Jing Keai is a karate expert with a fifth-degree black belt. She has pretty good fighting skills and is quite proficient in all kinds of basic skills and routines. When she starts to move at this moment, a rookie like Haruka Kitano probably only has The next three words are "excellent".

"Hey, that boy hasn't moved yet!"

"Master Jing, did you show mercy?"

"Nonsense, you go up and try it, and I guarantee that you will be unable to get up for a long time with one punch."

"That boy is actually a hidden peerless master?"

"You've watched too many movies."


'Peerless master' is of course a joke, but no matter how stupid a person is, they can see that Hua Ye is very powerful. For a while, those who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour all shut their mouths wisely.

The other girls who came to exercise had little stars in their eyes.

"Hey, you should move a little bit!" Jing Keai took a step back and opened the distance, "It will embarrass me, okay?"

Is face more important than body?

With one punch, you will spiral into the sky!

No... The Catholic Church prohibits premarital sex/behavior, and also prohibits love between same-sex people. It's hard for people not to doubt your orientation if you can't get married for so long!

So you can't go to heaven yet!

Hua Ye thought of Chapter 3 Chapter [-] of the unreliable strategy taught by Xiaoqian, girls also have competitive ambitions.

When a certain girl plays a competitive game with you, it doesn’t matter whether you keep winning or losing all the time. The best way is to lose at the opponent’s skirt after [-] rounds of fighting...

Stop joking!It's not a hot-blooded comic, where are there so many dramas!

Hua Ye waved casually: "Go ahead, go home after the fight."

"I'm even more upset now."

Quiet and lovely raised her brows, kicked up a howling wind with one kick, and kicked it sideways, which is exactly the "three-day moon kick" in Jizheng Karate.

As we all know, Sanriyue means a newborn three-day moon. At this time, the moon is in the shape of a crescent, and the newborn crescent is full of vitality. It can also be used as a name, such as a super-venomous black long straight girl Sanriyue Yekong.

And "San Ri Yue Cu" is a kick that raises the leg upwards obliquely and pokes the opponent with the sole of the forefoot.Because the tiger's toe is used as the point of force, it has greater hardness, smaller force point, and strong penetrating power. The part hit by the three-day moon kick will leave a crescent-shaped mark, hence the name.

This kind of kick is mostly used to attack the soft underbelly of the waist, because it has a strong penetrating power. Once kicked into the soft underbelly, many opponents will lose their combat effectiveness because of the unbearable pain in the liver. It is a kick that combines viewing and actual combat. , ordinary people will definitely fall to the ground if they get kicked. Of course, in Hua Ye's eyes, it is still not worth mentioning.

For the sake of being quiet and cute, Hua Ye was about to move around, but suddenly he heard a slight crisp sound of "click" in the air, and then most of the force of kicking his hands dissipated in an instant.

At the same time, Jing Kei's movements suddenly froze, her eyes widened suddenly, and she rushed towards Hua Ye.


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately realized what happened.

The weak and crisp sound just now was clearly the sound made by flashing to the waist!


Because she is an 'older young woman' who is twenty-nine years old and dozens of months old, she used too much force just now, so that she accidentally slipped to her waist!Others kill [-] enemies and lose [-] yourself, but you are lucky. If you don't kill a single person, you lose [-] first!


"Flash waist" is a kind of acute low back pain that often occurs in daily life. Only those who have flashed the waist can accurately describe how painful it is at that moment.

Although Hua Ye didn't know how painful his back was, he could understand a thing or two from Jing Keai's suddenly pale face and stiff upside-down body.

Hua Ye sighed, and stretched out his hand to catch Jing Kei, who was flashing to the waist. There was no other way, if she was allowed to fall face down on the floor, her campus life would definitely be in dire straits in the future, and there would never be a peaceful day again. .

As for supporting her head with her hands... she would probably be put on the blacklist as well.


Jing Keai fell on Hua Ye's right arm, let out a low, depressed hum, and subconsciously wrapped her arms around Hua Ye.


The melon-eating crowd who were watching the battle with relish were stunned, some couldn't turn the corner, and didn't understand how the wonderful battle just now turned into dog food in the blink of an eye?

After a brief silence, soon there was a commotion.

"Hey, how can this be? Give me a good test, bastard!"

"Let go of Mrs. Jing! Young people still want old cows to eat tender grass... Bah, let me do it anyway!"

"Let's go up together and save Lord Jing!"


The slogan was shouted loudly, but unfortunately, no one dared to step forward to attack Hua Ye. After all, everyone saw the battle just now, and they could only ask for trouble. As for gang fights, just shout. Let's not talk about whether you can fight with your hands or not, even if you can, you will be expelled from the gymnasium directly.

Among the crowd, Haruka Kitano was the most shocked.

This eyed girl opened her eyes wide, raised her hand to cover her mouth, and looked at Hua Ye in disbelief, lying in Hua Ye's arms, with one arm around Hua Ye, and then Jing Kei, whose face was red and white and panting, instantly appeared in her mind. Many dire conjectures arose.

"Shock!The female teacher did this kind of thing to the male students in full view! "Why does the female teacher openly embrace the boy?"Truth makes people silent"

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the glasses girl, and shouted:

"come here."

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