"The judgment is passed, the feeding is successful! The new pose has been unlocked, please pay attention to check it."



When they arrived at the Kasuga family's villa, it was already dark.

The twilight is deep, covering the surrounding fields, and the earth is vast.

A man with the appearance of a housekeeper bowed and saluted, and led the way: "Please, both of you."

"It's troublesome."

Miss Miko nodded slightly.

Hua Ye and Miss Miko walked through the garden and quickly walked to the living room. An old man with half gray and half white hair came forward and said with a smile, "I finally hoped for you to come."

"Mr. Haruhi, good evening." Miss Miko bowed and returned the salute. After all, she is a person of the older generation, so etiquette cannot be underestimated.

There was a look of nostalgia on the old man's face: "When your grandfather was young, he drank with me. In a blink of an eye, we are all old, and you can be alone."

Miss Miko just smiled and didn't speak.

Just because you've had a drink doesn't mean you're a friend. When Chiba Shrine was down and down, the other party never helped, so it's good to just nod your acquaintance.

The two sides exchanged a few simple greetings. The old man obviously knew that Hua Ye didn't like talking, so he just nodded and smiled. He didn't intend to make friends, but he was quite sensible.

When Hua Ye walked into the living room, he could see quite a few people who came to help out.

"Hua Jun, shall we have something to eat first?" Miss Miko asked.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

In the corner of the living room, there is a long dining table with lobster, tuna sashimi, crab, Kobe beef, etc., for guests to take by themselves...Anyway, ordinary people do not understand the world of local tyrants.

During this period, quite a few people looked towards Hua Ye and Miss Miko. After all, the "mysterious girl murder incident" some time ago was aroused in the circle of Onmyoji, and Hua Ye and Miss Miko caught the murderer that night. Curious.

"good evening."

Suddenly someone came over, but it was a thin middle-aged man with a mustache. It was Yuji Kitagawa who had a feud with Miss Miko.

Hua Ye looked up at him, but said nothing.

"My father and Chief Kasuga are friends, so I had to come to help..." Yuji Kitagawa said with a wry smile.

Hua Ye shook his head: "I'm not interested."

Kitagawa Yuji said a few more words, and then resigned.

"What are you going to do with him?" Beichuan Xiangzi stood not far away, and asked nervously in a low voice. She still remembered what happened that day during the summer vacation. At first, she thought about troublesome Hua Ye, but now Completely put out that thought.

"Of course it's for intelligence."

"What information?"

Kitagawa Yuji calmly said: "The other side doesn't take us seriously."

Beichuan Xiangzi was puzzled: "Is this something to be happy about?"

"That's right." Kitagawa Yuji was sad about his wife's IQ, and sighed, "Sometimes a prejudice can change the fate of others. That boy doesn't take us seriously, which means that at least he has no prejudice against us. "

"But he has a very close relationship with Qianye Liuli..."

"So what?" Yuji Kitagawa said, "The relationship is very close, but it's not confirmed. In matters of relationship, the person who is close to the water and gets the moon first has the upper hand."

Kitagawa Yuji knocked on the table: "Don't forget, we also have people to support...although they are not motivated."

Chapter 945 Showdown

In addition to the members of the Beichuan family, Hua Ye also saw a familiar person, that is Ishida Ryuji who was planning to rob Machiko the cat demon in the small park.

This man once asked Hua Ye for help, and wanted to ask Hua Ye to rescue the mermaid from the Truth Society, but Hua Ye refused. In this world, the strong should help the weak, and the rich should help the poor. Helping is a good deed, not helping There is nothing wrong with that, those who say "why not help if you can" are mostly people who eat melons while standing up and talking.Moreover, the unknown of life and death and uncertain whereabouts, in Hua Ye's view, are undoubtedly troublesome.

Ishida Ryuji stood quietly in the corner, looked at Hua Ye, and quickly looked away.

"Hua Jun, what's the matter?" Miss Miko glanced at Ryuji Ishida and asked softly.

Hua Ye put the peeled shrimp meat on the plate in front of Miko Liuli, shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's have dinner."


Miss Miko blushed slightly, and instead of rejecting Hua Ye's peeled shrimp, she took the plate, mixed two sauces, and put one of them in front of Hua Ye.

In a blink of an eye, it was half past seven in the evening.

It was completely dark.

The night was dark and the stars dimmed.

Hua Ye took a tissue and wiped his hands, and walked out of the living room with Miss Miko.

After all, nowadays is a technological society, so "unscientific" things should be avoided in front of ordinary people as much as possible. When Hua Ye walked out of the living room, he found that a simple sound and light mask had been set up around him, which can isolate ordinary people. The range of sight and sound covers the entire villa estate.

There is no doubt that the manor from the entrance of the villa to the living room is the battlefield of the duel, and the type of duel is unlimited fighting.

Most of the fighting power of Onmyoji rests on shikigami, but shikigami are all kinds of strange things, some are suitable for stealth and sneak attacks, and some are suitable for frontal combat, so the one-on-one fighting method of the group arena is not feasible, usually it is to delineate an area , Unlimited duel regardless of means and quantity.

Both sides rely on their means, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit, it's that simple.

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