Countless dazzled lights of knives came down, and the unsuitable strong clenching crab was quickly dismembered into pieces all over the place.

Then, many gentlemen who came to make up the count all opened their eyes wide.

You must know that these hundred ghosts are all transformed by a ray of heroic spirits, and have no real entity. Although they look similar to humans, there are still big differences. The clothes transformed by force will become broken and thin.

To explain it visually, it's like a big break in the ship girl game.

At this moment, after a round of eruption, the young girl Yaodao Ji exhausted her strength so much that she had to kneel on the ground on one knee, gasping for breath, while her clothes were mostly torn and became much blurred. The snow-white and delicate body of a young girl Half exposed in the air, only the vital parts are covered by clothes. The young girl holding the demon sword is panting. The sharp contrast makes many gentlemen who care about young girls open their eyes.

"Let's go together and capture that Demon Sword Fairy alive!"

"She is extremely weak now, and it is a good time to catch her."

A fat man wearing glasses laughed cheaply:

"That's right, grab the young girl, then strip her clothes to make her shy, shed her fat, and take pictures for collection."


What a group of amazing perverts!Prisoners of war also have human rights, okay? The guy who said that he took off the fat times of the young girl has lost his qualifications to be a human being!

Miss Miko turned her head to look, her eyes seemed to be looking at the kitchen waste in the sewer: "Pervert."

Hua Ye nodded: "That's right, it's a pervert."

Finally, I can openly say that others are perverts, no wonder those melon-eating girls always like to say that, because it feels quite good.

All of a sudden, these perverted gentlemen attacked one after another, all kinds of spells and shikigami rushed towards the young girl Yaodao Ji, and it was rare to gain the upper hand in her momentum.


Shikigami Kamaitachi, who controls the wind, descended from the sky, and his body spun at a high speed. Suddenly, the gust of wind swept through, smashed rocks, and countless wind blades spun and cut, stopping all the shikigami in their tracks.

Kamaitachi grabbed the young girl Demon Sword Princess, flew into the sky, and returned to the entrance of the manor.

A female onmyoji took out a potion, in which there seemed to be red liquid rippling, and handed it to Yaodao Ji.

The young girl reached out to take it, "Gudu Gudu" raised her head and drank it, and the shattered clothes began to twist and recover slowly.


Yaodao Ji shattered the potion she drank, as if drinking a bowl of wine: "That pervert just now, you are dead! I said it!"

Chapter 948

"I'm not, I'm not..."

The fat man wearing glasses panicked immediately. He was just addicted to his mouth, how could he be dead?

It's not safe to be a keyboard warrior these days!

Locked by the young girl with black hair and red eyes, the fat man's first thought was to turn around and run, but he stopped abruptly as soon as he took a step back.

Because many people are looking at him at this moment, if he escapes at this time, he will never be able to hang out in the circle in the future.

"Well, is there any use for me to apologize now?" The fat man was obviously about to give up his morals and beg for mercy.

It's a pity that the young girl version of Yaodao Ji didn't agree at all: "Apologizing is useful, what do you need the police for?"


Therefore, it is obviously a mob fight of the nature of the underworld, so don't say such offensive words about the police in a serious manner!

The fat man hurriedly looked at Minamoto Raimitsu, but it was a pity that Minamoto Raimitsu, who had high hopes, was entangled by the female ghost Hongye at the moment.

Momiji Kari's ability is quite strange. It can turn any part of the body into a maple leaf. Of course, it is not an ordinary maple leaf, but a blade as sharp as a blade. If you don't pay attention, you can cut human skin. Some are stretched.

"I am coming!"

The young girl Yaodao Ji really had a violent temper, she did it as soon as she said she wanted to do it, and rushed over with a knife in her hand.

This time, it's not about seeing who will slash who, but most of the shikigami on the way will be dodged, and those who can't be dodged will be chopped off with one blow.

Under the aggressiveness, he came to the fat man at a very fast speed.

The shikigami driven by this fat man is a long-haired demon, but unfortunately he is obviously not the opponent of Yao Saber Ji, and he was chopped off with one blow.

The fat man's face turned green with fright, he didn't care about the consequences of running away, he turned around and ran behind a blue-haired girl, who happened to be the girl who summoned the kappa.

The girl seemed a little dazed. Looking at the young girl with black hair and red pupils who rushed to her side, she was so frightened that she couldn't move for a moment. Instead, the little river boy who was hugging the girl's thigh stood up tremblingly and opened his arms to block the attack. In front of the girl, she opened her mouth and spit out a water arrow...

The power is about the same as the water hose used for car washing, and it can be used to water flowers.

The young girl Yaodao Ji is angry at the moment, so of course she won't show mercy to the weak and weak, and anyone who dares to stand in the way will be killed with a single blow.

As Yaodao Ji slashed at her with a knife, Sakura Sakura shuddered all over. When she came back to her senses, she couldn't help screaming. Others wanted to rescue them, but unfortunately they couldn't reach them.

Just then.


A bowstring trembled, as if a buzzing sound that penetrated deep into the internal organs suddenly sounded in the night sky.

An arrow trailing the flame tail of spiritual energy, like a streamer, tore through the night, and flew towards it in an instant.


Yaodao Ji's heart rang out alarm bells, she raised her knife to block her body, her young body was directly sent flying, like a rolling gourd crashing into a flower garden, and countless petals were rolled up and scattered in an instant.

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