"I heard that when people who like each other look at each other for fifteen seconds, their heartbeats will gradually synchronize." Rafael put his hands behind his back and leaned forward slightly. Come here, let me touch your heart."

Hua Ye poker face: "Then what do you do?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say you can't touch your own conscience?"

"If you don't touch your conscience, you still have your heart." This dark-bellied girl was very thick-skinned, and she didn't feel shy at all, instead she put on a loving gesture, "Student Hua Ye, you lost a heart from Lafei (〃 '▽'〃)."

"Don't pick it up."

A ray of early morning sunlight slanted over, forming an obvious beam of light in front of the two of them. Raphael reached out to catch it, closed one eye and said, "Look, boyfriend, I caught Xia Tian's tail."

Hua Ye said, "Tyndall effect, let's understand."

That is not the tail of summer, but the manifestation of the Tyndall effect. When the light beam passes through the coarse dispersion system, because the particles of the dispersoid are larger than the wavelength of the incident light, reflection or refraction will occur, making the system appear turbid. The most common is a certain On a dim yellow evening, the sunlight coming in from the window will present a phenomenon of beams of light clearly visible to the naked eye indoors.

"Woo..." Rafael puffed up her pink cheeks, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts, "Your facial paralysis is too much!"

So how many names do you have to change before giving up!

"I'm not happy, I need a kiss before I get up."

Chapter 970

When class was about to start, Gabriel arrived late from the back door with her schoolbag in hand.

After entering the classroom, he put his schoolbag into the hole of the table, and the useless angel propped his chin with his left hand, and started his daily routine of salted fish paralysis.

"Xiao Jia, didn't you go to bed early recently?" Wei Nai walked over, "Why are you here now?"

Gabriel said weakly, "Going to bed early doesn't mean getting up early, and I can't help it."

Hua Ye turned his head and said: "Actually, there are many ways to treat bedridden..."

"Let's beat you, believe it or not?"

"Student Gabriel..."

A timid and weak voice sounded, which made people feel easy to be bullied. The glasses lady Haruka Kitano came over with her homework in her arms: "Your homework..."

It was just a matter of routine to come here to ask, and she didn't expect Gabriel to hand in her homework.

In the end, the useless angel took out the homework book from the bag and handed it out: "Here, here you are."


The glasses girl blinked her eyes blankly, and hurriedly reached out to take the homework book, as nervous as a little pony taking the letter of appointment and dismissal from the boss.

"Thank you, classmate Gabriel!"

So there is nothing to thank, it is only natural for her to give you homework, so there is no need to thank her!

Wei Nai told the truth: "Actually, Tapu Jiang wrote the homework for you, right?"

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, "Tapris will come to this school to study next year, and I think it's good to exercise her learning and writing skills first."

"It's not good at all!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "Do your own homework, don't exploit Tapu sauce!"

"Gabriel Gabriel." Satania came over, with her left hand behind her back, and her right hand poked Gabriel's arm, smiling energetically, "Fight me!"


Gabriel lay prone on the table, her voice remained unchanged.

"Just once, just one duel."

"Not once."

"Eh, why?"

"Because fools are contagious."

Stupid meow puffed up his cheeks and quit: "I'm not stupid after all, people like me are as wise as they are stupid!"


While speaking, the class bell rang soon.

Everyone went back to their seats and sat down.

Wearing a teacher's uniform, a white windbreaker, and a black hair shawl, Jing Kei walked in from the door with the aura of a big boss in her gestures.

"Let's go to class now, turn the textbook to page eighty-one..."

During the action, there was no sequelae of a waist flash, and there was no embarrassment at all because of the last massage.

Hua Ye sat in the penultimate row, looking out the window, also unmoved.

On the contrary, it was the girl in glasses who witnessed the whole process of the student's "massage" by the teacher. At this moment, her face was flushed, her eyes were dodging, and she buried her face behind the book, not daring to look at Jing Keai.

Not long after, Jing Keai digressed again.

"This paragraph talks about 'crocodile tears'. This is an ancient Western proverb. You should all know the meaning, but the crocodile tears are neither out of pity nor hypocrisy, but just a natural mechanism to protect the body..."

"What should I do if I meet a crocodile in the wild?"

"It's actually very simple, just grab the crocodile's mouth. Although the crocodile's bite force is strong, the muscles that control the opening and closing of their jaws are extremely weak. Use a rubber band or tape with a certain strength to tie their mouths. .”

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