The blood-colored eyes in mid-air turned slightly and looked up. Everyone in the manor was chilled all over. Countless birds uttered piercing chirps, and fluttered down from the trees like headless flies.

His eyes fell on Wei Nai.

"I hate Holy Light."

A deep and strange murmur sounded, and a gray death ray suddenly shot out from the pupils.


Hua Ye's eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to block Wei Nai's face.

The gray ray full of negativity crashed into Hua Ye's palm, making a hissing sound.

"court death!"

Hua Ye crushed the death light and stood up coldly.

"How can a mere human be able to take my attack?" The huge eyes in the basement suddenly turned and landed on Hua Ye, "Interesting human..."

Hua Ye looked down.

The sights of the two people collided in mid-air, and a cloud of fine sparks was cut out.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand: "You are dead."

"Stupid humans."

A look of anger appeared in the eyes of the evil god, and the cracks in the mid-air suddenly tore open, and the chaotic and evil atmosphere spread wildly, causing the intelligent creatures in the entire manor to be shocked, and the existence with weak mental power fainted in an instant past.

If someone looked down from the sky at this time, they could see that the clouds above the entire manor had turned into a funnel shape, began to rotate slowly, and pressed down.

"F, what happened?"

Because Nanako Tamamo and Asuka were monsters, they had strong mental resistance and did not faint, but what appeared in front of their eyes was a world that suddenly decayed.

Rusted walls, peeling walls, decayed floors, musty sofas, it seems that a terrible world is invading.

Wei Nai also became nervous, biting her lip and looking at Hua Ye, ready to transform and take Hua Ye away at any moment, but she saw Hua Ye suddenly surrounded by a layer of dark golden flames.

When the flames dissipated, Wei Nai opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Hua Ye, who was standing in the middle of the living room, changed from short hair to long hair, his figure became taller and slender, his eyes became dark golden, his hair was like a waterfall, his eyes were like stars, and there was a pair of horns on the top of his head, and a pair of ink marks. The outlined sword eyebrows made his temperament even more sharp, as if he was wearing a sword and out of its sheath.

If the previous Hua Ye was just ordinary and handsome, then after breaking the multi-layered seal at this moment, he has become an existence that is difficult to describe with ordinary words. , just like the truth, people worship and obsess.

Chapter 977 What's wrong with you?

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and grasped it out of thin air. The collapsed world that was sweeping up and was about to engulf the entire manor immediately began to recede like a tide.

The low murmur sounded again, carrying a touch of deep uneasiness and shock.

"Who is this power...?"

In the basement, the huge red eye suddenly widened, bloodshots emerged densely, and it became more and more terrifying. The terrifying atmosphere of chaos and madness dissipated, making Liu Tian and his son, who were still struggling to support, With a muffled snort, he fell down holding his head.

Hua Ye grasped it with his right hand, and a large sword burning with black flames appeared out of thin air in his hand. The black and red flames on the sword were obviously extremely quiet, and it looked harmless to humans and animals, but it made the whole space tremble uncontrollably. There are countless tiny black cracks that are constantly annihilated and emerging.

After seeing the sword of karma, the evil god behind Xieyan finally woke up, and fled into the space crack without hesitation.


"How could it be possible to meet that existence in such a small world?"

"Flee as far as you can!"

Hua Ye didn't go after him, but just stood there calmly, the sword of Karma in his hand slashed down lightly, the space seemed to be turned into a piece of paper, and it was torn apart easily, from the dark crack, faintly You can see a huge body that cannot be described in words, as if itself is synonymous with chaos and evil.

At this moment, a majestic sword light seemed to fall straight down to the nine-day galaxy, piercing through layers of space, even if it was time and space, it could not be stopped at all, and it chased straight away.

The owner of the evil eye has closed the space crack and fled back to the abyss of chaos. However, the sword light behind him has already caught up. Amidst the roar, countless tentacles pierced the abyss, like a body the size of a planet, suddenly bumped out.

Wherever the sword light passed, the terrifying tentacles entangled one by one, like snow that had encountered sunlight, annihilated and disappeared directly from the root.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A terrifying roar full of pain resounded suddenly, causing the entire chaotic abyss to boil and tremble. Various death rays, powers of evil gods, soul shock waves, and even space strikes all bombarded the sword light.

However, in the face of absolute power, any skill is just self-comfort.

When the sword light dissipated, the body of the evil god, which was originally the size of a planet, had shrunk to one-tenth of its original size, and was cut in half!

The severed body turned into two new individuals, and continued to split on the way, and began to flee in all directions.


With a single strike, most of its body was wiped out, and Hua Ye, who had unraveled multiple layers of seals, was simply not something it could resist.

At this moment, it only has endless remorse in its heart, regretting why it answered the call.

Too bad it's too late.

After Jianguang.

Another dark golden ball of light floated down from the void.

It was as if a stone fell into the water, splashing a ring of ripples in the void.

Then the ball slowly bloomed like a lotus flower.

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