Liuhua puffed up her cheeks, feeling unhappy, "My sister said, 'This guy's massage is very comfortable, I'll recommend it to you next time' or something like that... Maybe she has a boyfriend?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, always felt that this massage was talking about himself!

"Not a boyfriend."

"Hey, how does the brave know?"

Of course it's because I was the one who massaged your sister's shoulders to relieve fatigue that day!

"There is more, there is more." Liuhua blinked her eyes, tilted her head and said, "My sister also mentioned visas and Italy... Italy is the country of boots, right?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"That's Italy, not Italy. Italy is shaped like a boot on the world map, and other than that, it has nothing to do with boots."

"To prevent the world from being destroyed, and to protect the peace of the universe!" Liuhua clenched her fists and looked forward, "Let's investigate the whereabouts of my sister?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I refuse."

"Eh, why?"

"Because there is no need to investigate, if you have any questions, just ask Shihua directly."


to school.

Outside the smoking room, Hua Ye ran into Jing Keai, an older young woman who hated marrying, and unfortunately twisted her waist last week. Fortunately, Hua Ye helped to treat her in time. Obviously the effect is good, and she can come to school now.

Jing Kei is lying on the railing, holding a lady's cigarette in one hand, and propping her chin with the other hand, half-squinting her eyes to look at the rising sun in the east, her thin lips are smeared with moisturizing lipstick, every move , all of which contain the aura of a big boss, let Liuhua see her and flee in a hurry.

"Thank you for what happened last time." Jing Keai looked over.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Hey, shouldn't you say 'you're welcome' at a time like this?"

Hua Ye looked puzzled: "It is true that I helped you, why did you say no?"

"Have you ever seen a fist the size of a sandbag?" Jing Keai waved her fist, full of murderous intent, "If you want to hit me, just say so."

Remembering that day after Hua Ye and Kitano Haruka left, he went to buy underwear secretly by himself, and couldn't help wanting to hit someone.

Hua Ye said: "Your back injury is still not healed, and if you do strenuous exercise, the old injury may recur and the condition will aggravate."

"then you……"

Halfway through the speech, the voice stopped abruptly.

Hua Ye asked, "What?"

"It's okay." Jing Keai showed a look of hesitation on her face, pressed out the cigarette, waved her hand and said, "Go to the classroom."

The last time it was because of a flash, the incident happened suddenly and the situation was urgent, so Hua Ye was asked to help with the massage.

Now I can't continue to let him help with the massage, after all, I have to take off my clothes and expose my body in front of the students, it is really embarrassing.

To be more serious, what if Hua Ye suddenly couldn't bear it and took the opportunity to push him down?

Judging from the strength of both parties, I can't resist at all. In that case, it really becomes "as long as you are brave, the teacher will take maternity leave"!

"I'm leaving?"

"let's go."

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" When passing by the office, I happened to meet Machiko coming out of the office, and the black, long, straight girl had a pleasant smile on her face, "Good morning."

"Well, good morning."

Because classmate Tanaka, who still doesn't know her name, was making trouble with classmate Ueno, Machiko didn't dare to look at Hua Ye for several days. Occasionally, she would look at each other in the class, like a little rabbit, she was so frightened that she hurriedly avoided, so that's it. After a while, no one dared to say a few words.


It's a pity that before I could speak, a silver-haired girl suddenly appeared behind Machiko, and then wrapped her arms around Machiko's waist, her long silver hair fluttered gently in the morning wind, and a red marriage rope was shining in the sun. Very conspicuous.


Machiko was startled, and when she found out that it was Raphael who appeared in the form of a spirit behind her back, she was about to breathe a sigh of relief when her pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye: "No, don't touch..."

"It's just to measure if it's getting bigger." Rafael put his chin on Machiko's shoulder and said solemnly, "If it gets bigger, you should buy underwear as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable."

Machiko blushed pretty, and said pitifully, "There's no need to measure, it hasn't gotten bigger..."

"Huh?" Raphael tilted his head and said, "Why do I feel like I've grown bigger?"

"That, that's an illusion!"

Machiko blushed, covered her chest and ran away.

With a soft "ding", Hua Ye seemed to see a text jumping out above the head of this black-bellied girl: Pleasure value +1.

Tax evasion value +1.

"Hua Ye, wait a minute."

Rafael opened his eyes wide, and his amber pupils looked straight at Hua Ye: "Look at——"

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines. Don't always imitate the blue-eyed young dragon and use the dragon gaze. Pa Kangna started in three years and the maximum penalty is death. No one cares about you, but a group of people will be fierce look forward to!

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