
The air is silent.

The nearby onmyojis all turned their heads to look at Qianye Liuli, with shocked and puzzled expressions on their faces.

At the beginning, Qianye Liuli didn't summon Shikigami to help in the battle, which caused many people to complain, but at this moment, Miss Miko repelled a powerful Shikigami with one arrow, and her every move suddenly became different .

As we all know, although onmyojis can drive shikigami, they mainly rely on spiritual power and curse seals, and their physical fitness is actually not much better than ordinary people.

For example, Yanagidazaemon on the opposite side has sloppy footsteps, swollen eye bags, and an appearance of kidney deficiency due to excessive indulgence and sudden death at any time.

"who are you?"

The young Banshee Dao Ji stood up from the flowerbed, with many fine scratches on her face, and even the clothes that had just condensed suddenly turned into wisps of smoke and dissipated, and even her slender waist was exposed !

Miss Miko didn't speak, she just drew her bow and strummed it, aiming at it, stopping Yaodao Ji who was about to run away.

"Thank you, Sister Liuli..."

Sakurako Kasuga ran to Miss Miko with the little kappa in her arms, and bowed gratefully to thank her.

The circle of onmyojis in a city is so big, and most of the younger generation are familiar with each other, so this girl naturally knows Qianye Liuli.

"It's fine."

Miss Miko nodded slightly.

Firstly, the other party is an acquaintance, so we can't turn a blind eye. Secondly, when she and Hua Ye first commissioned, they solved the kappa incident at a hot spring resort.

"It's you?!"

Yanagidazaemon with kidney deficiency finally found Hua Ye who was standing at the edge of the crowd, his expression changed slightly, obviously recalling the fear of being dominated in the hotel that night.

But the matter has come to this point, it doesn't mean that you can leave if you leave, otherwise where will you put your face?

Come out and mix, face is the most important.

When he came out to act this time, he naturally brought his trump cards. With enough courage, the fear of that night slowly turned into embarrassment, and thinking of the disdainful eyes of Hoshino Xia later, a flame of jealousy intertwined in his heart .

Who doesn't want a legal loli with the ultra-rare 'children's face and big breasts' attribute?

In the beginning, Hoshino Xia treated him pretty well, but after seeing Hua Ye, she never looked him straight in the face, and she was naturally jealous.

Hua Ye glanced at the other party calmly, not interested in talking at all.


Yanagidazaemon became more and more embarrassed and annoyed. He completely lost interest in coming and going, and shouted directly: "If you don't do anything, when will you wait?"


This incomprehensible sentence made many people look blank, and some people who reacted quickly changed their faces slightly, but unfortunately they had not had time to respond, and they had been standing silently in the corner. Ishida Ryuji suddenly raised his head, holding a black The sphere slammed into the ground!


The white smoke surged up on the ground and spread rapidly as if alive. The melon-eaters nearby caught off guard and inhaled the white smoke. They immediately felt dizzy and their limbs were sore and weak, as if they were stepping on cotton after being drunk. With a step, his knees gave way and he fell directly to the ground.

"Ishida Ryuji, what are you doing?"

"Why are you plotting against us?"

"You traitor!"

The group of onmyojis who had been tricked were startled and angry, and questioned angrily, but it was a pity that they soon discovered that their mouths were numb, their tongues were numb, and they couldn't even speak clearly.

Although the body can't move, but the consciousness is still clear, and there is no sign of falling asleep, and they looked at him angrily and angrily for a while, but most of the anger fell on Ishida Ryuji.

After all, no matter where it is, a traitor is always a contemptible existence.

It's a pity that Ishida Ryuji was silent from the beginning to the end, and he didn't mean to explain at all.

"Mr. Hua, be careful..."

Miss Miko and Hua Ye stood on the edge, and when they realized that something was wrong, they wanted to pull Hua Ye back.

"Need not."

With a wave of Hua Ye's hand, the smoke pouring over immediately melted away like snow covered by the sun.

Seeing this scene, Miss Miko quickly settled down.


Sakurako Kasuga, who was holding the kappa, didn't inhale the mist because she was standing next to Miko Ruri. She turned around and was about to run in the direction of the fallen Kasuga family members, but was grabbed by Chiba Ruri.

"Don't go there."


Miss Miko said: "They're fine, it's just that the inhaled mist has temporarily paralyzed the nerves, and it will be fine after a while."

Sakurako Kasuga breathed a sigh of relief, and asked nervously, "Then what should we do now?"

Facts have proved that gathering together blindly does not necessarily avoid risks, and it is possible to be wiped out.

Just now most of the members of Chunri's family stood together with the old man as the center, but now they were all hit and fell to the ground unable to move.

At this moment, only Sakurako Kasuga, a member of the Kasuga family, was still standing on the field.

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