Igarashi's star with poor breasts is extravagant and wasteful, not to mention used socks, he won't even wear used socks again. Compared with your diligent and thrifty housekeeping character... Sure enough, he should choose Fu Loli.

"That... I just washed my socks last night, and I haven't dried them today." The glasses girl explained in a low voice, "That's why I'm wearing this pair..."

Hua Ye said, "Take off your socks."


The glasses girl blushed and took off her socks, revealing a pair of slender and delicate white feet. Her toes were curled up because of shyness. She hurriedly put the socks into her backpack, picked up her schoolbag, and followed Hua Ye again.

Going straight to the end of the training ground, you can see Jing Keai wearing a white training uniform, her hair tied up, and a black ribbon around her waist. She is fighting with others in actual combat. I really feel what it means to be heroic.

Kitano Haruka opened his eyes wide and looked, with envy showing on his face.

Such a powerful teacher Jing should be very popular, right?

But why can't you get married?

After a few minutes, Jing Keai finished work, took a sterilized towel and wiped the sweat off her face, then picked up a bottle of sports drink, raised her head and drank it, her heroic posture looked like The girl from the fighting nation was drinking vodka, and a few drops of crystal sweat slid down her slender, white neck, full of temptation.

"Huh..." Jing Keai breathed out comfortably, and walked towards Hua Ye and Kitano Yao, "Are you here?"

"Mr. Jing, good afternoon." The glasses girl called timidly. She opened her schoolbag and took out the gift she had prepared a long time ago: "Teacher, here is a gift for you..."

Jing Keai gently twitched the corner of her mouth, recalling the fact that she was one year older, reached out to take it, and thanked her earnestly, "Thank you Kitano."

In any case, it is something to be grateful for someone who is willing to come so far to send a birthday present.

Seeing that Jing Keai accepted the gift, the glasses girl breathed a sigh of relief, the purpose of this trip has been achieved: "Goodbye, teacher, I'll go back first..."

"What are you going back for?" Jing Keai said, "Let's go after playing for a while."

"Eh?" The glasses girl hurriedly shook her head, "I, I won't..."

"Why not?" Jing Keai pinched her waist with one hand, full of momentum, "During physical education class, you always practiced martial arts, right?"

That's right, there are indeed martial arts in the physical education classes of Japanese middle schools. There are currently eight items in total, namely judo, kendo, archery, sumo, karate, aikido, Shaolin boxing and naginata... You read that right, there are indeed A very strange boxing technique was mixed in.

Not only that, but in the past two years, Japan has even included bayonet fighting as an elective course in middle school physical education courses!

If we say that kendo is about sports and competition, but what the hell is bayonet fighting?That's basically a wooden rifle tied with sponge, okay?When two people fight with bayonets, it looks like elementary school students fighting with branches!

Hua Ye once watched a bayonet fighting training, and immediately felt that the person who came up with this idea is really a fucking talent!It's like living in the Showa era!

Now is obviously the era when martial arts are even better, and you can go to the grenadier for me, the spear thrower has been abandoned by the times!

"Okay, you two go change your clothes." Jing Keai waved her hand and said.

Hua Ye was speechless immediately: "I want to change too?"

"Of course I have to change it." Jing Keai crackled her fingers, "Teacher, I'm very upset today, and I urgently need a good sandbag."

Chapter 935

It was still early, and Hua Ye had nothing to do when he went back, so he went to the dressing room next to him to change.

"Come, come." Jing Keai put on a starting gesture, "Today I will fight you for [-] rounds."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Just one round..."

"What did you say?" Jing Keai narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile, "Teacher, I am very unhappy today."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and closed his mouth wisely.

"Is it all right?"


Jing Keai nodded in satisfaction: "Then let's start."


Hua Ye has only been to the Gym a few times, and most people here don't know him. Now seeing him chatting 'intimately' with Jing Keai, some people suddenly become sour.

"How can that guy be able to make Mr. Jing favor him so much that he refuses to accept it."

"You actually fought with Master Jing, be careful that you won't be able to get up later."

"He was wearing a high school uniform before, so he should be a high school student?"

"Then he must be out of action, because male high school students can't make Mrs. Jing happy!"

"Maybe, high school students have good physical strength, and what if their skills are also good..." A young man wearing glasses said. Before he could finish speaking, he was dragged away by two people, "Drag him and beat him to death."

"Right on my mind."

Girls with good looks, good figure, and good family background will naturally have suitors. As human beings, as visual creatures, the pursuit of beauty is natural and instinctive, and it is completely understandable.These students in the gymnasium, no matter how old they are, all have a certain affection for Jing Keai.Coupled with the strength of Jing's cute fifth-degree black belt, she is a well-deserved trump card in the gym, so many people who are familiar with her call her Master Jing.

Only the glasses girl couldn't help whispering: "Student Hua Ye is very good..."

It's a pity that the sound is so small that no one notices it at all.


Jing Keai punched, so fast that it even brought out a strong wind. Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and blocked it at will.

clap clap clap!

The stormy fighting skills are poured out, which actually gives people a pleasing feeling. Martial arts in this era are no longer killing skills, but fitness and hobbies. Karate will naturally adapt to the trend of the times. The nature of viewing and performance.

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