"So you've already defeated that fat man?"

"Obviously impossible." Hua Ye said, "She is very weak now, and her combat power is estimated to be only [-] goose."

Yaodao Ji looked suspiciously: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

"Using the big white goose as the unit of measurement, the criteria for judging combat effectiveness have been formulated," Hua Ye explained.

The little girl looked up at the sky, seeming to be digesting it, and it took a while to react: "Damn it! You actually said that I am not as good as those ducks that only know how to quack?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

So tell me the difference between goose and duck!

"Can't you tell the difference between leeks and wheat seedlings?" Hua Ye complained.

"how do you know?"

Yao Dao Ji replied subconsciously, at this time, she finally remembered that she was still smooth and smooth, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her chest, and couldn't help shouting: "Pervert!"

You are enough, what is there to hide, with your airport figure, no one is interested at all!

"Okay, don't argue."

Miss Miko took a bath towel and handed it to Demon Sword Girl. After bathing and massaging, the exhaustion in her body finally began to dissipate, and now she is slowly recovering her ability to move.

Yaodao Ji reached out to take it, hesitated for a moment, wrapped her body with a bath towel, and said, "Human, I won't thank you, but in return, I can help you with one thing."

"Can you do anything?" Miss Miko pursed her lips, "How about becoming a maid?"

"I won't wear that kind of embarrassing clothes!" Yaodao Ji pinched her waist with one hand, showing the demeanor of a big sister, "Do you have any enemies that must be killed? Tell me, I will cut him down!"

Hua Ye said casually, "You don't even have the ability to handle that fat man, do you?"

"Hua Jun?" Miss Miko asked with her eyes.

"Her body is actually a blood-based alchemy creation, but it has flaws. It cannot actively absorb monster energy or spiritual energy to replenish itself. Instead, it will slowly dissipate outward. When the battle is fierce, the consumption will be greater... ..." Hua Ye briefly explained, "In short, she is actually a disposable consumable that cannot be recycled."


Yaodao Ji pinched the corner of the bath towel, obviously aware of this fact, and shouted angrily: "What are you talking about? It doesn't matter if you die. I will be summoned later, and I will be a hero again!"

It's obviously a female, so don't use the word 'hero' indiscriminately!

"But that's not you, isn't it?" Miss Miko lay on the edge of the bathtub, thought for a while and said, "You who are re-summoned will only have the memories of the past and the basic common sense passed on to you by the new master. And a person's Composition is the combination of past memory and present memory... Without the present memory, you are not you, but another person who seems familiar but is actually very strange, right?"

Demon Sword Fairy was silent again.

After a while, he said angrily: "I am not a human, but a powerful monster! No monster has ever been able to catch me twice!"

Hua Ye calmly pointed out: "The skeletal warrior from before, and the strong grip crab, all took more than two stabs from you."

When facing a topic, the method of argumentation with examples is very useful. You only need to cite any example to prove that "no monster can catch me twice" is a false proposition.

"Ahhh! How annoying!" The little girl scratched her hair frantically, "What are you two trying to do? If you don't like me, hand me over and let others torture and interrogate me." , why do you talk so much?"

"Hua Jun and I have no interest in humiliating our opponents." Miss Miko shook her head and changed the subject, "Have you ever played games?"


"After a tough battle, isn't it natural to harvest spoils?" Miss Miko said, "I think you are very suitable to be spoils."

Chapter 955 Sexy Lingerie

Of course Miko Liuli didn't do it on a whim.

Although this little girl has a bad temper and will kill people if she disagrees with her, she is easy to get along with when she says one is one and the other is two.

As for the purpose...

Of course it was used as a sparring partner.

As one of the well-known Hundred Ghosts, she has quite a lot of combat experience, otherwise she would not be able to come and go freely among the thousands of armies. The reason why she was defeated was only because she met Miss Miko, a player who was an 'opener' .

"You want to be my Master?"

Yaodao Ji blinked her eyes, with a look of sudden realization on her face, and then snorted coldly: "You know that I will disappear in two days, but you still want to drain the last bit of my strength?"

Miss Miko did not explain, but turned to look at Hua Ye: "Hua Jun, do you have a way to prevent her from disappearing?"

When she was "opening up" before, she could see everyone's weaknesses. At that time, she discovered the problem of Yaodao Ji, but she didn't know how to make up for it.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"He can let me continue to exist?" Yaodao Ji opened her eyes in disbelief.

"Hua Jun said yes, then there is no problem."

Miss Miko is extremely confident in Hua Ye, even surpassing herself.

"This guy..." Yaodao Ji looked at Hua Ye with suspicion, "Isn't he a softie?"


Hua Ye looked down with black lines all over his face: "What did you say?"

"During the battle before, you hid behind the woman the whole time, and now you actually help the woman take a bath and wipe her back. If you are not eating soft food, what is it?"

Helping a girl take a bath is to eat soft food?

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