In the afternoon, Hua Ye got up to say goodbye.

"Hey, Brother Xiaoye left so early?" Hinata said pitifully, "Can't we go back tomorrow?"

Hua Ye said, "I have something to do tomorrow."

That dragon lady is going to come over for dinner tomorrow, and if she doesn't see anyone, she will probably wander around the apartment again like a watcher's stone, and there will be a lot of trouble at that time.

Miss Miko nodded, "Mr. Hua, go back, pay attention to safety on the way."

"Hey, where is this guy going back? Aren't you a family?" Yao Dao Ji asked suspiciously.

Miss Miko blushed, "No."

"It's not a family, but they can still take a bath together?" Yaodaoji held the tablet and shook her head, her face showing the emotion of the world's decline, "Human beings are becoming more and more depraved...It smells so good, give me puffs Try it!"


Hua Ye got off the tram.

The sky is blue, as if it has been washed with clear water, and there are only a few white clouds that look like cotton candy.

The scorching summer has passed, and autumn has completely entered, the sun is falling warmly on the body, and the autumn wind blows occasionally, which is very comfortable.

On the way back to the apartment, Hua Ye suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing in front of him.

blonde hair.

blue scarf.

It looks very young, but it has the figure of a girl's vitality.

Just looking at the back, Hua Ye recognized it at a glance, it was Taplis.

The idiot school girl walked to a traffic light intersection, stopped, held the bag in both hands, stood upright, and then looked up at the red light.

Time ticked by.

In the blink of an eye, a minute passed, and an old man with a cane nearby had already walked away. Taplis muttered to himself with some doubts: "It's strange, after waiting for so long, why hasn't the red light passed?"


Hua Ye came over and followed Gabriel's shouting method.

There should not be so many holidays in the heavens. Taplis came here this time, and it is estimated that Jiaairu asked her to help with things.

Taplis heard the voice, turned his head quickly, and saw Hua Ye walking beside him: "Student, senior?"


The idiot junior opened her eyes wide, and a faint blush soon appeared on her face: "Why would senior wear such clothes?"

The clothes Hua Ye changed yesterday were washed together by the two young girls in the morning, and they haven't dried completely, so now he is wearing a suit bought by Miss Miko.

Hua Ye said, "Isn't it okay to dress like this?"

"Yes, it's not impossible..." Taplis hurriedly waved his hands, shaking his head like a rattle, "It's the first time I see a senior dressed like this, and I'm a little curious."

Just be curious, why are you blushing!

Hua Ye asked, "Why don't you go there?"

The idiot school girl said seriously: "Stop at the red light, the red light is not over yet, so you can't cross the road."

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: "Then how did you cross this road before?"

"Hmm..." Taplis blinked, and stretched out a snow-white slender finger, "When I came a few times ago, there were people crossing the road here, and I followed them and passed."


In addition to Satania, I found another example of a fool with a lucky attribute!

"This is a push-button traffic light." Hua Ye pointed to the electric pole a few steps away, "There is a button there, you need to press it to turn it into a green light."

Generally speaking, such push-button traffic lights are used at intersections with few people, mainly for the convenience of travel. Compared with ordinary traffic lights, it can save a lot of passing time.

Hua Ye explained briefly, and pressed the button casually. After a while, the red light turned into a green light.

"Let's go."

Taplis hurriedly followed Hua Ye in small steps, his eyes adored: "Senior is so amazing! (*^▽^*)"

How amazing is it, just press the traffic light, it's not even a fool's operation!What kind of trouble is there for such a rich Yan Yi!

Chapter 959

Across the road, there is a vending machine not far away.

Hua Ye said, "What do you want to drink?"

"Eh?" Taplis was taken aback, and quickly understood Hua Ye's meaning. He shook his head and said, "The senior is always taking care of me. This time I will treat the senior to drink."

"Are you rich?"

Didn't you spend all your money on that useless protective suit? Gabriel's useless angel is a fake eater of dirt, but you really are eater of dirt!

"Yes, yes." Taplis lowered his head and took out the wallet from the bag, and opened it for Hua Ye to see the money inside, "This is the activity fund that Master Jiaairu gave me."

The idiot junior raised her face, and said solemnly: "Whatever you want to drink, senior, just tell me."

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