Kitano Haruka shivered for a moment, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her face: "Student Hua Ye, I, I didn't see anything!"

Your sister, it's too late to cover your face now!If you see something you shouldn't see, you can only use physical amnesia to make you forget it!

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "I asked you to come and support her."

"Eh?" The glasses girl lowered her hand and looked over timidly, "W-why do you need to help?"

Jing Keai supported Hua Ye to stand up, with the other hand supporting his waist, his face showed a sense of vicissitudes like a "hero's twilight", and sighed, "Because I accidentally slipped to my waist..."

"o V o!"

Chapter 936

It seems that Jing Keai is suffering from serious back pain. At this moment, most of her body is pressed on the glasses girl. Because of the height difference, her chest is just pressed on Kitano Haruka's shoulders, which immediately highlights the outline and straightness of her chest. , Let many people who eat melon beat their chests and stamp their feet, regretting why they didn't come forward to help earlier.

"Hua, students Huaye..."

Kitano Haruka staggered, looking over with pleading eyes.

Hua Ye was speechless. He didn't expect that the girl with glasses could not hold her steady. He had no choice but to reach out and grab Jing Kei's shoulder. Although it would not turn into an eagle carrying a chick, Jing Kei was quite dissatisfied.

"Hey, you kid is too much."

"Disabled people don't talk."

"Who is a disabled person? It's just that I accidentally flashed to my waist with too much force." Jing Keai was a little lacking in confidence, "It will be fine later..."

Hua Ye said calmly: "The academic term for a slipped waist is 'acute lumbar sprain'. Muscle sprains are not cramps. Without proper treatment, the pain will last at least half a month, which is completely in line with the standards for disability leave. You should know That's right."

"Who knows?" Jing Keai looked away, feeling even more guilty.

Hua Ye said: "You covered your waist with your hands just now, and your standing posture now proves that you know how to deal with the state of slipping your waist, that is to say..."

"Okay, when I was dancing in the bar before, I did accidentally slip past my waist!" Jing Keai was full of murderous looks, and it seemed like Hua Ye would speak with his fists when he asked again, "Is there any problem?"

Hua Ye said calmly: "Your speech speed has increased by [-]% just now, and your eyes have also unnaturally dodged, which proves..."

"You are enough!" Jing Keai clenched her silver teeth, "Besides, I really beat you!"

Well, the last time I flashed to the waist was not because of dancing in the bar, but when I got up and stretched one morning, I used too much force, and then accidentally flashed to the waist... Even if I stretched, I could flash to the waist. Shameless?

Thinking of this, the lonely expression of "hero's twilight" appeared on Jing Keai's face again, recalling the long and turbulent years of the past, but before she could sigh, the expression was replaced by pain...

It really hurts!

In the future, who dares to say 'flashes my waist', she must get him in three days!

Hua Ye took Jing Keai to the staff lounge next door. A student ran over and said out of breath, "Master Jing, I called Dr. Hirata just now. He is having diarrhea after eating bad food. He will have to wait a while before he can help you." You heal..."

In this kind of karate gym, falls, sprains, and injuries often occur, so there are naturally corresponding medical staff, but "snap back" is extremely rare.

Jing Keai sat on the bench, with a look of disgust on her face when she heard this, she waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll take a car to the hospital for treatment later."


"I know what to do with it, let's just say it."

"Yes, Master Jing!"

Jing Keai turned to look at the glasses girl: "Student Kitano, go and close the door of the lounge."

"Good, good!"

The glasses girl nodded, and trotted over to close the door of the lounge.

Jing Keai supported her waist with one hand, slowly lay down on the bench in the staff lounge, and exhaled lightly.

After flashing your waist, don’t force yourself to move. It’s reasonable to find a hard bed to lie down and rest. After your feet are numb, try to shake your legs desperately. The experience of trying to speed up blood circulation can’t be used here. Doing so will only exacerbate low back pain , The injury worsened.

"That..." Kitano Haruka said timidly, "Do you want me to get a hot towel and apply it?"

"no need."

Jing Keai closed her eyes and fell asleep, shaking her head.

Many people apply hot towels immediately after flashing their waists. This is actually wrong. The correct way is to apply cold towels to the waist one to two days after the injury, and then use hot towels Apply to promote the absorption of hematoma.

The correct way to deal with it now is to lie down for a while, wait for the back pain to ease, then go to the hospital for magnetic therapy, and then go to a special massage parlor for massage...

and many more!

"Back massage?"

There are not many treatment methods for flashing the waist. One is to go to the hospital to receive laser treatment, the other is to receive acupuncture treatment, the third is to apply hot towels, and the last is to go to a massage parlor to find a professional massage. Of course, if you are reluctant to pay or the situation is not serious, It's okay to rest at home for a few days.

Acupuncture therapy was rejected by Jing Kei from the very beginning, just like a bald man, no matter how successful he is, he will be directly blacklisted by Jing Kei.There are so many long needles piercing the body, and the piercing is so deep, no matter how you think about it, it is unacceptable!

Isn't it natural for girls to be afraid of injections?

Even cats and dogs are afraid of injections!

Then the only solution left in front of me is massage therapy, and it happens that someone around me can massage...

Jing Keai turned her head to look at Hua Ye, she was suddenly out of breath, the teacher was lying on the bench enduring the torment, and you actually sat there playing with your phone?

Respect the teacher as promised... Bah!Respect the teacher!

"Come here, kid." Jing Keai gritted her teeth and shouted.

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