"I don't need to say more about the rules, I think everyone knows it." The old man of the Kasuga family stood in front of him, bowing slightly with a dignified expression, "Anyway, I'm asking you for your help this time."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Hua, the enemy is coming." Miss Miko said softly.

Hua Ye looked up, and could see that the gate of the manor had opened silently, and a group of people in black suits walked in silently.The leader was the face star Yanagitazaemon whom he met in the hotel that day. This fellow still had sloppy footsteps, swollen eye bags, tired expression, and a kidney deficiency appearance that seemed to be about to die suddenly at any moment.

Yanagidazaemon obviously didn't intend to 'the two armies confront each other, let's talk first', so he just waved his hand, and the several onmyoji who followed him began to summon shikigami.

Ripple-like fluctuations appeared in the air, and a shikigami with long white hair appeared. The gender was feminine, and men and women could not be distinguished, although for the shikigami who existed as a spirit body, gender had no meaning.This shikigami floats in mid-air, and the hem and skirt corners are like smoke, floating in the air in strands, giving people a unique sense of beauty.

"The monster who controls the wind...is it supposed to be Kamaitachi?" Miss Miko frowned slightly, "Kamaitachi is a famous monster, and the other party released it right away?"

Hua Ye saw through the other party's essence at a glance, shook his head and said, "It's just a show."

Immediately after that, a chill hit the face, a snow girl with icy blue hair, snow-white eyes, and her whole body seemed to be made of ice and snow appeared out of thin air. The diffusion is like ice flowers on the glass in winter, and the chill is pressing.

At the same time, the humidity in the air suddenly increased, and moist water vapor rushed towards the face, causing people's pores to relax.A surviving woman with misty eyes appeared, as if she had countless sorrows. It was clearly a clear night sky, but soon there were pattering raindrops falling.

"It's Rain Girl." Miss Miko's face was serious.

Rain Girl is also a well-known monster in the folk. She often appears in the rain. She looks like a weak woman, and she will always follow the man who shares the umbrella with a smile to her. Then the man will die due to the invasion of moisture. Fisherman's husband, but was transformed by a woman who was swept into the sea by wind and waves. People who saw her would feel sad and painful. In game terms, she was born with a weakened aura.

It doesn't stop there.

Immediately afterwards, there was a low 'buzzing' sound, which made people think of the moment when the blade was pulled out of the scabbard for no reason.

A girl with black hair and red eyes appeared out of thin air, with a petite figure and a strange demon sword behind her, which seemed to be bigger than a human.

"Demon Sword Girl?"

The red leaves are falling all over the sky, and a woman wearing a red kimono with red leaves on the kimono appears as if stained red with blood. Her eyes are like cat's eyes, with breathtaking power. Obviously she is the famous ghost girl Momiji in Japanese folklore. .

"Hua Jun, this 'Hundred Monogatari' organization seems to be quite powerful." Miss Miko's tone became more serious.

The shikigami of the opponent's envoys are all famous monsters in history. Although they seem to be few in number, they undoubtedly have the upper hand in terms of strength.

There is an old saying that "a thousand people point at us and die without disease". Human beings can occupy the mainstream position in many worlds. In addition to a strong reproductive ability, a strong will is also an indispensable thing.

There are many similar examples in reality. For example, some things do not exist, but many people believe in them. Once it is spread to ten or ten, it becomes true.

From this point of view, those urban legends such as the Gap Girl and Spider Woman may not have been born under the will of human beings.

To put it simply, unknown shikigami are naturally weak, and the wider the spread among the people, the stronger the shikigami's power will be.

Hua Ye turned to look at the person whom the Kasuga family invited to help...

No matter how you look at it, it's a bunch of rabble.

There are two translucent blue wolf shikigami, a crow shikigami hovering in the air, something hidden in a cloak whose face cannot be seen clearly, an oni warrior wearing ancient armor, and even a kappa... …

So who the hell subdued this kind of monster that the water in his head will flow out when he bends down to become a shikigami!Apart from watering the flowers, this thing is useless at all!

This kappa is not an old kappa from a hot spring resort, but a young kappa with big eyes. When it came out, it was obviously startled by the scene, and it turned around and hugged its owner's thigh.

The owner of this kappa is a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, a member of the Kasuga family, who seems to be called Kasuga Sakurako, with weak spiritual power in her body, no wonder she can only drive the kappa.

Under the strange eyes of others, the girl's face became hot, and she hurriedly said: "Hey, help me fight later..."

The little Kappa just shook his head, hugged the girl's thigh and did not let go, which lowered the already suppressed morale a bit.

Several onmyojis of the Kasuga family looked a little ugly, and when they were about to speak, Yanagidazaemon waved his hands lazily and said, "Quick battle, crush them."

Chapter 946


The first person to attack was the petite girl with black hair and red eyes, Yoshihime. She was obviously just a schoolgirl, but she had the most impatient personality. Following Yanagidazaemon's order, she directly charged at the enemy ten times her size.

Yaodao Ji bent down slightly, stepped on the ground with both feet, jumped into the air suddenly, stretched out her hand and drew the knife, and slashed at an armored warrior.


The armored warrior only had time to raise the knife to block the top of his head, and his whole body was smashed directly into the soil. The long knife in his hand suddenly had a dense crack like a spider web, and the scarlet light in his pupils also suddenly trembled. , obviously suffered a severe blow with one blow.

The complexion of a middle-aged man on the stairs changed slightly. Just as he was about to give the command to retreat, a pool of knife light seemed to pour down like mercury, and it fell on his head again.

This time, the samurai sword in the armored samurai's hand shattered directly, and the aftermath of the demon sword even cut the armored samurai in half from the head!Naturally, there was no blood in the body that was cut open, only streaks of black air flew out, and then the two halves of the body fell to the ground and disappeared quickly.

"Hmph, drawing a knife in front of me is simply too impatient." Yaodao Ji wiped her nose with her hand, raised her knife and looked at the crowd, "You can't even take a knife from me, you're so weak."


Faced with the ridicule of the petite girl, the owner of the armored warrior looked extremely ugly. Although the samurai shikigami was not his trump card, it was also a means of his pride. Now he was beheaded and taunted by others, and his face was full of burning pain .

Yu Nu's faint voice sounded: "But you just slashed twice."

Yaodao Ji, who was smiling smugly, froze and glared fiercely: "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

Yu Nu said, "You were cut twice just now."

"Hey, are you deliberately tearing down the stage?"

"But you did cut twice just now."

"Ahhh! If you say one more word, I'll kill you first!"


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