
"Sweaty palms, don't get it on my clothes."

"You, you, you..." Haruhi Sakura hurriedly let go of Hua Ye, her face flushed, "You are too much!"

Girls go to the bathroom to touch up makeup or wash their hands, because girls are perfect creatures that never sweat!

Yanagidazaemon was dumbfounded, the smile on his face that was sure of victory turned into shock and astonishment, and then...

Then he turned and walked away without hesitation.

Why don't you stay and send pentakills!

If you can't complete the task, you will definitely be punished when you go back, but it's better than staying and giving away your head!

As for the Yaodao Ji who disappeared before, she couldn't care about it anymore.

"Wow! Sister Liuli, we won!"

Seeing the group of people organized by 'Hundred Stories' turn around and disappear into the night, Kasuga Sakura immediately cheered.

Qianye Liuli pursed her lips, and was about to speak, when she suddenly hummed in pain, feeling an indescribable exhaustion surging from her limbs, drowning her in an instant, her body didn't even have the strength to stand up, and she went directly to He fell forward, but was hugged by Hua Ye.

"Sister Liuli, are you okay?" Kasuga Sakura asked nervously.

Hua Ye said, "It's fine."

"It's not you, how do you know sister Liuli is fine? What if something happens?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Would you like to eat fish next time?"

"Eh?" Kasuga Sakura was stunned, and quickly raised her right arm to cover her chest, "Don't think I'm going to be responsible for you because I grabbed your hand just now... I'm not a girl who casually dates others Woolen cloth!"

Shut up!Even Satania won't be held accountable if she is caught, it's strange that you think so!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "It's not a date."

"Then what do you mean?" Sakura Kasuga blinked her eyes, looking puzzled.

Hua Ye said: "I think you are good at picking fish bones, so you can help pick fish bones."


Equivalent exchange is one of the basic laws of the universe.

Although Miko Liuli had experienced what is called open fighting just now, the physical load of the fighting would not disappear, it was just suppressed.

As Hua Ye withdrew his strength, the fatigue that had been suppressed before suddenly emerged. At this moment, Miss Miko didn't even have the strength to move her fingers, let alone stand up.

Of course, Hua Ye could relieve Qianye Liuli's physical fatigue.

But he didn't do that, because those who are one step beyond ordinary people are geniuses, and those who are two steps beyond ordinary people are the objects of human fear and rejection.

There are always a small number of geniuses in this world, but the number of ordinary mediocre people has an absolute upper hand.

If Qianye Liuli continues to be perfect, what she wins is definitely not admiration, but fear and rejection. This is the inferiority of human beings.

At this moment, as Miss Miko collapsed into Hua Ye's arms with a painful expression on her face, many onmyojis who were looking here from afar breathed a sigh of relief.

Although no one spoke, the expressions on everyone's faces were quite readable.

"She finally fell."

"Let me just say, human beings are not shikigami, how could they have such powerful power."

"Qianye Liuli should have used some kind of props to stimulate potential, like popping beans in the game, or stimulants in the stadium. Now that the explosion time has passed, it will naturally die. It seems that the load on the body is quite heavy. "


Although people still pointed and talked about it, but in this way, at least no one will treat Miss Miko as an inhuman creature.

Kasuga Sakura opened her hands: "Let go, I'll help Sister Liuli."

Hua Ye said, "Don't you have nothing to do?"


"Those people who fell on the ground, don't you need to deal with them?"


Only then did Kasuga Sakura come to her senses, forgetting that her family members were still lying on the ground, she quickly stuck out her tongue: "What should I do, what should I do?"

"Let the maid in the villa move out the chair first, and help the person to sit on the chair?" Kitagawa Yuji looked at Hua Ye, bowed, "Leave this to me."


Hua Ye responded, stretched his arms around Miss Miko's slender waist, and hugged her.

Miss Miko's face was a little hot. This was the first time she was hugged by Hua Ye in the arms of a princess, and she was really shy.

There is no way, Miss Miko is tall and has long legs, and she is not a primary school student like Alice. It doesn't suit whether she lifts it like a cat or carries it on her shoulder like a sack.

"Hua Jun, thank you..."

Miko Liuli thanked her softly, leaning her pretty face on Hua Ye's arms.

Hua Ye said, "You're welcome."

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