Of course Yuki was not transformed by the ice pick, but that didn't prevent her from using the ice pick as a weapon.

chug chug!

Dozens of ice cones fell from the sky, and in an instant, a blue wolf shikigami who was waiting for an opportunity was nailed into the ground!

Chapter 947 Take off his clothes and make him shy

"Wow, the battle was so intense."

A little girl from the Kasuga family opened her eyes wide and exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, Master Raikou is so handsome." Another little girl held her face in both hands, looked at Minamoto Raimitsu and Yaodao Ji who were fighting in the field, and said with shining eyes, "I really want to cross the ancient well in the backyard." In the Heian era, maybe we can fight Shuten-douji together with Raimitsu-sama."

Hua Ye squinted, expressing that he didn't understand the brain circuit of this melon-eating girl at all.

As a native of the island country, don't you know that the warrior class in ancient Japan was more prevalent than today?

Moreover, the status of women in ancient times was similar to that of goods sold at random!

Minamoto Raimitsu killed Shuten-douji by "superficial brother" and "sneak attack after drinking". Just like you, if you really traveled to the Heian era, maybe it was the food on Shuten-douji's table!

To be honest, the duel between these onmyojis is far from intense.

The area where the rain fell on Yu Nu was only tens of square meters, and the rain was very small. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was rain and fog, and it was not even enough to take a bath.

Snow Maiden's freezing halo can be used as a free air conditioner in summer. Only where her body touches will there be ice and snow spreading. However, the temperature is only tens of degrees below zero, which is far from absolute zero.

In Hua Ye's view, even small fights are not counted.

But understandable.

If these shikigami were to freeze thousands of miles and flood the seven armies with water, then the government would never turn a blind eye to Onmyoji, and it would definitely be firmly in its hands.

Facts have proved that in the eyes of the higher-ups, these duels are just small fights.


Minamoto Raimitsu, who jumped into the air, fought again with Yao Dao Ji, then turned around and kicked, smashing Yao Dao Ji into the ground with one kick, splashing billowing smoke and dust.

"good chance."

Now it is not the battle between the two armies, victory or defeat is the only goal. An onmyoji from the Kasuga family seized the opportunity and activated the command spell. Suddenly, slender roots broke through the soil, grew rapidly, and turned into vines. Wrapped around the feet of the young girl Demon Sword Princess, and quickly spread upwards.


The young Banshee Swordsman has a bad temper, she swung her knife and slashed, the light of the knife flashed, and the roots under her feet snapped immediately, and then a small tree in the nearby flower garden uttered "Wow", pulled up the roots and turned them into legs, shaking Turn around and run.

"Tut chug chug!"

With a wave of Yukino's hand, icy blue ice picks shot at Yuan Laiguang, blocking Yuan Laiguang's pursuit.

Yaodao Ji was about to get up, when the soil under her feet exploded, a pair of large tongs suddenly came out, and they were caught directly with lightning speed!

Yaodao Ji's complexion changed slightly, and she slashed away, but it was a pity that only a stream of fine sparks was produced, but she couldn't dodge it in time, and was directly caught by the giant pincers, and was pulled horizontally in midair in a rather shameful posture.

"Eh, what is it?"

"Could it be a shikigami like a scorpion?"

"But scorpions don't have such double pincers, do they? Could it be a mutated scorpion?"

There was also a very strange muttering voice mixed in: "How dare you execute a young girl in such a shameful posture in public... Hurry up and take a photo as a souvenir."

Hua Ye took a careful look and was immediately speechless.

The shikigami that came out of the ground was not a scorpion, but a crab!

The crab is nothing, the problem is that this crab looks super weird, with two front claws that look like old-fashioned bicycle handlebars!

"what is this?"

Miss Miko blinked her eyes, showing curiosity, "Looks like... a crab?"

Hua Ye nodded: "This is a strong crab."

A kind of sea crab in the eastern coastal area of ​​Asia has a strange shape. It is called "thousand people pinch", which means that the hardness of the crab shell is so high that a thousand people can't pinch it to death. However, it has little meat and bad taste, so no one eats it. , Naturally, there is no popularity.

"Crack clap clap."

The crab did a good job with one blow, and immediately climbed out of the mud, holding the captured young girl, and quickly crawled back with eight legs.

"I always feel like something is wrong..."

Miss Miko stared at her with a pensive look on her face.

Hua Ye complained: "Because this crab is crawling forward."


Miss Miko finally came to her senses and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Creatures like crabs can only crawl horizontally because of their special leg structure. However, this crab that has become a shikigami is actually crawling straight. The strong sense of disobedience comes into play in an instant!In the movie "The Lost World", a crab fell into a cave and was cooked and sprayed out. That crab was crawling straight!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!?"

The young girl Yaodao Ji's face flushed red with anger, the demon sword in her hand suddenly glowed with blood, and she turned in the air, cut off the crab shikigami's forelimb from the joint, then broke free from the restraints, jumped into the air, and used the skill with the demon sword in her hand

"Starburst Air Slash!"

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