Hua Ye looked up.

"That's right, it's you."

Hua Ye got up and walked over: "What's the matter?"

Nonsense, I'm already lying on the bench and can't get up, what do you think is okay!

"Don't you know how to massage?" Jing Keai said, "Give me a massage first."

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Would a man and a woman give or take each other..."

"Are you a person who lived in the Showa era!" Jing Keai clenched her fists and almost laughed angrily, "It is basically the job of female nurses to take care of patients in the hospital, and I have never seen anyone say that men and women cannot kiss each other. "

Hua Ye put away his mobile phone and said helplessly, "Then change your posture and lie down."


Jing Keai blushed slightly, expressionless said:

"Teacher, I'm getting more and more upset now..."

Hey, don't threaten others at every turn, I tell you, you are going to be slapped like this!

You must massage your waist if you flicker, you are lying on the bench now, you can't massage at all!It's not about asking you to change your posture on the bed, and then learn about the bad posture of an old cow pushing a cart, what's there to be shy about!


The lady in glasses stood by the side, although she felt that the conversation above was a little bad, and she didn't know what to say, so she could only keep her eyes wide open, waiting for Hua Ye or Jing Keai's call at any time... At first glance, it looked a bit like ancient times. The accompanying maid, she can do whatever she is asked to do, she has neither the ability nor the will to resist.

Jing Keai tried to sit up and turn over, but unfortunately, a look of pain soon appeared on her face, she stretched out her hand and said, "Help me..."

It seems that the situation of "flashing the waist" this time is really serious, so that Jing Keai had to ask Hua Ye for help.


Hua Ye responded, and stretched out his hand to pull her up. The fingers he held were slender, soft and delicate, but a little cold.

As for being hurts so much that I can't turn over, and I'm so shy!

With Hua Ye's help, Jing Keai changed her posture from lying on her back to lying on a bench.

I didn't think there was anything before, but now that I lie down, the curve of the waist and hips is immediately highlighted. The subtle curve that starts to slide down from the shoulders and then rises suddenly at the buttocks made Hua Ye's gaze stop for a moment.

There is no other meaning, just to appreciate it.

The vest line and waist-hip line are the goals pursued by most girls. For girls, the vest line is more handsome, but in the eyes of boys, the most attractive thing is naturally the waist-hip line. It feels quiet and cute to participate in the butt model beauty contest All can be shortlisted.

Having said that, the most upturned butt that Hua Ye has seen so far is Silly Meow. On that day in the middle of the summer vacation, Silly Meow bent over to tie his shoelaces in the room, and I still remember it vividly.

Jing Keai can naturally feel Hua Ye's gaze lingering, but as an older young woman who is [-] years old and dozens of months old, and has had dozens of blind dates, it can be said that she is already immune to such gaze, so she is not angry to say : "Hurry up and give me a massage. If it doesn't work, help me take a taxi to the hospital."

"En." Hua Ye responded, and sat next to Jing Keai, ready for massage therapy.

"and many more……"

Jing Keai suddenly thought of a question: "The last time I skipped my waist to go to the massage shop for a massage, I took off my clothes and lay on the massage mat... Do I have to take off my clothes now?!"

Blade Bounty!

Cheng Zi has the audacity to beg for a blade again...

The last blade reward was on the 8th of last month, and a total of 80 chapters have been updated as of today. You can count them yourself. If there are two updates per day, it can be counted as adding [-] chapters, right?

So whether I am from the heart or the water, I have never deceived the blade, but this is the only objection...

If you want to drink oranges, come here, I promise to fill you up o(≧mouth≦)o

I discovered a secret.

As long as the update is fast enough, the water can't catch up with me, so, friends, please vote for me if you have a blade (*^▽^*)

Now one hundred blades plus one change, that's right, the standard has been lowered!

Because no one threw blades last month... (hides face and tears)

Chapter 937 Back Massage

"Okay, take off your clothes."

Hua Ye said.

"Is it okay if you don't take it off?" Jing Keai planned to continue for a second for herself, "When I get a massage, I usually put a towel on my back. The practice clothes are similar to the towel?"

"That's massage, not massage therapy. The idea of ​​'push where it hurts' doesn't work." Hua Ye said calmly, "You have to take off your clothes first, check which muscle you have sprained, and then prescribe the right medicine. If you don't take off your clothes , I will treat it as an ordinary massage... I will not be responsible for any future troubles."

As we all know, many patients with acute lumbar sprains go to the massage club for massage, and the condition will even become more serious the next day, because they will only "push where the pain is" and fail to find the root of the lesion. lead to aggravation of the condition.

"Hey, don't say such things in front of my face!"

Jing Keai complained, then sighed: "Then take it off."

Right now, of course, the back injury is the most important thing, how hard it is to be so painful that you can't straighten your back, whoever tries will know.

Speaking of which, Jing Kei, as a woman in the new era of "financial freedom", in addition to shopping and fitness, is taking care of her body on weekdays. She has been to various physical therapy clubs, and massage and massage are of course indispensable.

Anyone who has been to a regular massage parlor knows that if there is no special requirement, the opposite sex is usually assigned to be in charge of the massage by default. After all, "same-sex repulsion" can be applied to both boys and girls.

Although Jing Keai always asks a familiar female technician to massage, but the male technician is not unacceptable. Now that the situation is urgent, there is no need to worry about small things.

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