Yaodao Ji walked up to Hua Ye reluctantly, put one hand on her chest, and said vigilantly, "Where do you want to pinch?"

No matter where I pinch, the only thing I won't pinch is your breasts, because you don't have that part at all, okay?

Hua Ye said, "Pinch your face."

"What, you actually want to pinch my face?" Yaodao Ji wanted to blow her hair again.

After all, he is also a well-known big monster. He casually makes people pinch his face and spread the word, so where will he put his face in the future.

Hua Ye said calmly: "If you don't agree, forget it."


Yaodao Ji hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't want to return to the embrace of the underworld just like that: "How long do you want to hold?"

"It'll be fine soon."

"Then hurry up." The young girl Yaodao Ji took a step forward and said reluctantly, "Just treat it as a mosquito... woo!"

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to pinch the young girl's face, and gently pulled it out. It felt unexpectedly good, not to mention extra smooth, and full of elasticity.

No wonder Wei Nai and those girls, when they saw Kang Na, their first reaction was to pinch their faces. A young girl's face with baby fat is actually the softest thing in the world.

Finish pinching face.

The demon sword girl, who felt that she would lose face, naturally didn't want to sleep in the living room. Miss Miko arranged a guest room for her. Anyway, there are many rooms in the shrine, and then gave her a tablet, and implemented the free-range policy.

It is impossible to escape by taking the opportunity. Although Yaodao Ji has a bad temper and often kills people when she disagrees with her, she will definitely not leave until she helps Miss Miko kill the enemy.

As for causing trouble... now she has lost too much power, and has become a war scum, and she is not even a match for the big white goose, so naturally Miss Miko will not worry.

Everything was packed, and it was already half past ten in the evening.

Naturally, at this point, we will not play the game of drawing ghost cards. Miss Miko turned off the lights, said 'good night', and everyone began to sleep.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Hua Ye was awakened by the vibrating sound of his mobile phone.

Taking a look at the phone, it was a message from the Dragon Lady, Elma.

"Has Xiaoye woke up?"


Fortunately, I didn't wake up angry, and I sent a message before six o'clock to disturb people's dreams. If it were someone else, I would definitely slap you to vent my anger!

Elma was very nervous, she didn't think about this at all, asking if she remembered was just a prelude, and soon sent another message.

"I'm so tired from work." Followed by an unhappy o(≧mouth≦)o expression.

Tired your sister, a giant dragon like you, there is no problem at all without eating, drinking or sleeping for a year!

"Recently, I have done a very important project, and it is almost finished. I want to reward myself on the weekend."

In fact, newcomers who have just entered the workplace will not take over important tasks. You think your tasks are important, but in fact you just think too much.

Hua Ye ignored her.

Elma didn't realize it at all, and sent another message: "I want to eat delicious food. (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye still didn't speak.

The dragon girl quickly dropped her reserve and started counting: "Ants climbing trees, teriyaki chicken, pork chop rice, yam pork ribs, mapo tofu... I want to eat all of the above."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "You dropped something."

"Eh, what is it?"

"Integrity and shamelessness."

After sending the message with Elma, Miss Miko also woke up. There was still a lingering mist in her newly opened eyes, and she turned to look at Hua Ye with a cute look in her eyes: "Hua Jun, what time is it?" ?”

"Five minutes to six."

"Then you can sleep for a while..."

Miss Miko grabbed Hua Ye's hand, as if she wanted to put it under her face, but Lolita said in a daze, "Sister, you're pressing my hair..."

Miss Miko shook her hand, and under the shock of the shame of being caught by her sister for cheating on the bed, she woke up completely, let go of Hua Ye's hand with a flushed face, and then lay down again, but she didn't feel sleepy anymore.

After a while, he got up to prepare breakfast for everyone.

While eating breakfast, Miss Miko went to the room and pulled Yaodao Ji out. After one night, a pair of dark circles appeared on the young girl's face.

"You haven't slept all night, have you?" Hinata asked curiously.

Yao Dao Ji crossed her arms: "Hmph, only stupid humans need sleep. For me, sleep is meaningless."

Please, when you speak, look in the mirror first and look at the dark circles on your face!Don't think you're fine now that you're 'not leaking air', your strength hasn't recovered, and your physical fitness is almost the same as that of a human being!

Hinata puffed up her cheeks and complained to Hua Ye: "Brother Xiao Ye, she said we are stupid human beings."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, right? Most humans are stupid creatures.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Let her do the math homework."


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