That is a lotus composed of golden thunder and black flames!The lotus flower is in full bloom, the flames are the pistils, and the thunder is the petals. After a soft sound, the scorching flames instantly engulfed the entire dark abyss.

in the living room.

The lights are still bright.

"Just... what happened?"

Except for Wei Nai, Tamamo Nanako and Asuka's eyes were all blank. The battle just now was at a level she couldn't understand. If it wasn't for the bodyguards and maids who fell down in the living room, they would have thought they had seen hallucinations.

However, when they saw Hua Ye standing in the middle of the living room, the two immediately shut their mouths.

At this moment, Hua Ye has black hair like waterfalls, eyes like sun and moon, and horns on his head, like a god sitting on the frosty sky, indifferent and majestic, the air in the whole hall seems to freeze, making people breathless.

"Illya." Hua Ye said in a low voice.

"My king."

There were faint ripples in the air, and Illya, dressed in a maid outfit, appeared out of thin air and knelt down on one knee.

"The main body of that evil god has been annihilated by me, and there are [-] clones left. Go and kill them all."

"Follow your will, my king."

Ilya saluted lightly, turned into a streak of light, and disappeared.

Nanako Tamamo and Asuka stood together, still not daring to breathe, because the awesome indifference and majesty on Hua Ye's body became more and more serious.

Until a heartbreaking voice broke the silence.

"what happened to you?"


Wei Nai walked to Hua Ye's side, and in the next instant, two lines of tears flowed down her jade-like cheeks.

Tears are like pearls with a broken thread, and they can't stop no matter what.

Hua Ye at this moment looked extremely strange, as if he would disappear in the next moment.

"Don't do this..."

Wei Nai held Hua Ye's hand tightly and hugged it to her chest. She had a feeling that if she let go, she might never see her again.

Tears rolled down his cheeks and fell on the back of Hua Ye's hand.

Hua Ye lowered his head, reached out his hand to catch the falling tears, finally there was fluctuation in his calm eyes.

"Don't cry." Hua Ye said, "I'm fine."


Wei Nai bit her lower lip, looked at Hua Ye who had returned to her original appearance with tears in her eyes: "You, are you really alright?"

"never mind."

Hua Ye reached out to help wipe away his tears, but the more he wiped the tears, the happier they rolled to the ground.

Hua Ye had no choice but to use his trump card: "I will cry and kiss you again."


After solving the summoned evil god, the next thing will be much simpler.

Because of the negative energy shock wave of the evil god, most people in the manor fainted. Nanako Tamamo found Yanagida and his son in the basement. Unfortunately, these two people have become idiots now because they have faced the violent eyes of the evil god. When he woke up, he could only lie on the hospital bed, giggling and drooling.

Nanako Yuzao came to Hua Ye with the weird parchment book, and handed it respectfully with both hands: "My lord, I found this book in the basement."

"This is a book from another world." Hua Ye glanced casually, "It's useless now."

The book of another world is both a contract and a bait. After offering enough sacrifices, one can gain powerful power. Of course, the right to interpret the contract is in the hands of evil gods, so the degree of danger can be imagined.

However, the evil god has been beheaded by Hua Ye, and this book will naturally lose its power. Otherwise, ordinary people will be bewitched by this book like the Lord of the Rings, and will only want to privately read it. Hidden and not handed over to others.

After a while, Asuka, who jumped up and down, also found Nanako Tamamo's younger sister, a little fox girl about seven or eight years old, but she was still in a coma at the moment.

"My lord, is my sister alright?" Tamamo Nanako asked in a low voice.

Hua Ye said: "I didn't become an idiot, I can recover my health after waking up and resting for half a month."

"That's good……"

Nanako Tamamo breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she didn't have much hope when she came here this time. In the end, she not only rescued her sister, but also directly wiped out the entire Hundred Story organization. It can be said that the task was overfulfilled.

Chapter 978 Quiet and cute again (third change)



After solving the "Hundred Stories Incident" on Monday, Hua Ye and Wei Nai didn't stay, and rushed back by tram that night.

The peaceful campus life unfolded again.

Fast forward to Wednesday.

After school this afternoon, Hua Ye was about to go back to the apartment when his phone vibrated suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the phone call from the girl with glasses, Haruka Kitano.

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