You are not a monster who has just been brainwashed from the female Durban!

Miss Miko blushed slightly: "I'm not feeling well, I just asked Mr. Hua to help me with a massage..."

"Who knows." Yaodao Ji curled her lips, "If I hadn't turned over from the balcony, maybe you would applaud for love next."

Your sister is obviously a monster hundreds of years ago, don't always make modern dirty jokes!

"Don't think I don't understand." The young girl folded her arms and said solemnly, "Humans are the only creatures in the world that are in heat all the time, especially male high school students, even when they see clothes The plastic dummies in the shop will be in love with..."

Hey, don't look down on high school boys!Most of the male high school students are pure boys who have never held a girl's hand!

"Hmph, did I hit the mark?"

Seeing that Hua Ye was silent, Yao Dao Ji raised her chin: "You too, and so did that perverted fat man before. Men don't have a good thing..."

Hua Ye silently turned around and sat down on the stool, expressionlessly said:

"Come here and lie down."

"Eh?" The young girl blinked, "What are you doing?"

"I want you to shut up."

"Damn it! You stupid human being want to spank my ass?"

Yao Dao Ji quickly realized what Hua Ye wanted to do, and was so angry that she subconsciously wanted to lift the knife. Unfortunately, her Yao Dao had already disappeared due to lack of spiritual power. Seeing that the situation was not good, she turned around and ran away.

"Even if I die, jump off the stairs, and be caught and tortured by those guys, I won't let people get what they want!"

Hua Ye's poker face: "Come back."


Yao Dao Ji, who had already run to the bathroom door, suddenly opened her eyes wide, then turned around with surprise on her face, and walked towards Hua Ye step by step, as if she had lost control of her body.

"You, what did you do to me?"

"Lie down and talk."

Although Yaodao Ji struggled hard, it was of no avail. She walked up to Hua Ye step by step, and lay down obediently on her lap.

Hua Ye has already summed up a set of effective and simple methods, which are specially used to teach people who like to make trouble.

What should I do if I encounter such a guy who doesn't feel comfortable?

Just a snap.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice.

As a monster, Yaodao Ji naturally wouldn't lose beans just because she was spanked, but instead let out a murderous tone.

"You wait for me, I will definitely kill you..."


"How dare you spank my ass, even the human master didn't dare to touch a single finger of me..."

"Clap clap."

"Even a young girl like me can do it, you really are a pervert!"

"Clap clap clap."


Facts have proved that there is nothing that cannot be solved by a training session, and if there is, then do it again.

Yao Dao Ji, who was still yelling 'monsters will never surrender' at the beginning, finally calmed down on her lap, and dared not say a single harsh word.

"Hua Jun, can you bring me a set of underwear?" Miss Miko pursed her lips and said, "I'm much better now, we can go back to the shrine after taking a bath later."

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded in agreement.

Miss Miko looked at Demon Sword Fairy again: "Xiao Yao, come in and take a bath together?"

"I'm not a little demon!" The young girl grabbed the bath towel with one hand, covered her buttocks with the other hand, turned her head and hummed, "I'm not interested in taking a bath at all, only those stupid kappa monsters would like to learn Humans take a bath!"


Hua Ye walked out of the bathroom and picked up the phone next to the bed.

"Is there anything I need?" The maid's voice sounded quickly.

Hua Ye said, "I want a set of girls' underwear."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The maid on the other end of the phone was slightly startled, and replied respectfully, "I will send it to you soon."

three minutes later.

There was a 'bang bang' knock on the door.

Hua Ye walked over to open the door, and the lovely maid stood outside the door, first bowed, and then handed over a shopping bag with both hands: "The underwear you want."

Hua Ye responded, reached out to take the shopping bag, walked into the bathroom, and saw the Demon Sword Girl who said she didn't want it just now, who was already sitting in the bathtub, playing with bubbles curiously.


Seeing Hua Ye coming in, the little girl quickly stopped, turned her head to look at the wall, and began to count the patterns on it.

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