As for exposing your body in front of your students...

First, he wore a corset underneath, which was similar to swimming in a swimming pool. Second, he didn't treat Hua Ye as an ordinary student, so there was no psychological burden at all.

On the contrary, the lady with glasses next to her was stunned, how could Teacher Jing agree to take off her clothes in just a few words!

"Student Kitano." Jing Keai turned her head to look, "Come here and help me take off my clothes."


The glasses girl blinked her eyes blankly, and suddenly felt that she had become one of those bed-warming maids in ancient times. Hua Ye and Teacher Jing were the master and mistress...

"What are you doing standing there? Come here quickly."

"Come, come!"

The karate suit consists of three parts in total, namely the black belt around the waist, and the upper and lower white training suits. Now the waist is flashed, only the upper body needs to be exposed, and the pants do not need to be taken off.

When the glasses girl helped to untie the Tao belt, and then hurriedly took off the white exercise clothes on the upper body, both of them were out of breath, but one was caused by nervousness, and Jing Keai was caused by low back pain.

Hua Ye said, "Get out of the way."


The glasses girl held Jing's cute exercise clothes, stepped back two steps, and stood obediently by the side.

Hua Ye sat down again, and his eyes fell on Jing's lovely back. The smooth back, as white as jade, deceived Frost Saixue under the light. It was dazzlingly white, but there was a black corset knot under the shoulder blades, which made people think subconsciously. To untie.

Moving your eyes down, you can see a seductive snow-white arc squeezed out by lying on your stomach. With a black lace-trimmed corset, it is very visually alluring.

It's a pity that Hua Ye didn't notice it. On the contrary, the glasses girl took a few glances, and soon lowered her head and stared at her toes with a flushed face.

"I started?"

"Hurry up." Jing Keai urges her lying on the bench, in the face of the pain that shivered her back, it's not a big deal to show her back.


Hua Ye responded, and put his hands on the left and right sides above Jing Keai's buttocks. At first glance, it looked like a posture of grabbing the waist to facilitate exertion.

"what are you doing?!"

Jing Keai's body trembled slightly, and there was a touch of embarrassment in her voice.

Hua Ye pushed his hands upwards, and calmly said, "Check which muscle is sprained."

"If I find out that you are eating tofu on purpose, teacher, I will fry it!"

Hua Ye said, "I'm not interested in you."

"I'll blow it up for you right now!"


Hua Ye pushed up with both hands, and moved his fingers lightly, looking for the sprained muscle.

Jing Keai let out a low voice, "Be gentle, it hurts so much."

Hua Ye wrote down the location: "Continue to check."

When his fingers reached the bra buckle, Hua Ye paused: "Do you want to untie it?"

"If you want to be beaten, just say it!"

After checking which muscle was sprained, Hua Ye moved his ten fingers: "I'm starting."

I always feel that if I say "I'm starting" at this time, there will be bloody violence.

"let's start."

Jing Keai lay on the bench, breathing in the cool air lightly: "After the pain is relieved a little, I can go to the hospital by car."

After deciding how to massage, Hua Ye stopped talking, dropped his hands, and started massage therapy.


An irresistible, tempting croon sounded suddenly.

The air in the lounge instantly turned an ambiguous pink.

Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her mouth, and the glasses girl's complexion was as red as an apple, and she hugged her backpack tremblingly.

Only Hua Ye was unmoved, any mechanical skill that required long-term training to master, with Hua Ye, he could learn it with just a glance, and reach the peak of skill in an instant.

"This guy must have done it on purpose, right?"

Jing Keai bit her lip and suppressed the voice in her throat. If it was in a massage parlor, it would be fine, but if she made such a voice in front of her students, her face would be hot after all.

"Obviously it's all massage, why does it feel so strange this time?"

Jing Kei began to think wildly to divert her attention, and suddenly remembered what a female friend said - top-notch massage is an ultimate enjoyment, even comparable to sex.

It's a pity that when I had a massage before, I only felt that the whole body was comfortable after the massage. I had never experienced the so-called "extreme enjoyment" and thought it was just an exaggeration.

It wasn't until this moment that Jing Keai suddenly discovered that there is indeed a massage that makes people want to cry out. The taste like soaking in hot springs and drinking fine wine is really very comfortable.

The glasses girl stood timidly by the side, seeing Jing Keai's face getting more and more flushed, she became even more frightened.

(I obviously just came here to give birthday gifts...why, why did it become like this!)

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