all.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and then his right hand began to move up, from the sole of the foot to the position of the calf, and the starting point was extraordinarily soft and smooth, like warm nephrite jade.

"Eh eh?"

Machiko turned her head in surprise, met Hua Ye's eyes, and hurriedly closed her eyes in embarrassment.

The room suddenly fell silent.

As Hua Ye climbed up with his right hand, the scorching hot breathing became more and more rapid. The girl with long black hair and straight eyes, who was pretending to be an ostrich, couldn't stop shaking...

So you should hurry up and say no!She was so scared that she was trembling all over, so stop blindly pampering her with your eyes closed!

Hua Ye suddenly remembered a small game "If you are a man, you can go up to the [-]th floor".

The early stages of the game are relatively easy, and the later it becomes more difficult.

There is a physical limit when running, and there is also a limit to human endurance. The reason why Machiko dared not say no is probably because she has not touched her bottom line.

So Hua Ye continued to 'climb', his fingers crossed the delicate skin that seemed to be creamy, and reached the cloth that protected the girl's chastity.

It's a skirt here, so it's not a strange thing.

This time, the black, long and straight girl finally reacted, weakly pressed Hua Ye's right hand, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito, "I can't continue..."

Hua Ye was very satisfied. It seemed that the shame therapy this time was not in vain. Finally, Machiko bravely refused.

"Mom is coming back soon." Machiko pleaded softly, "Shall we wait until the weekend?"


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