"The other party is not the real Demon Sword Girl." The old man of the Haruhi family suddenly said, "If she was the real Demon Sword Girl, then the skeleton warrior just now would have been defeated with one sword, but she used two swords, so it can be inferred , Most of the other hundred ghosts are also existences such as heroic projections."

This sentence made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's right, how could the opponent have so many top shikigami?"

"There must be some method we don't know about."

"Don't be cowardly, just go up and do it."


Having said that, the depressed morale did not improve much.

The name of the organization "Hundred Stories" is obviously not chosen randomly. In the Edo period, there was a game called "Hundred Stories". In the middle of the night, a few friends gathered together, lit many candles, and everyone took turns telling ghost stories. It is said that When the hundredth candle is extinguished, the real ghost will appear, and many interesting and amusing ghost stories have been handed down in this way.

This force uses 'Hundred Stories' as its organization name, and the currently summoned Snow Girl, Rain Girl, Hongye, etc. are all famous existences among the Hundred Ghosts, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

Seeing this scene, the old man of the Kasuga family, Kasuga Yoshino, also knew that the morale must be recovered, otherwise the situation would be bad. He hesitated, took out a black scabbard, and then bit his finger to wipe the blood on the scabbard. See, all the blood was sucked into the scabbard.


The air suddenly vibrated, and circles of ripples spread out.

A thin, handsome man with a ponytail appeared out of nowhere, grabbed the scabbard and put it on his waist.

Miss Miko leaned closer to Hua Ye's ear and introduced softly, "This is Minamoto Yorimitsu, the strongest shikigami of the Kasuga family."


Hua Ye thought about it. When he was watching Momotaro's drama on campus, he seemed to hear someone complaining about Minamoto Raimitsu, "It's the one who didn't dare to confront him head-on, but pretended to be a superficial brother. The samurai who lowered the opponent's head?"

Miss Miko pursed her lips, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "So...it seems right..."

As the samurai who killed Shuten-douji, Minamoto Raimitsu was a well-known Heroic Spirit Shikigami in history. Why did he become unbearable in an instant after such an explanation!

But having said that, looking at the battle of beheading Shuten without any prejudice, Minamoto Raimitsu is indeed a superficial brother who secretly attacked. In order to win the trust of Shuten-douji, he even used the flesh of a woman captured by Shuten to make it. For food and drink, the title of hero will inevitably be discounted.

"Hey, it's Minamoto Raiko?"

The young girl Yao Dao Ji was stunned, but immediately became excited.

"It's not Minamoto Raimitsu." An onmyoji shook his head and said, "Minaraimitsu's body as a human warrior has already died. This is just the incarnation of a sealed heroic spirit, and there is not enough spiritual intelligence to exist."

"What's the matter?" Yaodao Ji was gearing up, eager to try, "Anyway, we can have a good fight!"

"The taste of ghosts..."

Yuan Laiguang, who was originally a bit stiff and dull, sniffed his nose, as if some judgment mechanism had been triggered, and there was a gleam in his eyes, he turned his head to look at a group of monsters at the entrance of the manor, and then silently drew his sword.

Originally there was only one scabbard left, but now he pulled out a intact long knife like a real one. The blade shone with a faint silver light under the dim starlight. It was obviously the boy who killed Shuten-douji. Cut An Gang' off.

The young girl Yaodao Ji clenched the Yaodao tightly, and she was also very excited: "My big sword is already hungry and thirsty!"

The two figures attacked at the same time, approached rapidly under the dim starlight, and then suddenly collided with each other.

boom! !

The sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly sounded, and the heroic spirit Yuan Laiguang and the young girl Yaodao Ji fought unreservedly, like a duel between generals in Mowing Wushuang, but unfortunately there is no close-up shot.With the two of them at the center, the ground instantly cracked open, and the air flow visible to the naked eye rolled and spread, causing many people to step back, because the air wave that was raised clearly carried a sharp meaning that made the skin hurt.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a figure flew upside down.

"It's the Demon Sword Princess!"

"She really isn't a real hundred ghosts, so we won't necessarily lose."

"That's right, I caught that little girl and brought her home to warm the bed!"

"Give me a little more serious! Dead girl! She's an enemy now, okay?"

The young man who spoke muttered: "Mammals' love for their cubs is an instinct...so there is nothing wrong with liking young girls..."

"It's a pervert." Miss Miko looked over with disdain, as if she was looking at the kitchen waste in the sewer.

Hua Ye nodded: "It's a pervert."


The young girl Yaodao Ji dexterously turned over in mid-air, inserted the demon knife into the ground, and plowed a dirt-splattered road on the ground.

"As expected of Minamoto Raimitsu, the existence who once defeated Shuten-sama, ahhh, I'm about to boil!"

Yuan Laiguang remained silent, holding the boy Qie Angang, and killed him calmly.

The young girl Demon Sword Princess was not afraid at all, raised her big sword, and met Minamoto Raimitsu again.

Fighting broke out again.

Although the collision between the two is not as fancy as a kendo competition, it is ten times more dangerous. Every shot is like dancing on the tip of a knife, making people's heart beat faster and it is hard to restrain themselves.

"It's just a strand of heroic spirits, and I happened to catch them and bring them back together." Yanagidazaemon waved his hand, "Let's do it together and crush them."

As his words fell, pieces of snowflakes suddenly fell in midair.

These snowflakes showed a crystal blue color, and when they fell on the body, they were icy cold, which instantly slowed down the movement speed of the person. It was the Snow Girl's signature ability, the Winter Domain.

Snow Girl is one of the most famous monsters in Japan. It is said that they are all peerless beauties, wearing white kimonos and having long light blue hair.

There are different legends about the snow girl in different places, but the most famous one is that one day in winter, a single man knocked off the icicles on the eaves. .Because of the cold weather, in order to please the girl, the man specially boiled a bucket of hot water for her to take a bath.Although the girl refused in every possible way, she still couldn't resist, so she jumped into the hot water, only fragments of ice picks remained floating up.

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