Hua Ye recalled the person with the fruit of face that he met in the hotel that night. After a few days, the other party didn't jump out to make trouble, and he seemed to be somewhat self-aware.

Miss Miko paused, seeing that Hua Ye was not impatient, she continued: "The patriarch of the Kasuga family has sent a commission to our office, inviting us to help, regardless of success or failure, there will be [-] million yen. If you win the fight, the reward will be doubled."

Facts have proved that in the eyes of some people, earning [-] million first is really just a small goal.

"The duel is tonight." Miss Miko pursed her lips and said, "If Mr. Hua wants to go, I will give an affirmative answer, and if he does not want to go, I will refuse."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Go and have a look."

Money actually has some uses. For example, when being taken care of by a big-breasted dragon lady, you can use money to slap the other person in the face and say confidently: "Now I'm taking care of you, wash up obediently, and wait on the bed."

"Understood." Miss Miko nodded, "I'll answer right away."

Chapter 944 Acquaintances

"I'm going to change clothes first, and I'll leave later..."

"Hey, so fast?" Hinata hurriedly looked over, and said pitifully, "Aren't you going to leave after eating with Brother Xiaoye?"

Miss Miko shook her head: "There is a banquet."

"Then what about me and Linna?"

Miss Miko said, "Just leave it to Qianqiu."

"I don't want it." Hinata puffed up her cheeks and said pitifully, "Sister Qianqiu always likes to cook some weird dishes, it's so scary."

"Leave it to me." A black-haired girl appeared from mid-air, it was the earth spirit girl Qianqiu.

With the lack of faith in modern society, Qianqiu's power has not been recovered much, but his cooking skills have improved a lot, and now he seems to be a chef-level figure, and he also has a touch of human vitality.

"Hua Jun, can you change your clothes too?" Miss Miko looked at Hua Ye, "I happened to buy a few sets for you, and they are all in the closet."

Hua Ye nodded: "Okay."

He is wearing a school uniform at the moment. Although it doesn't matter what he wears, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't wear any clothes, but if he wears a school uniform to a banquet, he will definitely be surrounded by people, and it will inevitably be a bit troublesome.

Hua Ye took the clothes and walked into the guest room.

"Brother Xiaoye, do you want me to help you?" Lolita Poulting her hands on the edge of the door frame, poked out half of her small face, with expectant eyes, giggling, "I'm very good at changing clothes!"

Hua Ye said blankly: "It's not necessary at all."

After closing the door and preparing to change clothes, the phone rang suddenly.

Hua Ye picked up the phone and looked, it was Igarashi's star with poor breasts calling.

"Hey, where are you?" Igarashi asked, "Why aren't you at home?"

Hua Ye said, "There is something going on outside."

"We agreed to make cookies today?" Igarashi seemed to be grinding his teeth, "Why didn't you come back?"

"Leave it to Illya."

It's just aura biscuits, and Illya is perfectly capable.


Igarashi let out a snort, with strong dissatisfaction in his voice, even Hua Ye could hear it.


"It's nothing, my throat is uncomfortable."

So why do you keep a maid at home!And just now I suggested that I wear a girls' developmental bra to ensure the healthy development of the chest/part... What are you kidding, it's something that children only wear!

Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, looked at Illya, and then looked down at herself, the resentment deepened in her heart.

"Hmph, just wait! The massage therapy has taken effect now, and it will grow bigger and bigger in the future! I will definitely make you crawl under my feet by then!"



fifteen minutes later.

A car stopped at the gate of the shrine.

Hua Ye and Miss Miko sat in the back row, and the car started.

"Hua Jun, would you like a candy?" Miss Miko looked over and took out a few candies from her pocket, "It tastes very good."

Hua Ye turned his head and found that it was Yuha Juice Candy. He reached out and took one, peeled off the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth. He found that the fruity aroma was overflowing, with a wonderful taste like jelly, soft and chewy, with grape flavor. Sweet and sour, the taste is quite good.

When Ms. Miko was peeling off the sugar coating, the car just passed the speed bump. When the body turned upside down, the candy was bounced out. Seeing that it was about to hit the ground, Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold it, and subconsciously handed it to Miss Miko.


Miko Ruri opened her eyes wide.

Oops!Accidentally turned on the feeding mode again!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and was about to retract his hand when he suddenly saw Miss Miko open her mouth with a reddish face, and gently sucked the candy in Hua Ye's hand, her fingers even slightly touched the soft lips. touch.

"Ding dong."

Hua Ye seemed to hear a strange beep ringing in his ears.

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