Miss Miko pursed her lips and smiled: "Such people probably haven't suffered any setbacks, so they have excess self-awareness and like to be self-centered."

In real life, there are quite a few self-centered people. This kind of people always regards their own attitude as a "guide" for others, likes to point fingers at others, and does not listen to suggestions and criticisms.

"By the way, such people are generally unwilling to suffer, and they are likely to retaliate in the future." Miss Miko was a little worried, "We need to be more vigilant in the near future."

Hua Ye said: "Tonight is already the second time."

There were only three incidents, and there was a third time, and the incident was directly slapped to death.

"So overbearing..."

Miss Miko stuck out the tip of her tongue playfully.

After chatting for a while, the awkward atmosphere before quietly dissipated.

"Mr. Hua..."

Miss Miko shouted softly.

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "What?"

Miss Miko blushed slightly: "Help me pour some bath liquid for the bubble bath?"

"it is good."

When taking a bath, the bubbles that are often seen in the bathtub are not shower gels, but special bubble bath products, which can be bought in convenience stores and supermarkets, and are very common daily necessities.

Hua Ye asked, "What flavor do you want?"



Hua Ye took a bottle of lavender bubble bath from the sink next to it, poured it into the water, stirred it, and soon white foam gushed out, and the air was filled with the scent of lavender.

"That." Miss Miko lowered her head and said, "Help me take off my bra too..."

Wearing a bra to take a bath is neither used nor comfortable. Now that there is foam in the bathtub, there is no need to worry about running out.


Hua Ye slightly pulled the corners of his mouth, bent down and squatted down, and put his hands deep into the bathtub. His fingers ran across Miss Miko's creamy and smooth skin, and quickly found the back button of the underwear. Bra unbuttoned.


Miss Miko's cheeks bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hua Ye was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Miss Miko turned her head and looked to the side: "Hua Jun is very fast at untying girls' underwear, have you practiced it many times?"


There is no doubt that this is a sending proposition.

If you answer "yes, not only practiced many times, but also achieved the achievement of killing ten people" for the sake of face at this time, it is estimated that the favorability will directly drop to freezing point, right?

"This is the first time to untie a bra." Hua Ye chose to tell the truth, "I wrote down the position and shape of the buttons before, so there is no difficulty at all."

"Well, so it's my first time?"

Miss Miko turned her head to look, the corners of her lips slightly raised.


So the girl is indeed a strange creature, she was still angry just now, and the next second it rained and the sky cleared, turning her face is faster than turning a book!

"Hua Jun help me wipe my back again?" Miss Miko was in a good mood suddenly, and made a new request.


Hey, don't overdo it!I have to undress you again, untie your bra, and now I have to wipe your back for you. How does it sound like the rhythm of being taken care of by a rich woman!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes, turned Miss Miko over her body, and then picked up the back wipe tool next to her.

Miss Miko was half lying on the edge of the bathtub, behind her was a large sheet of white bubbles, as if her white and delicate back was half protruding from the water, and a seductive snow mound could be vaguely seen.

Hua Ye took a stool and sat down, helping to wipe his back.

It is said to wipe the back, but in fact the back is not dirty at all, the main thing is massage.

So after a while, Miss Miko couldn't help letting out a suppressed moan that couldn't tell whether she was depressed or happy.


Hua Ye suddenly remembered the Japanese characteristic custom/consumption, bubble bath.

But in those bubble baths, girls serve men, but now they serve girls themselves!Although it can't be said to be a disadvantage, there is still something wrong.

Hua Ye decided to take the initiative.

He paused and said, "Do you want to wash it before?"


After a brief silence.

Miss Miko, who had already buried her face in her arms, responded softly.

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