
Chapter 954 Trophy


Hua Ye thought Miss Miko would refuse, but unexpectedly agreed.

In this case, I can only help to clean it, otherwise I will regret it after I say it, where will I put my face?

Hua Ye moved his right hand down, and his fingers slid down gently, and soon touched something soft and smooth, but full of elasticity, it felt like jelly pudding, compared to Igarashi's poor-breasted star's jujube "Nuclear Nail", the feel is more than ten times better.


Miss Miko's cheeks were flushed, and there was a touch of moisture in her eyes. The usual coldness disappeared, and it was replaced by tenderness and weakness. The lethality can be said to be very huge.


Hua Ye silently withdrew his hand.


Miss Miko turned her head to look, her eyes revealed a hint of shyness and doubt.

"There is movement outside." Hua Ye stood up, wiped his hands with a towel, turned and walked outside, "I'll go out and take a look."

The room was quiet.

It seems business as usual.

The door leading to the balcony was left open, and the evening wind blew by, rolling up a corner of the curtains, bringing a ray of coolness that penetrated the heart and spleen.

Hua Ye scanned the entire room, and then walked directly to the wardrobe in the corner.


As soon as he walked in front of the closet, the wooden door of the closet was pushed open, and a petite young girl bumped out, wrapped in a white towel, pretending to be fierce, baring her teeth and claws and shouting: "Wow!"

Hua Ye looked down, unmoved.


The four eyes met, and the air was suddenly silent.

"It's you?" The young girl hiding in the wardrobe threw herself at Hua Ye fiercely, "I'll kill you!"

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand with no expression on his face, and knocked out a chestnut.

With a soft 'bang', the young girl immediately squatted on the ground with her head in her arms, and the white sheets on her body fell off, revealing her incomparably young and immature body.

Hua Ye glanced at it casually, and found that it was not as well-developed as Igarashi's poor-breasted star, and he was undoubtedly a primary school student.

"Hua Jun, who is it?" Miss Miko's voice came from the bathroom.

Hua Ye bent down and picked up the little girl on the ground.

"You let me go!"

The uninvited young girl couldn't help struggling, but was knocked again by Hua Ye, and finally calmed down, and was carried directly into the bathroom by Hua Ye like a cat.

"is her."

Seeing the young girl in Hua Ye's hand, Miss Miko was a little surprised: "Hey, this is... Demon Sword Girl?"

Yaodao Ji was a little nervous. She could clearly see the scene where Miss Miko showed her might in the yard and killed a hundred ghosts with one arrow.

But when you come out to play, face is the most important thing, no matter what, you can't lose your momentum.


Yaodao Ji in the form of a young girl folded her hands on her chest, turned her head and snorted: "Just let me go quickly, otherwise I will chop you both off when I recover my strength!"

It's a pity that what he said when he was completely naked had no deterrent effect at all.

"Why are you here?" Miko Liuli asked curiously.

It's okay not to mention it, but when Yao Dao Ji was mentioned, she clenched her fists angrily: "It's not because of you!"

"It has something to do with me?" Miss Miko was surprised.

"If you hadn't protected that perverted fat man, I wouldn't have stayed!"

Miss Miko shook her head. She didn't protect the guy who wanted to get rid of the girl's fat times and take pictures as a souvenir, but he just came over cheeky, and she couldn't help him.

Qianye Liuli pursed her lower lips, and quickly guessed why Yaodao Ji appeared here: "Are you here to seek revenge on that fat man?"

"When you come out to mess around, you have to keep your word. Every spit makes a hole." Yaodao Ji said solemnly, "If you say you want to break that perverted fat man's limbs, you must break his limbs!"

Hey, don't always talk about your five limbs, even if you make pornographic jokes, it can't change the fact that you are a young girl!

Yao Dao Ji saw Jiu Tun-douji appear before, so she sneaked in quietly, planning to take revenge on the fat man who slipped away earlier.In her opinion, as Shuten-douji was summoned, her side would definitely win. As a result, Shuten-douji with background special effects was shot and killed by Miss Miko with two arrows, so it is very embarrassing now.

Miss Miko said: "Your companion has left."


Demon sword girl Moran, of course she knew that Yanagidazaemon and his party had left. Although she was half responsible, she couldn't change the fact that she was abandoned here by them.

"Shameless and despicable human beings." Yao Dao Ji turned her head and snorted, her mouth was stiff, "Without their hindrance, it would be easier for me to act alone."

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