Looking down, you can see the witch Liuli is panting lightly, and her pink lips, which are as delicate as cherry blossoms, are gently opening and closing, exuding a seductive color under the light, as if inviting you to taste.

Chapter 952

Miss Miko seemed a little thirsty, subconsciously stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked her lower lip. It was obviously a very simple action, but there was an indescribable temptation in it.

Sensing Hua Ye's suddenly subtle eyes, Miss Miko was a little nervous, her long eyelashes trembled, as if she wanted to close her eyes, and then...

Then the crowing of a little pigeon suddenly sounded.

Miko Liuli's face flushed suddenly, she bit her lip and closed her eyes.

Hua Ye said, "Are you hungry?"


Although I really want to say that I am not hungry, the burning hunger in my stomach is getting more and more intense. If this continues, my stomach will definitely keep squawking, and there is no point in shaking my head to deny it.

Hua Ye said:

"You're exhausted now, just go in and eat something."

A group of people fell in disorder on the stairs, but it had nothing to do with Hua Ye at all.

Carrying Miss Miko into the living room, Hua Ye came to the dining table, put Chiba Liuli on the chair, and handed over a strawberry.

"Open your mouth."

Miss Miko blushed slightly, and obediently opened her mouth.

She doesn't even have the strength to move her fingers now, so she can only let Hua Ye feed her.

The sweet and sour taste of the strawberry immediately detonated the taste buds, and every cell in the body seemed to be crying out for desire. Miss Miko couldn't wait to bite it down, and accidentally bit Hua Ye's finger.

Studies have shown that when a person is hungry, holding fingers can indeed effectively relieve hunger.

So, even though he knew he had to spit it out quickly, his body reacted instinctively first—not only did he not spit out Hua Ye's finger, but he even bit it lightly!


Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

Letting girls suck their fingers can only get psychological pleasure, but not physical pleasure. The problem is that Hua Ye can't even experience psychological pleasure!

For example, on the rooftop of the school, when punishing a star with poor breasts for sticking his fingers, Hua Ye's heart would not fluctuate.

Miss Miko's face turned red suddenly, she managed to suppress the impulse, and spat out Hua Ye's fingers, but her face had already turned into a ripe red apple. It was the first time I saw such an embarrassing appearance. , it inevitably made Hua Ye take a few more glances, and then the cooing of the little pigeon sounded again.

That is to say, Miss Miko's psychological quality is very good. If she were Machiko, she must have fainted from embarrassment by now.

Hua Ye took a tissue, wiped his fingers, and asked:

"What to eat?"

"Anything can be..."

Hua Ye directly brought over a portion of beef, picked up a knife and fork and sliced ​​it: "Open your mouth."


Miss Miko opened her mouth, waiting for food.

Kobe beef, salmon sashimi, caviar, barbecue, various fruit platters...

In a short period of time, Miss Miko has eaten her usual three servings of food, and with this level of participation in the Big Eater Competition, she can successfully qualify.

"I'm stuffed……"

Miss Miko said in a low voice.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Are you really full?"


Miss Miko felt a little guilty.

In fact, she wasn't full. She didn't even feel full at the moment, but she had already eaten so much, and if she continued to eat, her stomach would definitely not be able to bear it, and she would become fat...

"You won't get fat." Hua Ye said, "What you eat has been quickly converted into energy, so don't worry."

As we all know, human obesity is mainly related to fat cells, and the number of fat cells only increases during childhood and adolescence. After adulthood, the number of human fat cells remains basically stable.

The real reason for getting fat is that the fat cells become larger, and losing weight only makes the fat cells smaller.

Although the number of fat cells varies from person to person, it is a fact that obese people have more fat cells than their peers since childhood, and it is true that drinking water can also gain weight.

After a while, Miss Miko felt full and refused to eat no matter what.

"Don't eat?"

"No, my stomach will be exhausted if I eat any more." Miss Miko looked up at Hua Ye, acting a little coquettishly, "I just want to take a bath now, okay?"

The duel between the two sides started at [-]:[-] p.m., and it was only a quarter past [-]:[-] p.m. It was still early, so there was no rush to get back to the shrine.

Now that she has eaten a lot, the burning hunger has been relieved. Miss Miko feels more and more sore and tired all over her body. Naturally, she wants to take a comfortable hot bath. After all, bathing is very effective in relieving fatigue.

Hua Ye responded, and waved to summon a maid not far away.

"What do you two adults need?"

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