Seeing that Miko Ruri was also present, Shuten-douji, who came on stage with background special effects, immediately became furious.

As a great demon active in the Heian era, its body had already been beheaded by Minamoto Raimitsu, and what it summoned now was only the incarnation of a heroic spirit. It stands to reason that there would be no redundant memories, but last time it was attacked by the female clothing boss Kirikiri. His mental damage was as much as [-] points, so he formed a brand-like impression, and by the way, Miss Miko was also recorded. Once he saw a familiar person, the memory brand at that time would be activated.

"It's Shuten-douji!"

"The most powerful monster in history!"

"Run, this is simply an irresistible existence."

Those onmyojis who stood by and watched took a breath, and many of them turned around without hesitation and slipped away. Facing this legendary invincible monster, they didn't have any intention of resisting at all.

Kasuga Sakura opened her eyes wide, and as Shuten-douji looked over with a murderous look on her face, she almost cried in fright. After all, according to folklore, Shuten-douji likes to drink and eat beautiful girls the most, not the kind of dishonest one with a female body. The food is the kind of appetizer that is "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhates" from, super scary.

She didn't dare to disturb Miss Miko, who was the main force, so she hugged Hua Ye's arm.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye looked over speechlessly.

"No, it's nothing." Kasuga Sakura was extremely nervous, but she would not tell the reason why she was so frightened that her hands and feet became weak. "There is a beautiful girl hugging you, you won't be disgusted, will you?"

Hua Ye nodded: "I hate it."

"My stomach hurts, let's go first!"

The perverted fat man also trembled, turned around and slipped away without saying a word.

On the contrary, Kitagawa Yuji's face was calm and he never took a step back. After all, he had seen a similar scene once.

"Actually, this is the safest place..."


"This time you all have to die!"

Shuten-douji's eyes burned with terrible flames of hell, and he slapped the gourd with his right hand, and immediately magma and flames flowed out of the gourd, and the pungent sulfur smell became even stronger.

Looking from a distance, streams of magma flowed on it like a small snake, and the size of the whole person kept getting bigger. In terms of momentum alone, it is worthy of the title of the strongest monster.

The surging demonic aura made the entire sound and light barrier tremble uncontrollably. Many weak onmyojis felt like boats tottering in the wind and rain, and would be overturned by the wind and waves in the next moment.

However, Miss Miko's expression is still calm. This powerful monster that once made her despair, in her opinion at this moment, can completely defeat it.

Under the starry night sky.

In the cool and slightly cold evening wind.

One side is a black-haired priestess wearing a red and white priestess costume, and the other is a terrifying monster covered in magma. The strong picture contrast makes everyone breathe like a screen master, and their heartbeats almost stop.

Facing Shuten-douji who charged towards him, Miss Miko still moved in an orderly manner, with the calm and freehand style of a leisurely stroll.

Draw the bow.



It is still an ordinary arrow, but it gives people an indescribable sense of beauty. The moment the arrow shoots out, it perfectly blends with the sky, the earth, the evening wind, and the flowing water!

Shuten-douji's expression changed when he was striding towards him, and he suddenly blocked the gourd in front of him.


The fire gourd filled with magma and demonic aura shattered, and the sky was filled with flames. The scorching air wave exploded in a ring shape and spread around. The grass on the ground was instantly withered and yellow. Several Onmyoji had already hid in the barrier. At the edge, being swept by the scorching air waves full of sulfur smell at this moment, the skin still feels tingling, and the breathing is stagnant.

An arrow breaks through the defense.

Miss Miko didn't stop, and the second arrow was shot right after.

The speed of this arrow is obviously extremely fast, like a meteor piercing the night sky suddenly, but the trajectory of the flight is extremely clear, allowing everyone to see clearly. The strange feeling of intertwining movement and stillness has an indescribable wonderful feeling. If you have to find a suitable adjective, it is bullet/bounce time.

The air suddenly quieted down.

It was as if someone had suddenly pressed the pause button on a wonderful movie, and everything came to a sudden stop.

Shuten-douji stopped and looked down at his chest.

At this moment, a hole the size of a fist appeared in that powerful body that was supposed to be indestructible. This big monster showed an unbelievable expression on his face. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask, but also seemed to want to roar. Without saying a word, centering on the chest, the body turned into pieces of dark red ashes, which were blown by the evening wind and dissipated in the air.

Quarterly kill!



Dead silence.

Except for Hua Ye and Yuji Kitagawa who had expected it, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Shuten-douji, the king of ghosts who was originally aggressive and came out with background special effects, seemed to be a mountain peak pressing on everyone's hearts, unexpectedly appeared on the stage for less than two minutes.

The promised strongest monster!Why is it like a passerby who came out to make soy sauce!

"Okay, amazing..."

Kasuga Sakura opened her eyes wide, unable to speak at all. She grabbed Huaye and shook her hands vigorously, venting her excitement in her heart: "Shuten-douji was killed, did you see it? Did you see it?"

Nonsense, you can see it without saying it. To be precise, what was shot and killed just now was just a summoned heroic spirit, because its physical body has already been killed.

"You let go."

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